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Search results for query: *

  1. cardiac

    Excel VBA ADODB SQL Stored Proc Parameters

    Found the following info while trawling through forums for answers: Try adding SET NOCOUNT ON as the first statement after AS in your procedure script. Without that, either ADO or DAO will see the rowcount returned from the first select, and think the procedure has completed before a result is...
  2. cardiac

    Excel VBA ADODB SQL Stored Proc Parameters

    Thanks but when I tried this I still get exactly the same error message.
  3. cardiac

    Excel VBA ADODB SQL Stored Proc Parameters

    I am having trouble passing parameters via excel vba to a stored proceudure in MS SQL server 2005. The code is as follows: - Sub Get_RowData(TeamName As String, sheetname As String, rownum As Integer) Dim SQLcmd As String Dim fromDate As String Dim toDate As String Dim strTeam...
  4. cardiac

    Repeating region hyperlinks

    Thanks - I managed to get it working with the following code: <?php do { ?> <table width="612" border="1" align="center"> <?php $news_link="docs/".$row_rsNews['doc_name']; ?> <tr> <td width="95" align="center"><?php echo $row_rsNews['date']; ?></td> <td...
  5. cardiac

    Repeating region hyperlinks

    I have created a web page that consists of a repeating region from a database. The resulting table gives the details of a server stored document. The columns are: the date the document was stored,the document title, and a final 3rd column. I want this 3rd column to contain an icon of either a...
  6. cardiac

    SQL export to workbook

    Thanks to everyone for trying.
  7. cardiac

    delete row if value is less than 1

    Have you missed 'Next X' ? For X = 1 To Y With Range("C" & X).Select If Range("C" & X).Value <= 1 Then Range("C" & X).EntireRow.Delete End If End With Next X
  8. cardiac

    SQL export to workbook

    It should create both the new workbook automatically - but it does neither. The $ is definately not required - it does not work with or without at the moment. I have created the empty workbook manually and just atempted to export to it - but this does not work either.
  9. cardiac

    SQL export to workbook

    Thanks - but still no joy. Yes, I do want to create a new workbook with the sheet 'Test' in it. The Microsoft site says you must not use a '$' sign for sheets reference by the INTO clause and that the sheet to write to must NOT already exist in the workbook. so I tried: - sSql = "SELECT * INTO...
  10. cardiac

    SQL export to workbook

    This is my code - which does not work! Set rsExcel = New ADODB.Recordset sConnect = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" & "Data Source=C:\test.xls ";Extended Properties=Excel 8.0;" sSql = "SELECT * INTO [Test] IN C:\test.xls FROM [Sheet1$]" rsExcel.Open sSql, sConnect, adOpenDynamic...
  11. cardiac

    SQL export to workbook

    I actually WANT to use SQL - I know how to copy a sheet to a workbook. I dont actually want to open a new workbook hence the SQL. Ther are actually other reasons which I dont need to go into here.
  12. cardiac

    SQL export to workbook

    There is nothing in the unopened workbook that I want to export to - I just need to export the modified data to a new workbook
  13. cardiac

    SQL export to workbook

    I probably did not explain very well.... I have code which requests the user to choose several files to import data from (SQL connection). The imported data is then manipulated. (The code for this works fine). I then want to be able to select an Excel workbook to export the manipulated data...
  14. cardiac

    SQL export to workbook

    How do I export data from a sheet in an open workbook to another sheet in a closed wokbook using SQL?
  15. cardiac

    Changing Information Store in Outlook

    Hi, I'm using VBA to create an approval workflow. Each user has their own (default) Outlook Information store (e.g. "Mailbox - Bloggs, Joe") which is a .pst store. In addition, they all have shared access to an Exchange Server store ("Mailbox - Inspection"). When they click a button, creating...
  16. cardiac

    How to programmatically add a hyperlink in an Outlook message

    Hello, I've added some VBA to an Excel workbook to allow it to be automatically sent for approval. I use VBA to create an Outlook message informing the approver that they need to approve the new item. Instead of sending the form as an attachment, I need to send a link to where it is stored...
  17. cardiac

    The Cells(row, column) property counts hidden columns

    I'm writing a workload planner for all the departments at my office. Each dept. is represented by a column. As there are several admin staff, each responsible for a different group of depts., I hide the irrelevant columns (depts.) depending on which admin member has opened the file. The problem...
  18. cardiac

    Excel VBA - Using an http address as a full filename

    Thanks strongm! It works!! I was using too many technical words on my search. I should have used normal English and then I would have found the excellent thread you submitted previously. Thanks again!
  19. cardiac

    Excel VBA - Using an http address as a full filename

    I have written an Expert Finder that displays the pictures of the Experts when you search. I do this by loading the jpeg photo into an Image control on a UserForm e.g. imgExpertPhoto.Picture = LoadPath(strPhotoPath & "joe bloggs.jpg"), where strPhotoPath is the path of the folder containing...
  20. cardiac

    Hiding sheet tabs in Excel when you save as Web Page

    Hi, I have an Excel workbook that contains 3 sheets. Each of these sheets is required. Although I hide the worksheet tabs in the Excel file ('Tools' -> 'Options'), when I save as a Web Page, the tabs are still visible in Internet Explorer. Is there a way to force the worksheet tabs to remain...

Part and Inventory Search
