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Search results for query: *

  1. jianbo

    Additional empty space when select text from table

    It is the problem of DB setting. I should check this first. Thanks, jet!
  2. jianbo

    Additional empty space when select text from table

    Now I installed latest PHP 5.2.3 Uder IIS as ISAPI. And I use SQL server 2005. I have a table(tbl) and in field(fd1) have some info like "ABC". I do a select query like $query = "select fd1 from tbl where fd1='ABC' "; $rs = mssql_query($query); $rel = mssql_fetch_row($rs); Then $rel[0] give me...
  3. jianbo

    get data cross the different SQL server

    Currently I have two SQL server sitting in two different machine. I call then SQL1 and SQL2. There are database DB1 in SQL1, database DB2 in SQL2. Now I connect to SQL1.DB1, can I write a query like "select * from SQL2.DB2..table2 " to get data from the tables in SQL2, DB2?
  4. jianbo

    How to prevent file opening

    In a table I create links for user to download Word documents. Here is my code: <A href="someWordDoc.doc">Doc description</A> I only want to user right click to save this document instead click to open the file. Is there any good way to do that? Thanks
  5. jianbo

    How can I use SQL function

    Yes, I do. bam720. I can do all normal queries and stored procedures, but I don't know how to use functions in PHP. Thanks,
  6. jianbo

    How can I use SQL function

    I am using MS SQL server2000. I create a SQL function in database, let's call it func1. Then I create a query statement like: $query = "select * from table A where col1=func1(0)"; I am trying to use mssql_query($query) to run it, but it doesn't work. How can I handle this?
  7. jianbo

    Apache.exe error

    Maybe you guys are right. I need re-install it. In another machine I installed the same version of Apache server and PHP, there is no problem at all. The problem is from production server, I hate to update it.
  8. jianbo

    call VB application in java

    I want to call a VB application in my java code. I need set bunch of properties and run it. It looks like Runtime.exec() cannot handle this. Is there anyway to call a COM object in java? like obj = new COM(myVBapplication); obj->property1 = blur1; obj->property2 = blur2; ... obj->run;
  9. jianbo

    Apache.exe error

    Could be. But if it is with RAM, why only Apache has problem. Other applications such as SQL server never has this problem? I am going to check it. Because it is production server, I feel real headache to change anything.
  10. jianbo

    Apache.exe error

    Actually I have two PC, one is local test server, the other is the production server. They have the same OS, same Apache server, same PHP. I don't know why only production one has the problem while local one works fine. And Apache/PHP has been running almost two years, then suddenly this error...
  11. jianbo

    Apache.exe error

    Currently I always got some error message like : "Apache.exe error" "The instruction at '0x6f68fbe' reference memory at '0x000004'. The memory couldn't be read". I don't know whether my Apache server has problem or PHP programming cause the problem. Though those annoying message was generated...
  12. jianbo

    Apache.exe error

    Yes, I do start with admoinstrator.
  13. jianbo

    Apache.exe error

    Current I always got some error message like : "Apache.exe error" "The instruction at '0x6f68fbe' reference memory at '0x000004'. The memory couldn't be read". I am running PHP 4.2.3 on Apache server 1.3.20 , my OS is WINDOWNS NT. Thanks.
  14. jianbo

    email an attachment

    Thanks All. Especially to Sleipnir214. I tried PHPMail, it is very powerful and easy to use. When I finish my work, I am going to dive into its code to discover how mail works.
  15. jianbo

    email an attachment

    Unfortunately, I found even jpg file doesn't work for that source code? Who has tried to send attachment? I tried to give $filename a real path, but it doesn't work either. I wonder problem is on $data = fread($fd, filesize($filename)); When I give a wrong $filename here, I got the email with...
  16. jianbo

    Simple Query doesn't work

    Besides rename table, you can try like this: SELECT cust_id, cust_name, rainbow_order_id FROM [customer], [order] WHERE customer.cust_id = order.cust_id AND customer.cust_id = '1'
  17. jianbo

    email an attachment

    I want to email a pdf file as attachment. I read the thread in FAQ. His code is : $filename = "myfile.jpg"; $content_type = "image/jpeg"; $fd = fopen($filename, "r"); $data = fread($fd, filesize($filename)); fclose($fd); While I don't know $content_type of pdf, so I left it empty. Then code...
  18. jianbo

    PDF Problems

    PDF sometimes drive you crazy. You got the error message because your code is not correct, pdf file is not generated successfully. But sorry, at a brief glance, I can't find error. Method 1: use PDF_open_file ($p, "D:\\Apache\\htdoc\\test\\test.pdf"); <A href='test.pdf'> This is will generate...
  19. jianbo

    import tables to Access automatically

    I want to import some tables(include data) from SQL server to Access automatically. Currently I select records from SQL server and insert into Access one by one. This is a very slow way. When I use "import table" in SQL server to transfer tables to Access, it works very fast. I think there must...

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