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  1. gordonisnz

    Further toMIME Thread

    Hi there (im off work - sick.. - Off to docs soon But ive just logged on & done a quick test... - Further to thread219-631637 have sent myself a ZIP file of 1KB When everything is processed - I FTP into my directory & see the 1KB file.. I download it, & open/view it - & see it is...
  2. gordonisnz


    OK Ive done a quick test... The files (attachments) are *ALL* a maximum of 3KB The working script is below... I'm off to bed now - But will work on it tomorow... (I deleted the script (section) , & found my script didnt work at all - So i spent an hour or so trying to re-create a working...
  3. gordonisnz


    EEEK - ive found HUNDREDS of files with the attachments in an obscure location of my server :-( with the FULL attachments (eg not 0 bytes) I'll have to back-track with one of the scripts ive used in the last few days (14th August) - to find which one worked.. I wish I saw the directories...
  4. gordonisnz


    http://www.perlmonks.com/index.pl?node_id=12287 Ive found that link I think its what im after I'll be back in 5 mins, & try it out G
  5. gordonisnz


    what do youmean "examples" directrey ? Im using the MIME - supplied by my ISP / Webhost The directory name changes - depending on where the email is directed to, & the MIME creates a subdirectory of msg_xxxxx_blah_blah/ & inserts the TXT / Attachment files there... Ive got the FULL...
  6. gordonisnz


    read(BUF, NBYTES) getline() getlines() print(@ARGS) flush() seek(0, 0) Im reading the above - in http://search.cpan.org/dist/MIME-tools/lib/MIME/Parser.pm#Examples_of_parser_options Is this part of what I need ? - Looks like something useful However - it doesnt give me...
  7. gordonisnz


    Where can they be - Online ? Havnt used MIME::Tools - I guess its a bundle of all the MIME things ? G
  8. gordonisnz

    Unknown Array

    $atemp = Data::Dumper->Dump([$results], [qw($results)]); @temp = split (/debug:/,$atemp); Ive learnt - to use 'Data Dumper' - To extract the array thingees (whatever theyre called). & the debug: things - are what im searching for - So its a natural split ;) G.
  9. gordonisnz


    Hi there Im using MIME::Parser & it IS working.. - Saving the attachments onto my server etc.. HOWEVER It is saving the attachments with a 0 / ZERO / NIL file-size... Heres the snippets of parser code (excluding any print statements - not relatring to theparsing of messages) use...
  10. gordonisnz

    Unknown Array

    kewl Thanks.. I keep forgetting about this forum... - Someone mentioned another way too... - which solved the prob... Ive now got the RECEIVE & SEND attachments going *EXCEPT* - When its received, it comes as 0 BYTES :-( I'll do another thread - To hopefully figure this out - Was working...
  11. gordonisnz

    ftp upload completion

    How is the 'company' FTP'ing the original file ? if its manual - They COULD FTP a 2nd smaller (1 KB) file - eg. finish.txt as well - AFTER the original file is copied - You then do a check on if BOTH files exist - then do your transfer (& delete the finish.txt) - Just a suggestion - Not sure...
  12. gordonisnz

    Unknown Array

    Hi there - Still on the quest for understanding MIME... I'm using MIME::Parser, & in one thing I see :- my $results = $parser->results; in the result / log file - I see :- CONTENT - MIME::Parser::Results=HASH(0x85ffa88) MIME::Entity=HASH(0x85ff980) These are two results - Both Hashes...
  13. gordonisnz

    MIME : I want to RECEIVE MIME - NOT send..

    http://www.tek-tips.com/faqs.cfm?spid=219&sfid=2111 Hi there I can find hundreds of examples on how to SEND a file via MIME & Perl. has anyone got any ideas on how I can RECEIVE / Extract MIME attachments via email ? Ive done the receive / send parts - However when a message is forwarded...
  14. gordonisnz


    Copy of email I sent another group. :- ------------ Hi there Is there a crash/course / FULL example (not just 1-liner examples) website in using MIME:Lite ? in my CGI script, Ive already got the Receiving / sending email parts, & the saving / browsing on the web - of emails... I just want /...

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