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  • Congratulations SkipVought on being selected by the Tek-Tips community for having the most helpful posts in the forums last week. Way to Go!

Search results for query: *

  1. ckhunley

    Help with 1 line of code...worksheet reference

    Perfect, thank you very much. I knew it would be something somple like that, but couldn't quite stumble onto it. Thanks, Chris
  2. ckhunley

    Help with 1 line of code...worksheet reference

    I can't seem to figure out what is wrong with this line of code, I get a multitude of errors depending on what changes I make. The one I am getting with this specific syntax is "Select method of range class global failed" Worksheets("" & hydraulics.actoggle.Value).Range("B65536").Select When...
  3. ckhunley

    Launch form from object in excel

    Ok, so now that my command button has been clicked, it went invisible. Now I am having trouble getting it back. I have the following: Public Sub Workbook_Open() startcalcs.Visible = True End Sub It is in the module for the worksheet which displays the button, but no matter how many times I...
  4. ckhunley

    Launch form from object in excel

    Looks like all three of us found the answer at once...well you two knew it, I had to find it. Is there a way to hide the button once it has been clicked? It didn't like the commanbutton1.hide command. Thanks, Chris
  5. ckhunley

    Launch form from object in excel

    Nevermind, I just figured it out, needed to exit design mode...Thanks anyway though Chris
  6. ckhunley

    Launch form from object in excel

    I put a command button in excel, and added that code...but it won't allow me to click on it. It always selects the button instead of clicking. I assume there is a property that I need to change or something like that, but I have no idea what it is... Thanks, Chris
  7. ckhunley

    Launch form from object in excel

    I have a series of forms to carry out various tasks in an excel workbook. I am trying to figure out the best way to start the first form. I am thinking a button of some sort from Excel, but am not sure how to do it. I don't want it to start automatically when the workbook is opened, I want it...
  8. ckhunley

    Transfer name between forms

    Is there a way to keep the value of the textbox from the last entry by the user? I started running my forms, but something went wrong so I had to go in and correct the error. When I started it up again where I left off, it could not recognize the worksheet because the value of the textbox had...
  9. ckhunley

    Transfer name between forms

    Ok, so I have a default value for the text box. The user then enters whatever value they think is appropriate. When I ran that little test you suggested, it printed the default entry into the messagebox rather than what I had entered. I realized that was because I hadn't ran the other...
  10. ckhunley

    Transfer name between forms

    Ok, thanks for the tip. I plugged in the userform reference and it seems to recognize. I hit SHIFT +F2 and it went to the correct userform and found the value it was supposed to. But when I run it I get an error saying "Subscript out of range" This is the code that it is having a problem...
  11. ckhunley

    Transfer name between forms

    I have a text box on a user form. I want another user form to be able to reference the value from this text box. e.g. Activesheet.name = "Text " &textbox.value I tried making the Sub public in that module, but it doesn't recognize it in the module for the other form. Any ideas? Thanks, Chris
  12. ckhunley

    Sum code troubleshoot

    FINALLY!!! For some reason it was placing the results of the sum in the middle of the data. But anyway, I got it ironed out. Thank you again for your time, you make this sight valuable to people like me. Thanks, Chris
  13. ckhunley

    Sum code troubleshoot

    Sorry Skip, I lied, I went back and played with it some more, and it still works with column headings. I can't figure out what it is about my table that it doesn't like. I will let you know if I figure anything else out. Thanks, Chris
  14. ckhunley

    Sum code troubleshoot

    Ok, so after a little guess and check troubleshooting, I figured out that the reason this isn't working in my spreadsheet is because of the column headings. I set up my data in another worksheet and tried the function until I got it to work, changing different aspects(removing blanks...
  15. ckhunley

    Sum code troubleshoot

    Thank you very much Skip. I appreciate the time you put into getting that working. So now I am trying to incorporate that code into my spreadsheet. How does excel define the used range? I got the sum to work on another spreadsheet where I just added a datatable, but It doesn't add anything...
  16. ckhunley

    Sum code troubleshoot

    Forgot to mention, it highlights the following row: Cells(SumRow, x).Formula = "=sum(" & rng1.Address & ")" Thanks, Chris
  17. ckhunley

    Sum code troubleshoot

    Well, unfortunately that isn't working for me either. I get a new error this time saying "Object variable or With block variable not set" Not sure what that means, but hopefully you do. I really appreaciate your help, and hopefully we can get this working. Thanks again, Chris
  18. ckhunley

    Sum code troubleshoot

    I am summing both constants and formulas. Thanks, Chris
  19. ckhunley

    Sum code troubleshoot

    I have the following code which I found to sum the data fromt he current range of cells. I tried asking at tht site, but the thread seems to be long since forgotten. When I run it I get as error saying "Method 'Range' of object '_Gloabal' failes"...I am very new to VBA, so I am really...
  20. ckhunley

    Looped naming of cell ranges

    Unfortunately, since I have no idea what this bit of code is doing, I am unable to troubleshoot it. IT is now giving me an Invalid or unqualified reference error in: Set dppsisum = Range(Cells(r1, "L"), Cells(r2 + .Rows.Count - 1, "L")) It highlights the .Rows term...And as I asked before...

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