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Search results for query: *

  1. MaddogC

    Dropdown Word

    This is exactly what I have. No, i'm not using a userform.
  2. MaddogC

    Dropdown Word

    Struggling to do something very simple. I want to additems to a combo box when I open a word document. my code, which doesn't work is as follows. Could someone tell me where i'm going wrong please.: Private Sub Document_Open() Me.ComboBox1.AddItem ("item 1") Me.ComboBox1.AddItem ("item 2")...
  3. MaddogC

    reporting services 2005 html & render

    I am using reporting services 2005 to display an report in an asp.net app. I need to impersonate another user to get to the reports and have therefore used the following web service code. Dim rs As New ReportingService rs.Credentials = New NetworkCredential("User", "pwd", "domain") Can I...
  4. MaddogC

    Anyone Successfully Using Reporting Services like this

    Not sure if you've resolved this one. I am working through something similar and have the following solution. 1.Set up Impersonation in your web.config using <identity impersonate="true"/> 2.Create a web ref to Reportservice.asmx. (I have used this rather than reportservice2005 or...
  5. MaddogC


    Can I run some script VB Script or perhaps Javascript that will test for the existence and version of the JAVA Virtual Machine on a client PC?
  6. MaddogC

    Dowload large files to Excel

    Thanks, Finally got back to this. Worked a treat.
  7. MaddogC

    EditItemTemplate Dropdown

    Thanks for the post. However when I click on the edit button the e.Row.RowState is still showing as "Normal" rather than edit. Do you know why this should be?
  8. MaddogC

    EditItemTemplate Dropdown

    Here is my code for the columns in the gridview <Columns> <asp:BoundField DataField="FUNCID" HeaderText="id" SortExpression="FUNCID" Visible="true" > <ItemStyle HorizontalAlign="Left" /> </asp:BoundField>...
  9. MaddogC

    EditItemTemplate Dropdown

    I have a gridview that has a templatecolumn for editing that contains a dropdownlist. The dropdown gets it's data from an objectdatasource and is working fine. I now need to add a selectparamter to the objectdatasource which gets an id from the gridview. I need to do this as the dropdown...
  10. MaddogC


    The LIKE is working as long as I put the full string in. For example if I was searching by city and put in LONDON it works, however 'LON' in the search string returns nothing??
  11. MaddogC


    I've tried this already. It works fine with "=", can't see a problem with the LIKE though??
  12. MaddogC


    I have a gridview that is bound to an objectdatasource. I want to add a search box and button to my page. I have threfore added a filterexpression to the gridview. Firstly the Like statement in my filterexpression does not appear to be working. Secondly, how do I get the search button to refresh...
  13. MaddogC

    Dowload large files to Excel

    I've had a loot at your site. However is there anyway to download the file using a method similar to that above and without the need to save it to the server.
  14. MaddogC

    Dowload large files to Excel

    Cheers I'll have a look, yes the content type shouldn't be in the loop. I'm exporting about 30,000 rows so the Excel limit isn't a problem
  15. MaddogC

    Dowload large files to Excel

    I am trying export a large amount of data to excel from a recordset which fails presumably because of a timeout. How do I get the size of my recordset so that I can break it down using Chunks? My code thus far is Do until RSRef.EOF For Each F In RSREf.Fields if F.Type = adDouble...
  16. MaddogC

    Disable Parameters box after editing CE9

    How can I disable the parameter prompt box in code in CE9. I need to dynamically populate a parameter depending upon a users log on details, but I don't want them to be able to manually change the parameter once I have populated it. Can I setDisallowEditing or PromptOnDemandViewing...
  17. MaddogC

    Modal Windows and Post

    I have a pop up modal window that I need to post to a second page to update the database. I cannot use the querystring due to the amount of data and request.form does not appear to work. How can I get around this problem?
  18. MaddogC

    treeview images

    I am using the treeview from microsoft.web.ui.webcontrols and am trying to get the format the same as the MSDN treeview. I am building the treeview dynamically from a database. The problem that I have is that I need to change the imageurl for a node when the user clicks on it, how do I do this?
  19. MaddogC

    Line throws

    For each column in my report I have 3 formulae. Formula 1 resets the variables and goes in the group header, which is suppressed Formula 2 adds an item to an array, when the first few characters in the data match the word "need" in this example. It goes in the details section and again is...
  20. MaddogC

    Line throws

    Is there any way to test when Crystal 9 throws a line during whileprintingrecords. I have a report that prints items in columns and rows. Due to the nature of the data I need to populate arrays and then print the items of the array using whileprintingrecords. To ensure that the rows align...

Part and Inventory Search
