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Search results for query: *

  1. spaliwal

    ADODB 2.8 behaves strange while stored procedure call(URGENT)

    Hi Gurus, ADODB 2.8 SQL server 2000 We are calling sql server 2000 stored procedure from ADODB 2.8 command object, while using print command in sp its setting the command object's state as completed but stored procedure is still executing, we are using "AdStateExecuting" constant for...
  2. spaliwal

    xml representation in sql server 2000 stored procedure URGENT

    Hi Gurus, I am using following code segment in stored procedure - DECLARE @hdoc int DECLARE @doc nvarchar(4000) select @doc = detailXML from Tab1 where col1 = val1 exec sp_xml_preparedocument @hdoc OUTPUT,@doc select * from OPENXML(@hdoc,'Root/Customer',1) with (CustomerID...
  3. spaliwal

    Sql server 2000 stack overflow error during compile time

    Hi Gurus, While executing a large query (400 k) thru application i am getting a error - java.sql.SQLException: The server encountered a stack overflow during compile time. Severity 18, State 1, Procedure 'OCI_IL_BA_18NT null', Line 1 I dont want to resize the query but increase the stack...
  4. spaliwal

    Sql server 2000 profiler problem urgent

    Hi Gurus, I am using Profiler for the deadlock and deadlock chain detection, I have SP3 installed on sql server 2000, To pinpoint a deadlock i am leisint events - 1.Lock : deadlock 2. Lock : deadlock chain 3. SQL : StmtStarting But after many tries i conclude that 1,2 is mutually...
  5. spaliwal

    Urgent - Locking problem in sql server 2000

    Hi Gurus, In my production database with 40 users load, Many of the resources are left locked even with noload in night time. Type of Lock is 'DB' and mode is 'S'.All the locks are initiated from report queries. It unnecessary increase load on server, caused sometimes exclusive locks on the...
  6. spaliwal

    Sql server 2000 data volume problem

    Hi Gurus, I have Three tables - TableA 6 lac recs TableB 2 Lac recs TableC 1 Lac recs Table A is is in frequent is in Insert / Update/ Delete , Pl. anybody who worked in large data volume in sql server 2000 can suggest me will it create any problem while accessing Join of TableA ...
  7. spaliwal

    sqlserver 2000 sp behaviour is strange

    Hi, For next no. generation i am using sp in sql server. sometimes it returning same no again , and voilating PK constraints while insertion in application.Below is the code, i am using default autocommit behaviour of sqlserver2000. Here Location.LastDeliveryTicketNo is treated as next no...
  8. spaliwal

    Need Time zone as a part of date/time

    Dear RT, Thanks a lot, Yeah i am very much agree with u. But instead of keeping time difference from mine time zone , I would like to to keep time zone differece from GMT. Since i can get GMT time directly by using GETUTCDATE() and from table mst_timezones , i will get the desired Time zone...
  9. spaliwal

    Need Time zone as a part of date/time

    Hi, I am using sql server 2000. I need date/time with time zone like "MM/DD/YYYY HH:MI:SS ZZZ" where ZZZ may be PST , IST etc, but while seeing datetime or smalldatetime datatype i could not get any style code to get time zone as a part of it.Pl. help me to get it by anyway. Thanks...
  10. spaliwal

    Need autonomous transaction in sql server 2000

    Hi, I am using a table of single row for next number, Table Name - SequenceOID column name - NextOID varchar(32) this nextOID number is used for PK of system wide tables. Thru a stored procedure(GetNextOID) i am taking the currect value of that single row column NextOID and table...
  11. spaliwal

    Using text/ntext field in a stored procedure

    Hi, I have to retrive text/ntext field in a stored procedure , it contains XML patterns.I have to parse that xml in a tabular form. But problem is it is not possible to retrive text/ntext field in a local variable.Can anybody can suggest how to retrive text/ntext datatype field in a local...
  12. spaliwal

    Reusing Result Set from Stored Procedure

    Another way of using a table variable in a user defined function as given below (sql server 2000) CREATE FUNCTION MyFuncTab () RETURNS @ProdInfo TABLE (Column1 <datatype>, Column2 <datatype>, . . . ColumnN <datatype>) AS BEGIN <Function body> INSERT @ProdInfo SELECT * FROM Tab . . . END...
  13. spaliwal

    Error message handling in sql server 2000

    Hi Experts, I have to replace sql server default error messages by my own defined messages .In sysmessage table i have created some user defined messages having nos > 50000 thru. &quot;sp_addmessage&quot; command. Also i used RAISERROR to raise these user defined messages . But I am unable to...
  14. spaliwal

    Customise messaging in sql server 2000

    Hi, I have to replace sql server default error/ message by my defined message in sysmessage table which is above msg no. 50000 .I have used sp_addmessage command to add message in sysmessage table, also RAISERROR to raise this user defined message . But I am unable to replace sql server default...
  15. spaliwal

    space allocation at the time of table creation and capacity planning

    Hi tlbroadbent, Thanks again, But dont you feel it will increase the chances of database fregmentation, see for a paricular table we know the max size will go say 50MB in next six month , as sql server can not provide contigious space allocation for it. It will be a cause of row chaning and row...
  16. spaliwal

    space allocation at the time of table creation and capacity planning

    Hi TL Broadbent, Thnaks for your prompt reply its a collection of very good articles , I am going thru all the articles, but did not get exactly, what i want, is there any space allocation way to a individual table , say 50MB is allocated to TableA, 20MB to tableB , say 30 MB to TableC , and...
  17. spaliwal

    space allocation at the time of table creation and capacity planning

    Hi, I have to do capacity planning for the sql server 2000 database. Like parameters INITIAL, NEXT ,MINEXTENTS and PCTINCREASE in Oracle , are there any parameters are there to allocate contiguous space for a table at the time of creation.It will finally help me to calculate complete database...
  18. spaliwal

    duplicate check on multiple col in sql server 2000

    Hi Steve, Thanks a lot, it worked and solved my problem. Thanks again, Shailesh
  19. spaliwal

    duplicate check on multiple col in sql server 2000

    Hi, Pl. anybody suggest me sql query to select duplicates on combination of multiple columns say columns A, B, C, D of table MyTab . Thanks, Shailesh
  20. spaliwal

    Choice of Primary key datatype

    Hi fluteplr, Thanks a lot ! actually its too late now to change datatype to int datatype , Yes If no.is not system wide unique then we can use your way of doing it will works fine , but still if we need system wide unique no.what is the best way you can suggest.Uniqueidentifier and newid() is...

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