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  1. 2nddawn

    PHP / Visnetic Mail Server

    I'm writing PHP scripting that should be sending e-mail. I'm using Visnetic Mail Server (Most recent version). I was wondering if there was a command line version of the mailer or if anyone knew what to set the e-mail program to in PHP.ini to get it to send e-mail?
  2. 2nddawn

    PHP Mail Set up for Visnetic Mail Server

    I'm writing PHP scripting that should be sending e-mail. I'm using Visnetic Mail Server (Most recent version). I was wondering if there was a command line version of the mailer or if anyone knew what to set the e-mail program to in PHP.ini to get it to send e-mail?
  3. 2nddawn

    Ftp user vs Ftp admin accounts

    I had this exact same problem. Here is how to fix that. ((this is a way to make it work for everyone quickly.. you could do it more granular if you want I will explain that after the first explination)) First: Create a group called whatever you want ((or you can probably just use Users or...
  4. 2nddawn

    Eternal XML file

    That is perfectly fine I'm not really in a rush. I had never heard about the cross domain issue. That is a good piece of knowledge to know. This was the first time I had ever tried to do anything accross domains. ((well other than linking images accross my works domains)) I guess I will...
  5. 2nddawn

    Eternal XML file

    YAY now you see my problem *L* OK what do you mean by "Browser Sandbox"? As for HTTP_REFERER I don't think it is htat since the service is made for people to pull XML information from to put weather on it but I could be wrong. I'm going to e-mail them and see if that is the...
  6. 2nddawn

    Eternal XML file

    All that seems to talk about is client side information. Last I checked <xml src=&quot;whatever&quot;></xml> has been around for quite a while. here is the actual file and you will see it isn't pulling data. http://seconddawn.no-ip.org/xmltest/xmltest.htm .. I don't know why it isn't pulling...
  7. 2nddawn

    wink2K server, win2K work and trying to share out a dialup modem....

    If you have DHCP Installed go to administratoive tools ((in control panel)) then open up dhcp. Expand your scope and under that should be scope options. Right click on scope options then click configure options. In there it calls the gateway &quot;router&quot; then set that to and...
  8. 2nddawn

    Eternal XML file

    No they are not in that same domain ((computer I had it working on locally nor the servers I've tried it on)) Even stranger is when I run it as http://www/xmltest.htm when on the network the www server is on it works fine, but once I do a full qualified domain in it stops working. The...
  9. 2nddawn

    wink2K server, win2K work and trying to share out a dialup modem....

    Here is a possibly fix to your problem. Since you are running DHCP set the DNS server in the DHCP to teh DNS server that is used for your modem with of course the default gateway being your Make sure you have internet connection sharing turned on on your modem. Also make sure...
  10. 2nddawn

    Eternal XML file

    There is no semi colon in the file after <xml src=&quot;http://weather.interceptvector.com/weather.xml?id=TVhCUzAxMzU%3D&quot; I forgot to unclick the TGML box
  11. 2nddawn

    Eternal XML file

    because there was more to the HTML file than just that. Here is the code form the entire page. ((and the data loads into the table when run locally but not when I run it from either my server or from a different server)) but when I copy adn paste what is in the xml document direclty into the...
  12. 2nddawn

    Eternal XML file

    ok I am tryign to figure out what I'm doing wrong. I put <xml src=&quot;filename.xml&quot; id=&quot;someID&quot;></xml> to reference to an xml data file. For some reason it won't get the data from that source. I have tried fully qualified URL and just filename. Niether of them pull the data...
  13. 2nddawn

    Win2k - Router with 2 nics

    If it is on the client side. If you are using DHCP set teh default gateway to and DNS server within the DHCP settings to and make sure you are either using routing or ICS. if you aren't using DHCP hard set the client to teh dns and gateway I mentioned above.
  14. 2nddawn

    XML Isnt' working?

    ok. My quesiton is basically in the subject. I have an XML &quot;program&quot; that works locally and on a different server. Once I move it over to my Windows 2000 Advanced server the XML no longer works. I can't figure out why it isn't. Everywhere I have read says it should...

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