I'm having a bit of an issue setting up TSM Schedules. I'm after a windows everynight from 6:00pm until 8:00am during which all my clients will backup. though have no idea really what times I set and so on, I still get clients missing the times and starting during the day?!?!
I'm also after the...
I would also like to know this, I am using a simple:
To check a tape out, though am not too sure if I have to use the reply thing, I've a funny feeling the FORCE=YES means I dont have to use replys
You can not access directly the CListBox from your ActiveX"
-thats pretty silly being that my ActiveX control is based on a CListBox :-) oh well, lets not make it a million times more complicated just like everything else in VC++! :-)
"You should pass a COM interface (IDispatch) that...
I'm not trying to access the CListBox's methods from the actual application. I'm trying to access it's methods from within the Actual ActiveX control.
This is without even usign the control within an application.
I have created an ActiveX Control based on a CListBox control. - I did this using the VC++ ActiveX Wizard.
Just a quick and simple question really. How do I access this CListBox from within the actual ActiveX code.
I want to have the ListBox automatically print something in it when it is...
I'm getting the following error when I stick in a newly labelled tape/newly created volume on my TSM 5.2 server.
It is a single tape drive defined in a manual library.
TSM Server Error: Server: D06AD03B_SERVER1 ANR8354E 017: Incorrect volume (A00023) mounted in drive GENDRV_0.1.43 (mt0.0.1.4)...
My version is set up as follows:
Policy Domain: STANDARD, Pool: BACKUPOOL
If clinet Data Exits: 15
If client Data is deleted: 15
Length of time to retain extra backup version: 15
length of time to retain only backup version: 15
thinking about it, I could set it all to 1 day, as the tape is...
Nope, I'm not, how would I do that. Basically all the contents of the tape need to go. - Its a Win2k TSM 5.2 Server - but a command would be ideal.
I am having a problem re-using tapes in TSM. I have a single tape drive defined in a manual library - hence - no need to check in/out tapes.
I have a set of 15 tapes, all labelled and volumes defined with the same names as the tapes.
I stick the tape in the drive, and get all the tsm clients...
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