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  1. JTeagle

    Can no longer ping outside addresses?

    * bangs head on wall * Yes, it did get disabled. Suddenly, I can ping outside. What frustrates me is, I'm very sure it was on yesterday when I first discovered it was AWOL... but I guess I had a firewall confusing the issue (firewalls have been uninstalled temporarily while I sorted this out)...
  2. JTeagle

    Can no longer ping outside addresses?

    I periodically move my furniture around at home (hey, it's a hobby, OK? :) ) and so I have to unplug and re-connect my mini-LAN at those times. Normally when I put everything back together, it all works give or take a couple of physical cable plug checks. But this time, it's all gone...
  3. JTeagle

    C# & .NET - What Is The Point?

    Well, it's a nice plug <GRIN>...
  4. JTeagle

    C# &amp; .NET - What Is The Point?

    I admire your optimism {:v)
  5. JTeagle

    C# &amp; .NET - What Is The Point?

    &quot;And it compiles taking advantage of the hardware it is running on&quot; I may be misunderstanding what you mean here, but how can it do this? (a) I thought it all compiled to CLR, i.e., cross-platform, and (b), the development environment's hardware isn't necessarily going to be the same...
  6. JTeagle

    C# &amp; .NET - What Is The Point?

    Although I understand what you are saying and recognise that you are pleased with your coding because of it, is it really any different than developing the back end as a COM object and the front ends in their various separate environments (for example, VC++ and InterDev (ASP) )? I'm just trying...
  7. JTeagle

    VBS Popup Window - Possible?

    Nice one, thankyou.
  8. JTeagle

    VBS Popup Window - Possible?

    Hmmm... that's a great trick, but I was thinking of opening a browser window with a new document in it - like an advertisement, or some info, or something - the VBScript equivalent of JavaScript's &quot;window.open(...)&quot;. I'm sorry for not making that clearer in the post.
  9. JTeagle

    C# &amp; .NET - What Is The Point?

    Yes, I agree about MS' IDEs - they are fantastic. I wish MS had simply made J++ = Sun's Java + MS' IDE - it would have been the best. It seems to me that .NET is great for the coding community as a whole since we all end up using the same tools but can stick to our own preferred languages - and...
  10. JTeagle

    C# &amp; .NET - What Is The Point?

    As it happens, I had already read that first named thread before I posted here - the second named thread was slightly more informative {:v) I see I got CRL letters right but the meaning totally wrong - that's speedreading for ya {:v)
  11. JTeagle

    C# &amp; .NET - What Is The Point?

    Thankyou, that was a nice explanation. I can't say I'm sold on it yet. Do you know if this compiled code (called something like CRL &quot;Compiled Runtime Library&quot; I think) is browser-dependent or a sort of Java codebyte-style native program that runs without the browser? I'm wondering if...
  12. JTeagle

    C# &amp; .NET - What Is The Point?

    No, really? <SARCASM> I did that - Microsoft's info is all marketing spiel that really doesn't say what .NET accomplishes that existing languages can't, and anywhere else all I find is &quot;How to do such-and-such in C# / .NET&quot; - again, not an explanation of what .NET is. Please, if you...
  13. JTeagle

    C# &amp; .NET - What Is The Point?

    OK folks, I'm going to take an aggressive stance here - just what is the point of this &quot;exciting new technology&quot;, and what's &quot;new&quot; about it? Perhaps people could describe what all this .NET stuff does for the programmer / user that can't be done with existing languages and...
  14. JTeagle

    VBS Popup Window - Possible?

    Is it possible to open a popup window using VBScript only? Yes, I _know_ I can do it with JS, but I want to know if it is possible with VBS - if JS can do it, I'd expect MS to make sure that VBS can also do it.
  15. JTeagle

    Write to and read from Com ports using MS Visual C++

    Unfortunately simple doesn't come into it where comms in VC are concerned. To open a port: hCommHandle = CreateFile(&quot;COM1&quot;, GENERIC_READ|GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL); To set the Baud rate and stuff: DCB sDCB ; GetCommState(hCommHandle, &sDCB); sDCB.BaudRate =...
  16. JTeagle

    Fonts &amp; Text Boxes Under Win 95

    I have a program which attempts to set a 24-point Arial font into text boxes. Under NT, 2K and 98 it seems to work fine, but under 95 the font doesn't show. It's there, but too small to be seen. Another program of mine used the same size font, but instead of calling SetFont() on a text box it...
  17. JTeagle

    CArchive, Serializing &amp; Schema

    I have a situation where I need to serialize several parts of a document-derived class. Because the standard doc loading / saving mechanism is not quite what I need, I have to construct the CArchive manually. All the serialization is working fine in itself, but the one thing I can't seem to get...
  18. JTeagle

    &quot;Unrecoginized format&quot;?

    ADO 2.5 did the trick - thanks everyone.
  19. JTeagle

    &quot;Unrecoginized format&quot;?

    I created a database in Access 2000. I tried to use the following code in VB 6.0 to open that database: --- Dim wspDefault As Workspace Dim DB As Database, DBSet As Recordset ' Grab the default workspace. Set wspDefault = DBEngine.Workspaces(0) ' Open the database. Set DB =...
  20. JTeagle

    DHTML, Dynamic Layers &amp; Netscape

    I originally thought DIV would not allow you to move it in Netscape, but it seems it does - I must have been seeing one of the other 1.3 million bugs in Netscape and have been fooled... Oh well.

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