Dear Experts,
I wrote code which looks pretty much the same in all three parts and differs just because of the different datasets. Data set names are the followings:
My code looks too long with 3 parts of it almost the same (actually other products(datasets) are coming...
Still being new in SAS, I am just wondering what CAT means in SAS? When it is needed? When to use it? Is it used just with CARDS? I inherited somebody’s code and struggle with it!
For ex.
lines of data
Thanks in advance,
Hello everybody!
I have two tables:
1st table name is substFormat: with two num fields: Policy and new1
2nd table name is Full: with Policy field
I need to replace Policy field in FULL table with NEW1 if substFormat.policy=Full.policy
I tried to do it in Proc SQL UPDATE STATEMENT
I need to convert numbers to characters as I have quest1 values equal 1 or 2 or 3, or
4, or 5.
I need quest1 field whch is numeric (length 8) into char Y or NO depending on criteria.
However I failed to do it. Moreover log tells me:
NOTE: Character values have been converted to numeric...
Actually I found the way!!! Rather tan using delete query I used select and I got recent date.
proc sort data=d.denlab;
by id dt_dy
data d.recent;
set d.denlab;
by id dt_day;
HOWEVER I do not know how to get an appropriate format of the date mm/dd/yyyy
Hi everybody
I created the following SQL query and it does work except I need all other fields in the output.
select id,Max(dt_day)
However I found out that whenever I add some of the other fields to select clause, it doesn't give me correct answer
for example...
One more note...
Actually I realized that I can create a copy of the dataset instead aliases to use it in my DELETE query...
data d.DenLab2;
set d.denlab;
proc sql;
FROM d.DenLab
WHERE d.DenLab.[bb.dt_day] Is Not Null AND Int([bb.dt_day])<(SELECT...
Hi Everybody,
I have a problem with SQL PROC DELETE query...
After I successfully created table Denlab I need to eliminate partly duplicated records in order to leave just those ones with the same ID who are the most recent
However those ones who have just one record shold not be touched...
Hi Everybody,
I am in a trouble with a Proc SQL which I implemented as below:
libname DA 'C:\MYfolder\SAS Datasets';
proc sql;
create table da.Den as
select * FROM da.combineBothTbls mc
join DA.LAB...
When I connected to Datawarehose (DB2) through ODBC to Access 2002 I got a comment field with data type memo .
Now I am trying to write Proc SQL in SAS...
Which datatype I should assign in the PROC SQL SAS code? Character? An with what size?
Thank you!
In my previous thread I needed to import for Access to SAS.
In the current one I had needed to import from Excel to SAS.
I had to change all column headings in Excel however because SAS didn't allow me to rename from improper Excel names (like member id without underscore). On the...
I need to import file from Excel to SAS and to rename all fields. Actually I already imported file from Access ones.
I assume it should be like the following....I assume I just need to put FILE instead TABLE (in Access). Also I assume I need
to specify a sheet....
I am not sure how to...
I need to import file from Excel to SAS and to rename all fields. Actually I already imported file from Access ones.
I assume it should be like the following....I assume I just need to put FILE instead TABLE (in Access). Also I assume I need
to specify a sheet....
I am not sure how to...
Being absolutely new in SAS I got confused with the TAG in the following construction. I assume that this is a conditional loop. However I wonder what is the role of TAG? I tried to find it in help-on-line …but failed. Could you please explain me? Thank you in advance
data data1...
Actually Ihave just understood why. It happened because I populated recordset just with [MWMBER ID] !!!!
cmd.ActiveConnection = CurrentProject.Connection
cmd.CommandText = strSQL
I updated it with :
cmd.ActiveConnection =...
According to what was just mentioned I used dot (.) for Properties as EOF and bang (!) for for members of a collection ( for a recordset object, that would be the field names)
Therefore there should be no difference of assigning
mID = rst![Member Id]
mAsked = rst![Asked...
Now when I populated the object first and use it next like the following:
Set cmd = New ADODB.Command
Set rst = New ADODB.Recordset
cmd.ActiveConnection = CurrentProject.Connection
cmd.CommandText = strSQL
'use object...
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