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Search results for query: *

  1. Sameal

    Callback Method Problems

    I am trying to implement a forms like model in flash mx 2004. I have two classes, Container and Component. The Container contains many instances of Component. Each time an instance of Component is instantiated I assign a method pointer to it that points back to a method on Container called...
  2. Sameal

    how to set the focus a movieclip in MX

    I to am working on something like this. I have an instance where I create many controls onto the screen each at their own position according to an incoming communication. That communication specifies which control is to have focus initially without having to change the tab indexes on all the...
  3. Sameal

    Convert String to Boolean

    Thought I'd help anyone coming here, here is the code to parse strings into booleans. Dim clause As String Dim switch As Boolean Dim scripter As New MSScriptControl.ScriptControl() scripter.Language = "VBScript" clause = "1 = 0" switch = scripter.Eval(clause) If switch Then...
  4. Sameal

    Convert String to Boolean

    The MSScriptControl.ScriptControl object rocks! I got it all working in three lines of code yepee...
  5. Sameal

    Convert String to Boolean

    Thanks so much for the leads! Still undecided on whether to go with the script object idea or just break down and build a boolean expression parser. I've got a good model from an algebraic expression parser in one of my college text books so I may end up going that direction. Thanks for...
  6. Sameal

    Convert String to Boolean

    Yes a little bit. I have already written a version to do this but it is primitive. The function I wrote accepts a string, then splits it into a string array and then does a case switch on the operand. It then performs and If using the first and third operands using the operand which matched in...
  7. Sameal

    Convert String to Boolean

    I have a string that like this. Dim switchClause As String switchClause = "1 = 0" I want to then use the switchClause in an If statement like this. If switchClause Then ' Do something cause it was true. Else ' Do something else cause it was false. End If The above doesn't work...
  8. Sameal

    Combo Phenomenon

    I have a combo box that each time the focus leaves it, it reverts back to what it was when the form loaded. Does anyone know what could possibly be doing this?
  9. Sameal

    Receiving Email in .NET

    Does anyone know how to receive email programmatically in VB.NET? Or at least point me in the right direction. I found documentation on sending email in the System.Web.Mail namespace, however there are no objects or methods for connecting to a mailserver and checking for received email. Any help...
  10. Sameal

    Components Inside Components

    Bump bump, someone please give me an angle to start looking elsewhere, two days on this problem and nothing.
  11. Sameal

    Components Inside Components

    I have built a custom component which I call 'VComboBox'. This component is composed of a single label and an instance of Macromedia's builtin ComboBox 'FComboBoxSymbol'. I named the instance of the FComboBoxSymbol to 'comboObject'. Now when I drag a copy of my component onto the stage and in...
  12. Sameal

    Listening for the Insert Keystroke

    Can anyone tell me how you can tell when the user presses the Insert key on their keyboard? I tried to use the KeyPress Event of my Form object, however the Insert key did not fire the event at all.
  13. Sameal


    DECLARE @id INT EXEC proc_create_TABLE3_row 'again', 'again', @id
  14. Sameal

    Problem returning a Recordset AND an Output Parameter

    First of all I got mine fixed. It is returning recordsets, and return values now. So that being said I think it may be in your code somewhere. Can you post both your VB code and the Sproc that your using? I will run through them and see how they differ from mine. Right off I know I used the...
  15. Sameal

    Problem returning a Recordset AND an Output Parameter

    I just found some info about this on the MS site. http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;Q256234
  16. Sameal

    Problem returning a Recordset AND an Output Parameter

    That is exactly what I'm saying...When you execute the stored proc, the recordset it returns fills your Recordset object. However before you can access that rs("Return") parameter you'll have to do an rs.Close. Try it in your code and your return value will be there. This problem...
  17. Sameal

    Problem returning a Recordset AND an Output Parameter

    I've found that you can't access the return parameters until you do 'rs.Close'. Which I think is very bad. If you find a work around to access any kind of return value before you loose the recordset's data by closing I'd love to hear.
  18. Sameal

    Setting Cursor Type and Passing Args to Stored Proc

    I'm having trouble with setting the cursor type with my ADO command objects. Here is my code, however everytime I try to use 'rs.MoveFirst' I get an error that the recordset position can not be reset. ---Begin Code--- Private Sub cboPart_Click() On Error GoTo Err_cboPart_Click Dim...
  19. Sameal

    ComboBox Control with Columns

    I know the combobox doesn't. I'm looking for a way to either use the combo box from Access in a VB6 project. Or maybe someone knows where I could download a combobox control that does handle columns.

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