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Search results for query: *

  1. bvallet

    opening popup window from external .js file

    I have not found a bad O'reilly book and their JavaScript book in particular is pretty comprehensive. Even better, after you start to know what you're doing (or, as in my case, just think you do), it makes a great reference.
  2. bvallet

    window.open() from desktop shortcut

    This may not be the right forum for this question and for that I apologize. Is there a way, using a desktop shortcut, to specify how IE (and only IE) will open? Such as no toolbar, no status bar, etc. I'm familiar with the window.open() command but even using it in a URL won't work in this...
  3. bvallet


    Assuming your code looks like this: <A HREF=&quot;javascript: window.open(something here);&quot;> Try this: <A HREF=&quot;javascript: void(window.open(something here));&quot;>
  4. bvallet

    Turn Array into String

    Try: var string = array.join(separator); or var string = array.join(); separator is a variable containing whatever delimiter you want to use, or an empty string is used if it is left out.
  5. bvallet

    Placement of .properties files

    Thanks, I'll try the ServletConfig option and go from there.
  6. bvallet

    Placement of .properties files

    If I create my own *.properties file, where would I have to place it to be accessible from the individual servlets? I'm running on Websphere 4.0. Would putting it in the root with the various html files work? What would I need to put for the path? I want to do something like this: InputStream...
  7. bvallet

    getting index.html from href

    try this: var path = location.pathname;
  8. bvallet

    Could someone look at this code and point out my stupidity?

    You have a space in your variable theURL var theURL='quality message.htm'; try taking it out: var theURL='qualitymessage.htm'; also, why are you calling 'window.open()' twice? <script language=&quot;Javascript&quot;> *****newWindow=window.open();***** var theURL='quality message.htm'; var...
  9. bvallet

    Same Code, different results

    This isn't earth-shattering by any means. More of a curiosity. I have to pages with the following code: <DIV STYLE=&quot;font: italic bold 16pt Lucida Bright&quot;> <IMG SRC=&quot;/icons/Wheel.gif&quot; STYLE=&quot;width: 51px; height: 45px;&quot;> Additional Interests - Mortgagee </DIV> <TABLE...
  10. bvallet

    Disableing a button after being clicked

    try this: <input type=button name=gradeButton value=&quot;Grade Test&quot; onClick=&quot; gradeTest();//or whatever your grading routine is this.disabled = true; &quot;>
  11. bvallet

    I've not found anyone who can figure this out...

    Another option: function validate() { if (frm.ShipState.selectedIndex < 1) { alert(&quot;Error: Please select your state&quot;); return false; } else { document.frm.submit(form); return true; } } and change the button to: <INPUT...
  12. bvallet

    HTML questions...

    To the best of my knowledge, IE supports both readonly and disabled. Netscape, however, only supports disabled. If I'm wrong, Please let me know. Also, disabled fields are not passed back to the server while readonly fields are.
  13. bvallet

    form validation

    I came up with that function when I first started working with Javascript and didn't know anything (as if I know anything now). It's worked for me so I never bothered to look for anything else. The one you found looks like it would work fine.
  14. bvallet

    form validation

    Try this: function checkNumber(NumberField){ var pattern =/\D/; var text = NumberField.value; var result = text.match(pattern); if(NumberField.value==&quot;&quot;){ NumberField.value = 0; return true; } else{ if((result != null)){ alert(&quot;You must enter a number in this...
  15. bvallet

    Adding fields and table rows

    Thanks to both of you, you've given me alot to play with. Now, on to another question that I discovered while trying this stuff: Can you no longer escape double-quotes (i.e. var name = 'NAME=\&quot;test\&quot;';) in Javascript? I tried to do that with this code and kept getting unterminated...
  16. bvallet

    Adding fields and table rows

    What I'm trying to do is add fields to a form in response to a user action (button click or whatever). In this case I don't know how many items will be added so I don't want to include 50 hidden rows and show them as needed. I want to physically add fields and table rows to a form. In searching...
  17. bvallet

    Hiding multiple table rows

    I tried that and, unless I was doing something wrong, it didn't work.
  18. bvallet

    Hiding multiple table rows

    I have to hide certain rows in a table under certain conditions. What I'm doing is something like this: <TABLE> <TR> <TD CLASS=&quot;mainlabel&quot;> Stuff to show </TD> </TR> <TR ID=&quot;hide&quot;> <TD CLASS=&quot;mainlabel&quot;> Stuff to be hidden </TD> </TR> <TR...
  19. bvallet

    Database will not expand variable.

    Actually, I would imagine Access will need the quotes but they will need to be built into the variable: var = &quot;\'&quot; + var + &quot;\'&quot; The way you're doing it now, you're sending the string literal var to the database, not the variable var.
  20. bvallet

    disabled form objects

    A disabled field will not submit a value. If it's a text field, you can use READONLY. This will keep the field from being edited but will still submit a value: <INPUT NAME=&quot;Name&quot; VALUE=&quot;12345&quot; READONLY> Double check this, though. I'm not sure how this works with Netscape.

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