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Search results for query: *

  1. rhyswilliams

    member area login ending session on browser close

    if you want the session to die when you exit, try using J2EE session. make the setting in the administrator.
  2. rhyswilliams

    Implementing ActiveX COM object in Coldfusion template

    try like this: <cfobject type=&quot;COM&quot; name=&quot;pdf&quot; class=&quot;TextPDF.TextPDFClass&quot; action=&quot;CREATE&quot;> <!--- not sure about this, you might want to try <cfset temp = pdf.setLicense(&quot;xxxx-xxxxx-xxxx-xxxx&quot;)> ---> <cfset pdf.License =...
  3. rhyswilliams

    Query of Queries error

    Why are you using query on query? You could just use this code for your second query: <cfquery name=&quot;qDataCorrections&quot; datasource=&quot;#VARIABLES.dsn#&quot;> SELECT prot_num, cntr_num, subj_id, init, visit_num FROM subject s, data_correction d WHERE s.subj_seq =...
  4. rhyswilliams


    I have a problem trying to use SAX to get data from an XML file into an oracle database... I have downloaded the sample code from oracle, but to no avail; i can't get it to work.. Please can someone help me with getting the necessary procedures loaded into Oracle and a bit of sample code for...
  5. rhyswilliams


    I want to pass a (non-oracle) coldfusion query 'recordset' to an oracle stored procedure using a CF_SQL_REFCURSOR. this is my code: <cfquery datasource=&quot;NATIVE&quot; NAME=NATIVEQUERY> SELECT * FROM NATIVETABLE </cfquery> <CFSET NEWVAL=99> <cfstoredproc...
  6. rhyswilliams


    i'll give this a go, thanks
  7. rhyswilliams

    URL with querystring variables in body of mailto tag

    thanks for your input guys, but i found a way round it by using a form with hidden input fields named 'body', 'subject' etc and using the link to submit the form.
  8. rhyswilliams

    HTML page size

    this needs a bit of javascript: function win() { open('one.asp',null,'width=400') } </script> <a href=&quot;#&quot; onclick=&quot;win()&quot;>link</a> for details see: http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/workshop/author/dhtml/reference/methods/open_0.asp hope this helps for...
  9. rhyswilliams

    URL with querystring variables in body of mailto tag

    on my site i have link that users can click to send pages to others. the problem is that some of these pages have multiple querysting variables that i am finding difficult to pass. this is an example of a link that does not work properly: <a...
  10. rhyswilliams


    can anyone suggest how i can carry out a case insensitive search on a CLOB field in Oracle. NB i need to be able to search the entire field in one go each time. TIA Rhys
  11. rhyswilliams

    How to close a Window after 5 secons...

    Here is a bit of code that will help. this page consists of a counter that counts down from 5 to 0 then closes the window. There is some code that resets the counter if you move the mouse (you will probably want to remove this, but i though i'd leave it in to show you what can be done). HTH...
  12. rhyswilliams

    can someone please tell me why the

    i answered a post very much like this with the following code: <html> <head> <title>Untitled</title> </head> <body onLoad=&quot;fnStartInterval()&quot; onmousemove=&quot;setkk()&quot;> <form name=jj> <input type=text name=kk value=5 size=4 > </form> <script...
  13. rhyswilliams

    Resetting an input variable

    Soryy mate... i must have changed the code inbetweem checking and posting it. there where some ';'s in the wrong place i think... give this a go: <html> <head> <title>Untitled</title> </head> <body onLoad=&quot;fnStartInterval()&quot; onmousemove=&quot;setkk()&quot;> <form name=jj> <input...
  14. rhyswilliams

    Resetting an input variable

    try something like this: notice that i have used the setAttribute() method to set the value for the control... Hope this is ok. Rhys. <html> <head> <title>Untitled</title> </head> <body onLoad=&quot;fnStartInterval()&quot; onmousemove=&quot;setkk()&quot;> <form name=jj> <input type=text...
  15. rhyswilliams

    inserting separator via the registry

    Hi, I have created a *.REG file to add a custom button to the default toolbar in Internet Explorer. The button works fine, the problem is that i would like to add a separator between my 'custom' button and the default buttons on the toolbar aswell. That is to say that when i run the REG file i...
  16. rhyswilliams

    Comparing Date Strings

    Try using the dateserial function to convert you string values to dates: YearVar = right(StartDate ,2) MonthVar = left(StartDate ,2) DayVar = mid(StartDate ,2,2) StartDatedate = dateserial(YearVar,MonthVar,DayVar) I hope this helps...
  17. rhyswilliams

    SQL Troubles...

    Right, the code below should work. as you can see i renamed some variables but it is all pretty much as you left it. good luck.. <% If Param<>&quot;&quot; And Data <>&quot;&quot; then ' set up database conection ' this connection does not require an ODBC reference path =...
  18. rhyswilliams

    SQL Troubles...

    Spelling!! you created a connection spelt &quot;con&quot; and tried to reference one named &quot;conn&quot; (2 n's) when you open the recordset. good luck!
  19. rhyswilliams

    using UNION to join tables

    firstly, i think that you need to use 3 % for like statements ie &quot;like '%%%& Request.Form.Item(&quot;keyword&quot;) & %%%'&quot; but what i meant by saving the union query was actually creating a union query in access (you need to do this in SQL view in the editor) with no criteria set on...
  20. rhyswilliams

    SQL Troubles...

    don't worry about it... ok, basically for each field that you want to search you need to set the WHERE criteria. that is, instead of writing &quot;WHERE <FIELD1> or <FIELD2> like '%%%<CRITERIA>%%%'&quot; which is trying to share the criteria for two fields, you need to write &quot;where <FIELD1>...

Part and Inventory Search
