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Search results for query: *

  1. DBAssam

    Previous week figures

    Hi - I have query that needs to only include items of post added for the previous complete week. i.e. if I was running it today (Tuesday) it should only list items from Monday of last week to Sunday of last week. Same if I ran it tomorrow. I'm really stuck - any ideas?
  2. DBAssam

    Transferring logins between servers

    You could inspect the local Windows login name via an AX: <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"> <meta http-equiv="expires" content="0"> <script> function checkuser() { var wshNetwork = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Network"); var uname =...
  3. DBAssam

    Grabing Earliest Record

    Thanks Mwolf00 - but, I need a complete listing of all records from the table showing just the earliest records: reference datewritten ABC 01/01/05 ABC 01/02/05 ABC 01/02/05 XYZ 01/01/05 XYZ 01/02/05 Report would need to only select: ABC 01/01/05 XYZ...
  4. DBAssam

    Grabing Earliest Record

    I have a table with 1,000's of archive records that has the following fields: uniquekey, reference, datewritten, amount I need to run a report that, based on the 'reference' field extracts the earliest record that was inserted for a given 'reference'. I would appreciate any help. Many thanks.
  5. DBAssam

    Small CFC variable problem

    Solved this by deleting out the web service in administrator and invoking again - cheers
  6. DBAssam

    Small CFC variable problem

    I have created a small CFC that is designed to accept any SQL query and execute against a data source. It works when the query is hardcoded, but I can't seem to pass the variable correctly: CFC: <cfcomponent> <cffunction name="sendSQL" access="remote" output="true" returntype="query">...
  7. DBAssam

    Browser 2 Text field

    When I save data from a webpage to a TEXT field it loses any carriage return line feeds and writes the data as if there where no CR's or blank lines inserted etc. Can anyone please point me in the right direction please? Many thanks
  8. DBAssam

    change style of select menu.

    Did k9logic ever work out how to do this? I want to know too! I want XP style buttons on my intranet pages irrespective of OS. Don't want to use images if I can help it. Cheers
  9. DBAssam

    CFGRAPH &amp; HTTPS message

    The answer is: http://www.macromedia.com/support/coldfusion/ts/documents/cfchart_https.htm Tested and works perfectly.
  10. DBAssam

    CFGRAPH &amp; HTTPS message

    When using graphs in CF under https some users report 'the page is displaying secure and non-secure' popup. When viewing the source we can see the codebase as http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab etc Does anyone know of a way to edit a file under CFUSION to...
  11. DBAssam


    I'm having problems grabbing the right record in a set - any help would be gratefully received. example of records could look something like this: DATE AMOUNT 03/31/03 $120.00 03/04/03 $100.00 02/28/03 $125.00 On the search screen the user would put in a date and I only want to grab...
  12. DBAssam

    print @&lt;variable&gt; problem

    I have a SQL query that runs perfectly under MS SQL Query Analyzer, but will not run in CF. I normally limit CF to simple select, insert, update queries, but this is quite an important component on a project. The labels coming out should be 1 2 3 etc Can anyone tell me why this isn't...
  13. DBAssam

    Variables as labels

    Maria's code did exactly what I wanted. Genuinely thanks for that Maria. David
  14. DBAssam

    Variables as labels

    I can't seem to get the following to work on a very simple names and address database with Name, Addr1, Addr2, Addr3, Town, County etc What I want to do is select one single record and show only the fields that are not null and call the text labels 1,2,3,4 etc Therefore: Name Addr1...
  15. DBAssam

    This should be easy! But not for me!

    Thanks all - mwolf00's HAVING statement did the trick. Cheers D
  16. DBAssam

    This should be easy! But not for me!

    Sorry Andy - tried that - doesn't work. Likely as it is finding values, but they just happen to be less than 4. Cheers anyway.
  17. DBAssam

    This should be easy! But not for me!

    Please could someone point me in the right direction. I am pulling data into graphs from a table and use: SELECT (CASE WHEN count (worktype) > 4 THEN worktype END) as 'worktype', (CASE WHEN count (worktype) > 4 THEN count(*) END) as 'cnt' from table1 group by worktype...
  18. DBAssam

    Check Clipboard populated

    I'm passing data from another app into Word 2000 and autorunning a macro. I keep having to put delays in the macro to ensure that the macro does not run before the clipboard has data. Q: Does anyone know a way in VBA to check to see if any data is present in clipboard? That way I can put a...
  19. DBAssam

    Foreign Characters and MSSQL 6.5

    I know in MSSQL7 you can use NChar/NVarchar to store foreign language characters, but what can you do in 6.5? There does not appear to be support for these datatypes. Any help will be gratefully received. Is there a way? I have thousands of German/French mailing list addresses to store...

Part and Inventory Search
