I would like my script to do one more thing. After it determines which lines are servers and which lines are file paths, I want it to plug in the value to the appropriate variable in a backup command. Example: A file is created with a list of servers and files which were not backed up...
The print statement prints D: emp\system32 instead of D:\temp\system32. How can I make it print the exact file path as it reads it from a file?
I have a file which contains 2 lines. One line has a server name listed and the line below it shows a path. Example:
I want to write a short script that will read each line in the file and echo whether the line contains a server or a file path. I was trying to test...
Below is a script I wrote which extracts the names of servers which had backups that were partially successful. At the bottom of my script I email a file which usually contains a list of servers. When there are no partially successful backups, the email is blank. I want to modify the script...
I have a script which parses backup reports for files on servers which could not be backed up because the files were used by another process or locked. The script creates a file which looks like the following:
I need some help with some logic with awk. I am using awk
to parse backup output from piped information. I am extracting file paths that could not be backed up. I want to put some logic in my script that says....if the line contains "(WIN32" delete the part of the line starting...
I am using a NetBackup bperror command. bperror -problems
| grep swmn047. I want the file paths to be listed in a file which will then be read and the failed files will be automatically reran by another script via a netbackup command. Here is the output....
1054170166 1 4 8 nbm1...
I need to extract all windows file paths from a piped output
but some file paths (ie...C:\winnt\my documents\...)have
spaces in the path. The file paths can be found in the output in between the following strings....."file:" and "(WIN32" and/or a series of numbers...
I noticed that the failed files always follow the word "file:". The file path (with embedded spaces) ends when the string
"(WIN32" appears, or a series of numbers appears (as in a date or job id). Here is an example...
...can't open file: E:\graphics1\cat home\design...
I still get errors when I try your command. I think I found
a way to get the file path including spaces. The command
awk ' {i=index ($0,"C:"); j=index ($0,"WIN32"); x=j-i-1;
if (i!=0) print substr ($0,i,x);}'
This keys on the string WIN32 and prints the file...
After looking at my output on my master server, I realized
that the output I listed above was copied from our netbackup
web page error log. Here is output from the bperror -problems|grep server on the unix command line....
OTM Error: will attempt to reenable OTM
1053146843 1 4 8 nbm1...
I need to parse some output for file paths which were not backed up. The file paths all start with a capital letter followed by a colon. (ie...C:\Program Files\Winnt\system32\config...
The problem is that the file paths are not always listed in the same field (ie...awk '{print $8}') and I...
I get no output from the command. This is the command i am using along with yours.....
bperror -problems|grep $server|(your command above).
There is no error but I know there should be a file for the server I am grepping.
Thanks for your help so far!!!!
I want to execute this command in a script but it prompts for a password.
sudo /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/bpps -a
How can I get the script to run so that it reads the password from a file instead of expecting input from standard input (keyboard)?
Mike B.
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