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Search results for query: *

  • Users: lpatnaik
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  1. lpatnaik

    Call method on C# User control from c++

    Hi, I am trying to create a very simple application in vc++ 6.0. I have a c# user control (all it contains is a button btnSomething) as below: namespace CtrlLib { public interface IAcontrol { void SetButtonText(); } public partial class AControl : UserControl, IAcontrol...
  2. lpatnaik

    Notepad.exe As Child Window

    Hi, I am also dealing with excatly the same thing. The child window is visible in my application window but is resizable and movable. This is not something what I want. Any inputs? LP
  3. lpatnaik

    Using EXEC in select Query

    Hi, I need a list of IDs in the where clause of my sql query which is encapsulated in my stored proc. Ex: .... select * from table1 where col1 in ('a','b','c'....) ... These values ('a','b','c'....) can be fetched from a dynamic select query whose where clause I am sending as a paremeter to...
  4. lpatnaik

    How to call a vb program during the windows shutdown?

    Hi, I have a vb application which is run to disable a particular NIC(network Interface Card) when the windows is started. When the windows is shutdown, the program is to detect if the NIC is enabled and disable it, if so. I would like to know how to call the program when the windows shutdown...
  5. lpatnaik


    I have cited below an example on doing the same. You can modify the example to suit your condition. This trigger trgConcat is used on a table Test which has 4 columns namely Col1, col2, col3, col4 all of varchar type. The trigger updates the column col4 with the concatenated string value from...
  6. lpatnaik

    DBNull error

    Use the following: txtCarAg.Attributes.Add("value", IIF(ObjDataReader("car") is dbNull.Value, "", replace(ObjDataReader("car").ToString(), "*", "'"))) I am sure it will work.
  7. lpatnaik

    Requested registry access is not allowed

    Hi, My webservice is currently deployed on WIndows 2000 server and runs pretty fine. I am trying to run my webservice on a Windows 2003 server. My webservice tries to write to a eventlog. The code is as follows: System.Diagnostics.EventLog Log = new System.Diagnostics.EventLog( EventLogName )...
  8. lpatnaik

    Moving VSS and VI integration with VSS

    Hi, We have the VSS installed in the dev server, where our web resides. Since there was a space crunch, we decided to attach a hard disk and move the vss from the C drive to the new E drive. There were no specific instructions by microsoft on moving VSS from one drive to another on the SAME...
  9. lpatnaik

    Form values not getting posted

    Hi, I am having an asp page where there is a form within which there are some textboxes and some hidden elements along with a few buttons. On clicking on one of these buttons, the form gets posted to another page. When i try to retreive the Request.form collection, I sometimes do not get...
  10. lpatnaik

    I have a table name d tblAttribHist

    I have a table name d tblAttribHistory. This table contains columns "attribid", "attribtype", "languageid", "attribname", "validfrom" and "orgid". The prmary key comprises of "attribid", "attribtype&quot...
  11. lpatnaik

    Invalid Path Character -server.mappath function

    I am using this code.. Server.MapPath("../../images/designers/" & DesignerPicName & ".jpg") This picks up the image file from the images/designers folder. Since there are thousands of jpgs in this folder, i wanted to know what could be the possible invalid characters. No...
  12. lpatnaik

    Invalid Path Character -server.mappath function

    Hi I am getting this error "006~ASP 0173~Invalid Path Character~An invalid character was specified in the Path parameter for the MapPath method.", while using the Server.MapPath function. Can anyone tell me what all characters are not supported by this function or does Microsoft has...
  13. lpatnaik

    Convert date to dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss format

    Hi, That is great!!!. But i need the hour in the other format. i.e. if it is 7:30 pm, it should display 07:30:00 PM and not 19:30:00 PM Can you get around that? Pls help its urgent
  14. lpatnaik

    Convert date to dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss format

    I need to convert the date from a datetime field of a table in sql server to the format "dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss". Can anyone help me out. Regards Lopa
  15. lpatnaik

    Problems with onchange in IE 5

    But this does not sound feasible when you have a whole lot of items in the page. I could use the onKeyPress event but what if the user copies and pastes something on the textbox using his mouse. Please reply asap
  16. lpatnaik

    Problems with onchange event in IE 5

    Hi, I have a textbox in a page. I want to track the onchange events and populate a global variable. But in IE 5 I am facing some problem. The event doesnt fire. I have no idea about the solution. Could anyone help me out. Also i cannot use the onblur event (which seems to be working fine) as...
  17. lpatnaik

    Cant reset var declared in top frame from others in IE5

    Hi, I have a whole bunch of frames containing frames.. I have declared a variable as var flgChanged = 0; in the topmost frame. I am setting this flag to 1 in the bottomost frame by window.top.frmaes[0].flgCHanged = 1; Then I am trying to reset this flag from one included js file in the...
  18. lpatnaik

    Problems with onchange in IE 5

    Hi, I have a textbox in a page. I want to track the onchange events and populate a global variable. But in IE 5 I am facing some problem. The event doesnt fire. I have no idea about the solution. Could anyone help me out. Also i cannot use the onblur event (which seems to be working fine) as...
  19. lpatnaik

    Cant reset var declared in top frame from others in IE5

    Hi, I have a whole bunch of frames containing frames.. I have declared a variable as var flgChanged = 0; in the topmost frame. I am setting this flag to 1 in the bottomost frame by window.top.frmaes[0].flgCHanged = 1; Then I am trying to reset this flag from one included js file in the...
  20. lpatnaik

    Regular expressions in VB

    Hi, How can I implement the regular expressions in VB in a way so that the result set gives me all the invalid characters in a word. To explain: I have a word "ABC%DEF~GHI^JKL#MNO" I want to find out what all invalid characters are there in the word, given that "%&quot...

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