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Search results for query: *

  1. gentforreal

    Name Parsing

    I have also been in direct mail.. for some time.. over 30 years. EBOUGHEY is right, no better product exists than personator, I use it all the time with the best results of any program I have tried. Its worth paying for if you are working with large or multiple files. The only time I find a need...
  2. gentforreal

    join - where

    I know it must be a simple answer select * from maintable; where maintable.dr<>dtoc('01/06/54'); inner join zmake2 on zmake2.make = maintable.make; inner join zenter2 on zenter2.czip = maintable.zip; I am not putting the where clause in the right place. This is doable, right? I've tried...
  3. gentforreal

    read only substring

    Oh. they were created specifically for file names? Stem and extension....thats interesting.. it's fun to learn new commands that are useful. I still find it hard to believe its the first time I've seen it. Thanks for the explanation. :-) I'm trying to talk my boss into a big donation to this...
  4. gentforreal


    I'll look through my notes.. it seems I saw an examle in oracle. This program has been a pain in the arse to me. LOL
  5. gentforreal

    read only substring

    this I understand x="master.pkey" ?left(x,atc(".",x)-1) ?right(x,len(x)-atc(".",x)) This function has me baffled.. it works..but how? I think I have other uses for it. ? juststem(x) ? justext(x) a function I cant find in my books
  6. gentforreal


    Jered.. its not pretty, but it seems to work. Try this set deleted on SET SAFETY OFF SELECT automaster select _zips locate for zip =ZENTER3.Czip store str(longitude,8,5) to long store str(latitude,8,5) to lat STORE SUBSTR(ZIP,1,5) TO MZIP SELECT passedzip REPLACE LATITUDE WITH LAT REPLACE...
  7. gentforreal

    cdbl function

    Yes, I copied the code. I found it on the net, still trying to create a program that determines zips in a radius.. this is what I copied. * THIS VARIABLE SETS THE RADIUS IN MILES iRadius = 150 LatRange = iradius / ((6076 / 5280) * 60) LongRange = iRadius / (((cos(cdbl(iStartLat * _...
  8. gentforreal

    cdbl function

    LongRange = iRadius / (((cos(cdbl(iStartLat * _ 3.141592653589 / 180)) * 6076.) / 5280.) * 60) (cdbl is not recognized (vfp 6.0) Is there an alternate statement to replace the cdbl with?
  9. gentforreal


    that last looks workable with my limited knowledge, but doesnt there have to be a value for zip= nzip? Something looks wrong. Maybe I will work with it. thanks all fro trying
  10. gentforreal


    My master data contains all zip codes in the US and all longitudes and latitudes assciated with them. My working database contains the fields zip, longitude and latitude as well as other data. Has anyone heard of code that will allow me to determine the distance from one zip to another zip. My...
  11. gentforreal


    I've been playing with this code for my own purposes and was wondering something... when table a has say 10000 records and table b has maybe 1000 records that contain the value to be replaced, why does the odometer register 10000 record replaced and not 1000?
  12. gentforreal


    I cant find a reports .vcx.. sounds nice. In version 6.0?
  13. gentforreal


    --->"but it gives on option to save as a dbf" I meant DOES NOT give the option to save a DBF
  14. gentforreal


    I thought putfile() would work.. but it gives on option to save as a dbf file and I am getting complaints. I'm using vp6.0 I wonder if there is a better way to allow someone to save the results of a query to table to wherever they want, with any name and not be complicated about it. The export...
  15. gentforreal

    advantage..index versus tag?

    Another related question to using indexes, with SQL select statments and very large databases, will indexes speed up the results by a substantional margin? If its re-indexed to a temp.idx each time, it seem that you trade off.
  16. gentforreal

    sql question

    Thanks.. the inner join statement escaped me cause of a brain fart I suppose. I am rethinking this thanks to Jim... it is a very large database... the final compilation will be over 4 million records and just dealing with the shear size alone is a challenge in itself. I'm using these...
  17. gentforreal

    sql question

    I have three tables Zenter which contains only 2 zipcodes, Zmake which contains only 3 makes of autos and Automaster with contains 1,900,000 records which includes a persons zip and the make they own. Shouldn't the following display all the zips and makes associated with the first two tables...
  18. gentforreal


    Thanks! Putfile() does the trick. :-)
  19. gentforreal


    Is there a way to force the export to dialoge box to appear from within a form with a button click? once a query is produced into a table, I want the user to have the option to save it in the folder of thier choice. Any ideas?
  20. gentforreal

    advantage..index versus tag?

    Good food for thought.. thanks.

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