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  1. Jerkycold

    Why do I keep getting this error?

    Sorry, this is my first time using these forums. Thanks for the help. I was able to find my application.cfm and I modified it and it worked. thanks again
  2. Jerkycold

    Why do I keep getting this error?

    nevermind I figured it out
  3. Jerkycold

    Why do I keep getting this error?

    I thought that might be it. I do not have one. I am fairly new to cold fusion, what do I need to do to make one and where do i need to put it??
  4. Jerkycold

    Why do I keep getting this error?

    no, none
  5. Jerkycold

    Why do I keep getting this error?

    no matter what page I try to browse I keep getting this error everytime. There are no cfincludes in this page or any of the others. Here is the code followed by the error: <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC &quot;-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN&quot;> <!--- <html> <head> <title>Map</title>...
  6. Jerkycold

    What is wrong with this?

    I dont have one
  7. Jerkycold

    What is wrong with this?

    here is everything starting from line one, sorry about that: <cfif session.usertypeid is not &quot;0&quot;> This is line 1 <cfquery datasource=&quot;#peregrine#&quot; This is line 4 name=&quot;getdomains&quot;> <!--- select DISTINCT domain FROM applicationorders --->...
  8. Jerkycold

    What is wrong with this?

    I cannot figure out what is wrong with this code: <cfquery datasource=&quot;#peregrine#&quot; name=&quot;getdomains&quot;> <!--- select DISTINCT domain FROM applicationorders ---> SELECT DISTINCTROW applicationorders.Domain, applicationorders.userid FROM applicationorders where...
  9. Jerkycold

    Does anybody know how to do this?

    by default it installs to here: C:\Program Files\SoftShell Solutions\S3Weather If you download it and reinstall it, it will write over the old one, but it will also write over the asp samples, so if you made any changes to them I would advise you to move them somewhere first then install...
  10. Jerkycold

    Does anybody know how to do this?

    Matt, go to the website and download the software again. All you have to do is copy the bin file from the website to the location of your old bin file. I got mine working again by doing this. Thanks, Jerky
  11. Jerkycold

    Does anybody know how to do this?

    Hey Matt, Thats weird cause mine has not been working for days now.
  12. Jerkycold

    Does anybody know how to do this?

    Hey Matt, It is not working because changes were made to weather.com. They are currently working to fix this. You can go to the website and enter your email address to be notified when the changes are made. Thanks, Jerky
  13. Jerkycold

    Does anybody know how to do this?

    Thanks, Worked like a charm!!!
  14. Jerkycold

    Does anybody know how to do this?

    I am trying to find out how to display the actual image, instead of the path to it? here is the code: <!-- #include virtual=&quot;./includes/header2.asp&quot; --><% LocationID = Request.Form(&quot;zipcode&quot;) Set Weather = Server.CreateObject(&quot;S3Weather.Current&quot;)...
  15. Jerkycold

    Help I cant figure this out!!

    I am getting this error: Error Type: Microsoft VBScript runtime (0x800A01F4) Variable is undefined: 'empfname' When I take out my session variables: <% if session(&quot;empid&quot;)=&quot;&quot; then response.redirect &quot;/peregrine/logon.asp&quot; end if %> <% empfname =...
  16. Jerkycold

    Help I cant figure this out!!

    i am having trouble with this code. It works when I take out the session variables, but I need them in there. Is there another way to do the session varriables that I am not seeing. Here is the session variables that when I remove it works: <% if session(&quot;empid&quot;)=&quot;&quot; then...
  17. Jerkycold

    Can someone tell me what is wrong with this?

    <% Option Explicit Response.Buffer = True ' This VBScript file creates a local copy of Moreover's news feed in XML ' format and updates it every so many hours. The local cached copy prevents ' unnecessary bandwidth useage to Moreover. ' Author: Craig H. Rettig ' Website...
  18. Jerkycold

    I recently got this script to get weather forecast,

    Thanks for your help, it actually does not give me errors now except it outputs the default error in the script an error occured, please try again. (make sure to specify a proxy server if you are behind a firewall.) Did you get this to work correctly? Did you get a weather forecast?
  19. Jerkycold

    I recently got this script to get weather forecast,

    How do I do that? here is the documentation: In order to use this code, simply place it in your coldfusion tags dir. or withing the dir. of the site, and use <CF_FXWeather zipcode=#form.zipcode#> - assuming it was passed from a form How do I do this? Can you send me a example?
  20. Jerkycold

    I recently got this script to get weather forecast,

    How can I get this to work? I am new to cold fusion and I cannot seem to get this to work. What am I doing wrong? <cfhttp url=&quot;http://www.accuweather.com/adcbin/local_index?thisZip=#attributes.zipcode#&quot; method=&quot;GET&quot;> </cfhttp> <!--- Extract preformatted results --->...

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