Thank you everyone for your input. The system is not letting me even get into BIOS before it cuts out. I have two motherboards of the same type that I have tried this processor on. I have tried to reset the BIOS, I haven't tried another processor fan I will have to do that. The more that I...
In response to both Tesa and Griegoe.
The problem that you are having is with your system BIOS. As far as losing space in the translation from the Manufacturers Gigabyte definition and the OS definition. You should only loose 7.37% of your space. On a 40 gig drive you will loose appoximatly...
I have a K7S5A motherboard with an Athlon XP Processor. This was a working system and then one time upon boot up the computer would run for 10 seconds and then the power would die.
Troubleshooting Steps Taken:
1. Verified working power supply on another system. (Antek 350W 2.03 compliant)...
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