>While the total number of feet to travel may be longer the max potential throughput is much higher.
Ha ha!
All SAN guys are always talking about *throughput*, and never - about the reactivity. For the OLTP systems we need reactivity, not the throughput.
It is like using a 18-wheeler (SAN)...
>It's all about having enough disks, of the correct type, in the correct RAID group, shared with the correct other LUNs and services.
But I guess no matter how you configure it, SAN will always have longer 'roundtrip' time to disk in comparison to a local disk. Reactivity will be lower - and...
You can trace individual statements in stored procs using SQL profiler. Or, if you isolated you query, you can add debug prints :)
On OLTP systems, where the number of simultaneous active connections >> N of processors, I recommend to disable parralelism completely.
On OLAP/Reporting systems...
Thank you, I'll read the article.
It would be interesting to know the best execution time on your PROD, say, during the calm night time. I bet it will be around 600-700ms - still worse then my laptop :)
Quick question. What do you mean by separation of a LOG and DATA on a SAN disk? Say, if I...
Take the script I provide and execute it several times on any database. Take the best result (it returns the elapsed time in ms)
On my old laptop I get about 600ms. On the best PROD server I had 430ms - but it was with a standard RAID drives.
On any SAN EMC system it was a real nightmare. 800...
>I also use SQL Profiler quite a lot to see exactly what is being executed.
It is much more difficult for nested procedures.
BTW the utility I found really works.
Hi, thank you all.
Look what I had googled, images look promising, I will try it.
Hi, I am new here.
I tried to debug stored procedures in the Visual Studio and you know… it was a real shock. Like going in time 10 or 20 years back.
The stored procedures I deal with contain a lot of @tab and #tab, but it appears that I can not evaluate the values of these objects! The only...
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