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  • Congratulations SkipVought on being selected by the Tek-Tips community for having the most helpful posts in the forums last week. Way to Go!

Search results for query: *

  1. grannyM

    Multi-Select Listbox has items preselected

    I am creating a MultiSelect listbox in Word 2003 and when the listbox is displayed, some of the items in the listbox are preselected and I have not been able to find out why. I do not want anything preselected. In my main module I have the following code: For i = 1 to FundNumber...
  2. grannyM

    Fill in textboxes on Outlook Form from Word

    Sorry it took me so long to get back to this. So let's say I use labels instead of textboxes. It's still the same issue, I cannot figure out how to set the label captions through code. What they are wanting is a frame on the left side of the email that holds all the pertinent client...
  3. grannyM

    Fill in textboxes on Outlook Form from Word

    Thanks Skip for responding. When a user runs the Word Macro, it would pull the applicable client information (such as Client Contact Name, etc) from a SQL table and insert it into the textboxes on Outlook template, then email the template to the appropriate Department. In Word or Access I...
  4. grannyM

    Fill in textboxes on Outlook Form from Word

    I'm using Word and Outlook 2000. I have a simple function that I use to send an email from Word. In the version I have below, it uses an Outlook template and it works just great. But now they've decided they want to add some textboxes to the Outlook template that need to be filled in by the...
  5. grannyM

    Block Word from opening an Excel spreadsheet

    sorry, they aren't doing anything through code. They are going to the File menu in Word, choosing open, then opening a spreadsheet file. (Filename.xls) Word then pops up a dialog box titled "Open Worksheet" where they could cancel if they were awake, but they click ok. Then when Word opens...
  6. grannyM

    Block Word from opening an Excel spreadsheet

    We have a few users that continually open an excel spreadsheet in word even though they get the extra box that tells them it’s a spreadsheet. Then when they see it’s not what they want, instead of just closing it, they save it, and destroy the spreadsheet. Is there any way to turn off the...
  7. grannyM

    Attach email to Word Document

    Thanks PH, but this just makes another copy of the email in the same email folder. It doesn't copy it to the clipboard, so the Paste Special doesn't work. Maybe I need to paste or attach it into the word Document a different way? and I really don't want another copy of the email in the...
  8. grannyM

    Attach email to Word Document

    If you have Word and Outlook open side-by-side, you can drag an email into the Word document. It inserts an envelope icon that opens the email when you double-click on it. I'm trying to do this samething through code. I can get it to the point where the correct outlook folder is open on the...
  9. grannyM

    Email Attachment not visiable

    Thanks. I added SafeItem.Save right after the SafeItem.Attachements line. and you are correct, it does show up in my Draft folder with the attachment. However, the email that's displayed on the taskbar by the SafeItem.Display command does not show the attachment. Is there anyway to have the...
  10. grannyM

    Email Attachment not visiable

    I have some code that we use all the time to send an email from Word. Usually I just put the text in the body of the email, or if they need to reference a file, I put a link in the body of the email. However, this email is going out-of-house and needs an attachment. The problem is it seems...
  11. grannyM

    Inserting a template into a document and running the attached macro

    Gerry, I'm sorry I'm not being very clear. I'm not very good at putting my thoughts down, I'd much rather talk it out with someone! But I'll try again. Thanks so much for your patience. There are pages of code from both macros that I didn't include. The main problem is that these 2 macros...
  12. grannyM

    Inserting a template into a document and running the attached macro

    Tony, my desired end result is a document to be sent to a client that contains data. I've managed to accomplish what I wanted by putting the following code at the end of the first macro: Set doc = ActiveDocument System.ProfileString("MacroVariables", "LoanNotice") = "true"...
  13. grannyM

    Inserting a template into a document and running the attached macro

    We have a macro that creates a Notice. This notice pulls client info from a database and fills in certain fields in the notice. Then a box pops up and the user fills in more information that is inserted into the notice. Then we have a second macro that creates an Issue Paper dependent on the...
  14. grannyM

    Inserting a template into a document and running the attached macro

    Thanks you Tony for your response, I'll try to clarify. The request I've been given is to have a macro create a form pulling info from our database. Once the first form is created, there is another form that also needs to pull info from the database that they want inserted at the end of the...
  15. grannyM

    Inserting a template into a document and running the attached macro

    yes, but it does the same thing - either creates a second document, or inserts the file without running the macro.
  16. grannyM

    Inserting a template into a document and running the attached macro

    When a macro creates a document, I want it to go to the end of that document and insert a form and then run the macro that goes with the new form. I've tried: Selection.GoTo what:=wdGoToBookmark, Name:="plip" Documents.Add Template:="10-122test.dot" This works, but it creates a second...
  17. grannyM

    Upgrading from Word 97 to 2003 - Not stopping at breakpoints

    We're upgrading from Word 97 to Word 2003. In 97 I could open a template, open the vb editor, make some changes in the code, (not saving them in case they were incorrect), put in some breakpoints, then go to File/New/General/ select my template, test run the macro and it would stop at my set...
  18. grannyM

    Using Built-in Dialog box wdDialogToolsCreateEnvelope

    Thank you Tony! The .EnvReturn was the key! As for the .RetAddrFromTop and .RetAddrFromLeft, they work on the final printed envelope, which is what we wanted. We do not want to create a document or add an envelope to a document, so I couldn't use first part of your code. You have been a...
  19. grannyM

    Using Built-in Dialog box wdDialogToolsCreateEnvelope

    We have a macro to create envelopes by pulling information from our databases. There are several options, but basically they all end with: With Dialogs(wdDialogToolsCreateEnvelope) .Addrtext = temp$ .Show End With We use pre-printed envelopes and on one of the...
  20. grannyM

    Paste document section into email

    Ok, I turned those references on, and then where the HTML file is created flagged as an error. I tried turning on Microsoft HTML Object Library but that didn't help. It doesn't like PublishObjects. Sorry, I've been programming in VBA for about a year and a half now and haven't used the...

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