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Search results for query: *

  1. pr0n603

    Servlets not working under some directories

    i think the paths are case sensitive. You said the directory name is ICS_Samples651, the application is trying to access ics_tamples651 (as the error message indicates). So, make sure you are case compliant!! good luck
  2. pr0n603

    nesting directives in scriptlets

    I have a jsp page and in that page i have one include directive ( <%@ include file="page_1.jsp" %> ) I want this include directive to be dependent on a certain variable. so, .... I want to have a specific <%@ include file="filename.jsp" %> for each value of a specific variable. basically, if...
  3. pr0n603

    request.setAttribute() visibility

    Im talking about HttpServletRequest not HttpSession
  4. pr0n603

    nesting directives in scriptlets

    The search function is broken again and i apologize if there is another thread answering this question. I want to conditionally use the include directive in my jsp page (i.e. If a certain variable is true, include jsp1.jsp, else include jsp2.jsp). something like this <% String show_main =...
  5. pr0n603

    request.setAttribute() visibility

    This might seem like a really stupid question.... Is the data transfered through HttpServletRequest.setAttribute(String, Object) and HttpServletRequest.getAttribute(String) visible to traffic outside the web server. Meaning, are these objects transfered through URL rewritting/cookies or are...
  6. pr0n603

    Upload files...

    the code does indeed work flawlesly. My problem was that when uploading large files, the processing time was significant. I implemented the FileUpload package from Apache Commons and it really did cut down on the time. Also, its very easy to use, all you need too do is call a couple of methods...
  7. pr0n603

    How can I upload 2 different file?

    you can use two <input type="file"> statements in the html code and then use the Commons Upload api from Jakarta http://jakarta.apache.org/commons/index.html to obtain the 2 different files submitted through the same html form. have fun
  8. pr0n603

    failover for linux servers

    thanks for the advice guys. Ill check this stuff out and let you know how it came along. happy new year!
  9. pr0n603

    Server spec to run Tomcat

    thanks a lot sedj!
  10. pr0n603

    getting req.getContentLength() before whole file is uploaded

    Hi all, I have a page that lets users upload files. I'm limiting users to uploading files that are smaller than 5MB. Currently, the server checks the HTTPServletRequest content length. However, this means that the whole file must 1st be uploaded before the servlet can respond with "file too...
  11. pr0n603

    Server spec to run Tomcat

    probably having 5-10 users downloading at the same time thanks
  12. pr0n603

    failover for linux servers

    so i would need a 3rd server running the load balancer and it would sit in front of the 2 servers?
  13. pr0n603

    linux hard drive problem!!!

    lol yea, i remmember the 1st time i did "rm -rf /" My boss wasnt happy! maryam, if you can still log onto the machiene. See if all your directories are intact. if not, try botting in emergency mode (at the boot prompt, type "<image_name> emergency" usually image name is something like "linux"...
  14. pr0n603

    drawback of using paypal

    iv been trying to figure out paypal myself. Does anyone know if there is a minimum amount of money paypal is willing to do the transaction for. Let say a consumer buys something thats $4.99 with shipping and handling included. Will paypal process the $4.99? Also, how much does paypal charge...
  15. pr0n603

    failover for linux servers

    ahhh, Iv heard of round robin but as BuckWeet mentioned, I thought the session problems would come up. As for loadbalancers, do i need a hardware laodbalancer (like F5) or are there any software-type load balancers (preferably, of course, free) that would run on 1 server and redirect overload...
  16. pr0n603

    exporting variable values to pdf

    iv heard about jasper reports but dont know much about it. Iv been trying to figure out if it allowes yuo to edit pdf files through java code (i.e. take out certain pages or delete content) all throuhg the API. any ideas??
  17. pr0n603

    Uploading non-ascii (pdf/jpeg) files w/ servlets + &lt;insert type=&quot;file&qu

    tarawfp, What was the exact error? My mistake was that I was using a Reader instead of a Stream so i was reading characters and not bytes and thats why it worked for ASCII files and not binary ones.
  18. pr0n603

    Server spec to run Tomcat

    I have a similar question. My webapp will have about 100-200 total users uploading/downloading pdf files (3-5 mb each). Im expecting each user to upload 2-3 files a month and download 3-5 files each month. Webapp runs in tomcat with mysql for user management on debian. What do you think the...
  19. pr0n603

    failover for linux servers

    I have 2 servers running Debian, MySQL, Apache Tomcat and a Java webapp. They sit behind a NetGear router with port 8080 (http in this case) forwarded to Server A. I want to be able to do a couple of things: 1) if mysql/tomcat crash on server A, i want all trafit to go to server B and the...
  20. pr0n603

    Upload files...

    yup, sedj is right. I had the same exact problem. I was using a Reader insead of a DataInputStream. The reader converts the data to characters while the InputStream classes keep the data in binary format.

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