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Search results for query: *

  • Users: fosa
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  1. fosa


    OK thanks every body I think select round(dbms_random.value(0,1),2) from dual is interesting I wanted to have 1 among the infinited solution of radom generated vaue between 0 and 1
  2. fosa


    yes but Iwant to have 1 into the result dbms.random give only value under 1
  3. fosa


    Hi all, How can I get radom value from dbms_random where I can get the upper limit say I have 0 to 1 as possible values 0, .... 0.00000000000001 ..... 0.00000000000002 ... 0.99999999999999 ... 1 how can I obtain values from 0 to 1 randomly ? 0 <= values <=1
  4. fosa

    change dynamic sql into pls/sql EXEC IMMEDIATE

    Thnks a lot I fond a workaroun in SQL and which doesn't use dynamic SQl update table_A f set debt_ccy =(select ccy_code from table_b s where s.ticker=f.ticker and debt_ccy is null) where debt_ccy is null and...
  5. fosa

    change dynamic sql into pls/sql EXEC IMMEDIATE

  6. fosa

    change dynamic sql into pls/sql EXEC IMMEDIATE

    when I try this I got en error 1 declare 2 hold_sql varchar2(2000); 3 begin 4 select 'update table_A set CCy_CODE = '''||ccy_code||''' where debt_ccy is null 5 and ticker='''||ticker||''' from 6 table_A f,table_b s 7 where 8 f.ticker=s.ticker 9 and...
  7. fosa

    SQL with dates - How do I do this ?

    Perhaps SELECT b.SaleId,b.Customer,a.Value FROM TableA a, TableB b WHERE a.ProductID = b.ProductID and a.SaleDate =to_date('11/10/08','DD/MM/YY'); Bye
  8. fosa

    change dynamic sql into pls/sql EXEC IMMEDIATE

    Hi every body, I want to change this sql code select 'update TABLE_A set DEBT_CCy='''||ccy_code||''' where debt_ccy is null and ticker='''||f.ticker||''';' from TABLE_A f,TABLE_B s where f.ticker=s.ticker and debt_ccy is null; into pl/sql execute immediate how can I do ? Thanks
  9. fosa

    how to obtain all datas from 2 tables outer join

    OK , i've not seen you post thanks I works fine
  10. fosa

    how to obtain all datas from 2 tables outer join

    I found an old syntax that works but I want now to have the ANSI one ;-) select d.procedure_name,d.table_name,b.rows_inserted,decode (b.status,null,'MUST BE CHECKED',b.status) status from UTIL_BATCH_DESC D , UTIL_STATUS_BATCH B where d.procedure_name =b.PROCEDURE_NAME(+) and...
  11. fosa

    how to obtain all datas from 2 tables outer join

    HI all I have 2 tables one which contents all the jobs to be done every night and a second which contains the jobs which have really been executed. CREATE TABLE UTIL_STATUS_BATCH ( PROCEDURE_NAME VARCHAR2(1024 BYTE) NULL, INFO_DATE DATE...
  12. fosa

    Compare 2 consecutives rows in atable

    Thanks it is very usefull,and simple ;-)
  13. fosa

    Compare 2 consecutives rows in atable

    Hi all, I am under Oacle 10G R1 I can use PL/sql sql How can I compare 2 consecutive rows in a table and show the result, I want to check the value > 0 this is the list A1 110 A2 112 A3 112.3 A4 112.4 A5 112.5 A11 113 A12 113.2 A21 114 A23 106 A31 118 A33 120 A34 122 A35 123 A36 124 A37...
  14. fosa

    PIVOT query

    Hi Mufasa, Thanks very much, your response is really what I needed In fact with Oracle, there are a lot of tools now, external table, pipelined, clob ... and in 11g we have pivot And last, your responses were done very quicky
  15. fosa

    PIVOT query

    Hi, Thanks very much for this reply but I have 2 problemS the RAW datas are separated by "|" not by carriage return so it in fact like this 15/09/2008 10:00:00:15/09/2008 10:01:00:15/09/2008 10:02:00:15/09/2008 10:03:00:15/09/2008 10:04:00|...
  16. fosa

    PIVOT query

    HI all, Do your data come always in 6-minute time intervals? Or are the intervals variable in number? The interval is minute , it is in 6 minutes here as an example, in reality it is from a day work like 8:00:00 to 19:00:00, and we try to get minutelly datas. Are you allowed to create...
  17. fosa

    PIVOT query

    The result I want is TIME OPEN HIGH LOW CLOSE VOLUME 15/09/2008 10:00 44.22 44.24 44.2 44.21 14566 15/09/2008 10:01 44.2 44.21 44.16 44.175 6520 15/09/2008 10:02 44.165 44.2 44.155 44.17 15562 15/09/2008 10:03 44.175 44.19 44.15 44.185 14410 15/09/2008 10:04 44.17 44.235 44.165 44.2 33259...
  18. fosa

    PIVOT query

    Hi all, I have datas like this , they come from a 3 party tool not from an oracle table 15/09/2008 10:00:00:15/09/2008 10:01:00:15/09/2008 10:02:00:15/09/2008 10:03:00:15/09/2008 10:04:00:15/09/2008 10:05:00 44.22:44.2:44.165:44.175:44.17:44.2 44.24:44.21:44.2:44.19:44.235:44.21...
  19. fosa

    SEND MAIL body html

    hi all, I want to send mail with demomail from orale SAMPLE http://www.oracle.com/technology/sample_code/tech/pl_sql/htdocs/mailexample_sql.txt I want to send an html file in the body like this DECLARE conn utl_smtp.connection; vInHandle utl_file.file_type; vNewLine VARCHAR2(25000)...
  20. fosa

    Pivot table

    found response here http://asktom.oracle.com/pls/asktom/f?p=100:11:0::::P11_QUESTION_ID:124812348063

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