I have try as what Cindy has said, I am still having the same problem, but I notice an orange light on my motherboard. My friend suggest that i plug out one of my RAM (I have 2 of 256MB RAM) and test. Still the same problem. I switch on the other RAM and test, still the same. Maybe both my RAM...
I only get the ticking sound. I did plug back the CD-ROM, but nothing works. I can't boot up using the boot disk, because when power on, I see nothing on the screen, just the ticking sound.
I have a P3 system that was working fine, until my brother swap over the CD-ROM from one system to another system.
Now when I try to boot up, there will be a tik sound and both my seconday hard-disk and zip drive will having blinking lights.. And I won't be abled to see anything on my computer...
My office network seems to be having some problems when it comes to sending out emails using Outlook express. Our email server is hosted by our vendor, using Qmail. Sometimes, I would have problems sending and receving emails. Thinking that the mail server might be down, i did a ping on...
I am trying to upgrade SQL Database components SP3.
But when it prompt me to select the authentication mode to connect to the SQL server, I try to enter the sa password or select the windows authentication, both fails to validate the password, or in windows authentication case, it fails to...
I am trying to install 2 graphics card on an IBM PC.
The existing one is a AGP graphics card and the one that i installed recently is a PCI GEForce 4 MX card.
After i plug in the PCI card, my drivers for the AGP had an exclamitation card and even when i plug in the monitor cable, it has no...
The above warning message has been showing up on my server.
In event viewer it shows the following message, Unable to create the symbolic link for Device\Serial1
Anyone has any ideas how to solve this....
I have being trying to delete all these funny folders with names like @#.Nul./@#^$ that have been upload into my ftp account recently. But I have the following error message Cannot delete file: cannot read from source file or disk. I have been reading some tips that have been posted to some...
I am to block downloading of MP3 songs in my office network.
Below is my script
acl denymp3 urlpath_regex -i \.MP3$
http_access deny denymp3
http_access allow all
It doesn't seems to work?
Can anyone assist.
I have a very old digital server 3001. Recently i did a clean format and install windows 2000. Now i have an error message that shows up everytime i start my system.
Check into event viewer and received the above error.
Click on device manager, on my ide ata/atapi controllers, there is a...
Recently my ftp server was hacked into and now I have many subfolders created into the main folder, I try to delete the main folder but i am getting the error mesage Cannot delete file: cannot read from source file or disk. I try to do a delete from dos command, but it doesn't seems to work...
I am totally new to using backup system
My company has recently acquired a backup system from Quantum DLT 7000.
I was wondering whether how should I be abled to know whether my backup system is working?
Should I see it as a physical drive in my computer or what?
Please advise.
I created a user called abc and added him into the local users groups. I need this user to be abled to logon to my server using terminal services. But i am getting the following error message "You do not have access to logon to this session". Can one can help?
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