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Search results for query: *

  1. bobcha

    a question about reflection and metadata

    In reflection, classes are referred to as types, and can be accessed: System.Type t = obj.GetType(); or System.Type t = typeof(int); Fields, properties, events and methods can also be accessed: obj.GetType().GetProperty("Name"); I'd say you found a mistake, as I would have answered C also...
  2. bobcha

    EXECSCRIPT() and Terminal Server

    Brian, I would have thought EXECSCRIPT would have been solely memory based also, but I've had it fail when the temp path was inaccessable due to security. The error was "cannot create file %\script.fxp", where % was a control character of some kind - a pretty big hint as to what...
  3. bobcha

    EXECSCRIPT() and Terminal Server

    Hi Brian, I *think* that EXECSCRIPT creates a fxp file in the temporary directory. Could the location of this directory be the reason for the slow down? Past experience with using VFP dlls in web apps has led me to believe that VFP dlls require modify rights to the temproary path. Cheers, Ben
  4. bobcha

    System.Math namespace not recognised

    System.Math is a class, not a namespace, and declares its methods as static, thus the following should be what you need to do: using System; .... int x = Math.Abs(1.2);
  5. bobcha

    a virtual include file (.asp page) in an XSL page

    If you want a comment to be generated in the output, and not treated as an xsl comment, use the xsl:comment element: <xsl:comment>#INCLUDE VIRTUAL=&quot;/include/THeader.asp&quot;</xsl:comment> I am assumming that you are generating asp pages which will be run at a later time - I don't see...
  6. bobcha

    Browser can't read output...

    I think it is an XML document which is the result of the CURSORTOXML() function in Visual FoxPro. It contains an XML Schema (in the xsd:schema element), and probably contains the data below this (ie after the xsd:schema element). The schema is not really useful to you - as James mentioned it is...
  7. bobcha

    XSLT Output - Well Formed HTML??

    If you want to generate HTML that is also XML, then what you want to generate is XHTML. If this is the case, make sure the method attribute for the <xsl:output> is &quot;xml&quot;, and have the appropriate doctype. For example, your stylesheet could begin like this: <?xml...
  8. bobcha

    Conditional starting and ending of a table row

    XSLT, although a scripting language, also must be valid XML, which is why you have to define whole elements within a <xsl:choose> element. Another way of saying this is that XSLT is a pure functional language. What you effectively want to do here is group elements - a task which isn't trivial...
  9. bobcha

    writing a xslt file

    Try &#59; instead of ;
  10. bobcha

    if - elif -elif -else

    Sorry for the incorrect syntax, I was working in JavaScript at the time [purple] I did post a correction but didn't check to see if it had made it... oh well.
  11. bobcha

    if - elif -elif -else

    To do this in foxpro: SELECT CASE CASE <condition 1> <do something> CASE <condition 2> <do something> OTHERWISE <do something> END CASE Unlike other languages this statement does not test equality with a single value, but re-evaluates a boolean expression for each case.
  12. bobcha

    Please check my query code - HELP

    &quot;Blank&quot; is not the same as null. If the SpecialInstrs field is in fact null it should be handled by the clause you have there. If the SpecialInstrs field does not allow nulls, then you don't need this clause. If it is a character field, you can add the following clause to ensure that...
  13. bobcha

    location.href does not work in IE5 - ANY IDEAS?

    try this: <a href=&quot;javascript:void(0)&quot; onclick=&quot;location.href = 'www.domain.com';return false;&quot;> Or even better, write a javascript function called loadURL or the like: <script language = &quot;javascript&quot;> function loadURL(sURL) { location.href = sURL; }...
  14. bobcha

    filtering with jscript

    it depends on what you want to do. To just replace '?'s with '&' s, do something like sURL = sURL.replace(&quot;?&quot;,&quot;&&quot;).[noevil] I think a preferrable option may be to use the escape() / unescape() functions to encode url paramaters so any question marks/equal signs don't...
  15. bobcha

    Good XML program?

    Oh I should add this: I usually check for freeware before I consider buying - I didn't find anything worthwhile in the XML/Schema area.
  16. bobcha


  17. bobcha

    Good XML program?

    I use XML Spy. I don't mind the schema building interface - it abstracted alot of the details which smoothed the DTD to XSD transition. They keep up with the latest of releases of MSXML (the XML implementation I am using). There are some bits that I wish were better (eg contextual...

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