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Search results for query: *

  1. bondm007

    Code stops in module window

    Thanks... I've had problems with ghost breakpoints before and couldn't understand why M*cr*s*ft didn't have anything on their support page. Mike
  2. bondm007

    Docmd.RunSQL problem... Access 2000

    Thank-you for all your help. When I converted the database from Access97 to Access2K the Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 2.5 Library was not a reference. I have added it as a reference and placed it at the bottom of the checked list. The SQL statement now runs without a hitch... Mike [2thumbsup]
  3. bondm007

    Docmd.RunSQL problem... Access 2000

    Thank-you for all your help. When I converted the database from Access97 to Access2K the Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 2.5 Library was not a reference. I have added it as a reference and placed it at the bottom of the checked list. The SQL statement now runs without a hitch... Mike [2thumbsup]
  4. bondm007

    Docmd.RunSQL problem... Access 2000

    Thanks... I'll try that on Monday. Mike[thumbsup2]
  5. bondm007

    Docmd.RunSQL problem... Access 2000

    Here they are. None of them come up as missing. Visual Basic for Applications Microsoft Access 9.0 Object Library Microsoft DAO 3.6 Object Library Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications Extensibility 5.3 Microsoft Common Dialog Control 6.0 (SP3) Microsoft Forms 2.0 Object Library Microsoft...
  6. bondm007

    Docmd.RunSQL problem... Access 2000

    Thanks. Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications Extensibility 5.3 is the last checked item in the list. I have tried unchecking and checking it again and the same error still exists. Mike
  7. bondm007

    Send message to user with net send?

    This was done from within VB... Mike
  8. bondm007

    Send message to user with net send?

    I use this in my code all the time...When an email is too much. Shell "net send " & strUsername & " " & strMessage, vbNormalNoFocus It has always worked for me... Mike
  9. bondm007

    Docmd.RunSQL problem... Access 2000

    Thanks... I checked the references and tried unchecking and checking the Microsoft DAO 3.6 Object Library. I still get the same error. This is the error message I am getting: Runtime error '3085': Undefined function 'Left' in expression. Mike
  10. bondm007

    Docmd.RunSQL problem... Access 2000

    Thanks... I checked the references and Microsoft DAO 3.6 Object Library is the third item in the list under Visual Basic for Applications and Microsoft Access 9.0 Object Library... This is the error message I am getting: Runtime error '3085': Undefined function 'Left' in expression. Mike
  11. bondm007

    Docmd.RunSQL problem... Access 2000

    I used a RunSQL statement like the following in Access97, but Access2K does not like the Left and Right functions? It says they don't exists... Is there a replacement or am I going crazy? Docmd.RunSQL "SELECT [EN], (Left([EN],6) & Right([EN],4)) AS ESMA INTO [New Table] FROM [Old...
  12. bondm007

    Docmd.RunSQL problem... Access 2000

    I used a RunSQL statement like the following in Access97, but Access2K does not like the Left and Right functions? It says they don't exists... Is there a replacement or am I going crazy? Docmd.RunSQL "SELECT [EN], (Left([EN],6) & Right([EN],4)) AS ESMA INTO [New Table] FROM [Old...
  13. bondm007

    VBA DDE commands to Outlook

    Unfortunately DDE does not work for Outlook 97, I am not sure about 98,2K,XP though? Maybe check the Microsoft Knowledgebase http://support.microsoft.com
  14. bondm007

    Outlook MailItem ReplyTime property???

    When looking at mail messages in my Sent Items, I can see the reply time and the received time. I have successfully been able to return the received time but am unable to find a propery for the reply time. Is there any way in VBA to accomplish this?
  15. bondm007

    SaveSentMessageFolder ???

    I'm not sure how to change it programatically, however the Microsoft Exchange program can do this for you: From Start|Run: exchng32 Hope this helps...
  16. bondm007

    Dialog Box Open Problem Transfer Spreadsheet

    Just a suggestion... Use the common dialog controls. Check out the Access link on the following page: http://www.geocities.com/bondm007 That way they can also choose there own filename as well. Hope this helps.
  17. bondm007

    Launching Dos Batch file from Access

    You can shell to a system command and instruct Access to wait for that command to finish before continuing... The code is at: http://www.geocities.com/bondm007 Hope this helps....
  18. bondm007

    Code running too fast

    All the code for making Access wait for the "System" command to finished was posted at: http://www.geocities.com/bondm007 Thanks...
  19. bondm007

    exiting excell won't work!!!!

    How did you connect to Excel? Through: Dim xlApp as Excel.Application Dim xlWBook as Excel.Workbook Set xlWBook = GetObject("C:\File.xls") Set xlApp = xlWBook.Parent xlWBook.Save xlWBook.Close If xlApp.Workbooks.Count = 0 Then xlApp.Quit End If Set xlWBook = Nothing Set...
  20. bondm007

    Listbox filter...via a checkbox

    This is how I'm doing it (it may not be optimized, but it works): Sub chkFilter_Click() ' Check for status of chkFilter If (chkFilter.Value = True) then Me!lstBox.RowSource = "SELECT Status,Field1 " & _ "FROM Table WHERE (Status = 'x')" Else...

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