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Search results for query: *

  1. venomdesign

    When event is finished Close Window

    I have xml data populating a product type table, when a user click a 2 states are shown, depending on which state the user clicks a event is fired and if there are a lot of records for that state a pop-up window pops up saying loading.... I can get the pop-up to come up, but when the data is...
  2. venomdesign

    Pass XML ID with Javascript to a link

    I need to pass a ID to a link. I was wondering if there was a way to do this. here is my xml: <?xml version=&quot;1.0&quot; ?> - <PRODLIST> <PROD MARKET_PRODUCT_ID=&quot;2454&quot; PRODUCT_TYPE_ID=&quot;1333&quot; ENGLISH_SHORT_DESC=&quot;US Gas FIN Swap DEC99 GD Tetco STX USD/MMBtu&quot...
  3. venomdesign

    Passing and ID in Javascript

    I need to pass a ID to a link. I was wondering if there was a way to do this. here is my xml: <?xml version=&quot;1.0&quot; ?> - <PRODLIST> <PROD MARKET_PRODUCT_ID=&quot;2454&quot; PRODUCT_TYPE_ID=&quot;1333&quot; ENGLISH_SHORT_DESC=&quot;US Gas FIN Swap DEC99 GD Tetco STX USD/MMBtu&quot...
  4. venomdesign

    Multiple CheckBox Values

    Is there a way, or loop to get the values of multiple checkboxes without having to check each check box. Or just be able to print out just the ones that are checked.
  5. venomdesign

    Dynamically Update Static Data

    I was wondering if there is a was to dynamically change a table, basically redraw, without submitting the page. Ex. I have a multiple select box, I select a couple of records, then I hit Apply and the changes occur in a table below the multiple select box. Any help would be great I am...
  6. venomdesign

    noright click in popup image

    Here is a good way with no alert, they just don't get any menu. Just put this in the head of you pop-up windows or link the javascript to those pop-up windows. <script language=JavaScript> if (window.Event) // Only Netscape will have the CAPITAL E. document.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEUP); //...
  7. venomdesign

    Convert Standard time to Military onSubmit

    Is there a way to convert standard time into military time? Say someone inputs a time into a text box 2:35, on the submission it will convert that to 14:35 and send that value to the database. Thanks in advance for any help.
  8. venomdesign

    Validate Start Date and Start Time with End Date &amp; End Time

    Is there a way to validate a start date & start time, to a end date & end time to make sure the end ing is not before the start. One field will be for the start date and the another for the start time then validated against a field for end date and another for end time. It is for use with...
  9. venomdesign

    align=center a popup

    Here is an easy way to center a pop_up <SCRIPT LANGUAGE=&quot;JavaScript&quot;> <!-- Begin function NewWindow(mypage, myname, w, h, scroll) { var winl = (screen.width - w) / 2; var wint = (screen.height - h) / 2; winprops =...
  10. venomdesign

    PopUp Information for Netscape and IE

    This works for me I have it start right after the <body> <script> if (!document.layers&&!document.all) event=&quot;test&quot; function showtip(current,e,text){ if (document.all){ thetitle=text.split('<br>') if (thetitle.length>1){ thetitles='' for (i=0;i<thetitle.length;i++)...
  11. venomdesign

    window.opener IS NOT AN OBJECT -------HELP!!!!!!

    You need to define the parent that you are passing or sending the information to. This is a IE problem. <script language=&quot;javascript&quot;> var parentWindow function setParent(){ parentWindow= top.window.opener } function yourFunction(){ parentWindow.location.[your...
  12. venomdesign

    Keep focus on link onReload in frames

    Ok I have a page that unfortunately needs to use frames, the one is a foldertree frmae, and when a link is clicked within the folder tree the info gets sent to a database and returns the values to another frame. Is it possible to keep the focus on that link that was selected even thought the...
  13. venomdesign

    Need help Hide and show script

    Thanks for the help IZA it made me think and I rewrote a part to further define the two broswers. This works if anybody needs to use a select box to hide and show, cross browser capable. <SCRIPT LANGUAGE=&quot;JavaScript&quot;> <!-- ns4 = (document.layers)? true:false ie4 = (document.all)...
  14. venomdesign

    Need help Hide and show script

    I have this wirtten but it doesn't work in netscape is there anyone that could help me with this. It is supposed to hide the select box when the one value is 7 but not hide whenever a value is other than 7. Works in IE but not netscape even though I scripted for both layers and IE. <head>...
  15. venomdesign

    Dynamic Arrays??

    Is there a way to create dynamic arrays using javascript or anything else? I need to pull information from a database with JSP but I need to be able to create the arrays dynamically so the page doesn't need to be reload.
  16. venomdesign

    if onclick else onunload function??

    Does anyone know how to script something that in a pop-up window before they can close the window they need to print the page. For example, you go to a page and you are required to print the page, so if you click the print button within the page it prints then closes the window, but if they do...
  17. venomdesign

    Disable Browser Close(x) Button

    Is there a way to disable the close (x) button in netscape and IE, so until an action has been accomplished by the user in the window the window can not be closed.
  18. venomdesign

    Select only one checkbox, multiple rows, but with same name

    I am working on something that requires a choose one checkbox solution, but I need to implement it on multiple rows, the number of rows is unknow all depending on data from database, but the checkboxes need to have the same name on each row. So there is three grouped checkboxes, then 3 separate...

Part and Inventory Search
