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Search results for query: *

  1. dmassey

    .Net Remoting - How to discover remoting servers on the local network?

    I found an answer to my second question here http://www.codeproject.com/KB/IP/ListNetworkComputers.aspx
  2. dmassey

    .Net Remoting - How to discover remoting servers on the local network?

    I am using .net remoting in my application, and I want the user to be able to pick an available server from a list instead of having to know the computer name and type it in. Is there a way that I can discover Remoting servers on the local subnet that have a given port and topic? or Is there...
  3. dmassey

    DNS fails every couple hours but can still ping IP addresses

    I am running windows 2000 and have a problem with my internet connections. When I am using the internet(Mozilla or IE) my internet fails after about 2 hours for sites that I haven't been to yet. Sites that I have already connected to remain working. When I ping from the dos prompt, I can ping...
  4. dmassey

    Access ADO slow when recordset > 32,000 records

    Hi I have a large recordset that I am looping through using ado and Jet 3.51. The table is in an access 97 database. The code takes about 5 seconds to process the first 32000 records and then it slows to a crawl, looping through only about 10 records per second. I am using a clientside...
  5. dmassey

    Access Linked Table: Select Unique Record Identifier

    I was already doing that.(docmd.setwarnings false) It's more than just a warning because it asks for information. Derek
  6. dmassey

    ADO How to Insert at a specific place in a table?

    I just tested it using access 2000 and access2000 puts the 000103 before the 000-701886 I wasn't aware that access 2000 had a different sort order from 97. Maybe MDAC 2.6 isn't really meant to be used with access 97. Derek
  7. dmassey

    ADO How to Insert at a specific place in a table?

    rs.Open "Select ITNBR From table1 ORDER BY ITNBR" Puts 000-701886 before 000103 and rs.Open "Select ITNBR From table1", cn, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic rs.Sort = "ITNBR ASC" puts 000103 before 000-7001886 I don't really know which is backwards, access97 sorts like the first example...
  8. dmassey

    ADO How to Insert at a specific place in a table?

    Hi CajunCenturion An example of two part numbers that would be sorted backwards is the following "000103 " and "000-701886 " These part numbers are text fields with trailing spaces as shown. It's not a big deal to use the client side cursors and sort everything the same way so...
  9. dmassey

    Access Linked Table: Select Unique Record Identifier

    Hi I am creating a linked table to an odbc datasource in access vba. When I create the link, access shows a windows with the title "Select Unique Record Identifier" and it gives a list of all the fields in the table to select from with OK and Cancel. All I need to do is click cancel and the...
  10. dmassey

    ADO How to Insert at a specific place in a table?

    Hi CajunCenturion I have tried putting an index in the access table but it seems like if I open an ado recordset with orderby in the sql statement it gives a different sort order than if I open the recordset with ado an then use a sort on the recordset itself. ie ppprs.Open "Select * From...
  11. dmassey

    ADO How to Insert at a specific place in a table?

    Thanks for the replies I realize that what I want to do here is kind of unusual. I am trying to optimize some queries on some huge tables through slow connections and it would have been nice to avoid the slowdown caused by the ORDER BY in the query. What I am trying to do is mirror an AS400...
  12. dmassey

    ADO Passthrough Query Order-By Problem

    Thanks, Mark That was exactly what I needed. I hadn't thought of the client side cursor. Derek
  13. dmassey

    ADO How to Insert at a specific place in a table?

    Hi I am using ado to add records to an access97 table using rs.addnew and rs.update Is there any way to insert the new row at a specific location in the recordset instead of at the end? Thanks, Derek
  14. dmassey

    ADO Passthrough Query Order-By Problem

    HI I am connecting to a table on an AS400 server using the following code: cn.ConnectionString = "Connect=ODBC;DSN=AS400 AMFLIB;UID=;PWD=;" rs.Open "Select ITNBR, ITDSC, UCDEF FROM AMFLIB.ITEMASA ORDER BY ITNBR", cn, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic My problem is that the query is passed to...
  15. dmassey

    Stop requery returning to first record on form.

    I have been working on a problem very similar to this one. My problem was that I have a button on a continuous form that will delete or modify the record depending on certain criteria. After the button has been pressed, I needed the to requery the continuous form and be at the exact same...
  16. dmassey

    Changing CheckBox Value using USER32

    Thanks, vb5prgrmr BM_SETSTATE and BM_SETCHECK doesn't work for me, but I used BM_GETSTATE to get the state and then BM_CLICK to toggle the state if necessary. Const BM_GETSTATE = &HF2 Const BM_CLICK = &HF5 Const BST_CHECKED = 1 Const BST_UNCHECKED = 0 'set checkbox state to checked nRtn =...
  17. dmassey

    Changing CheckBox Value using USER32

    Hi I am trying to change the value of a checkbox using the user32 library. I cannot simply use sendkeys to toggle the value of the checkbox because I need to know what the current state is. I tried using sendmessageA from the win32 library, but this only changed the state visually on the...
  18. dmassey

    Problem: ActiveX Control in Header of Continuous form

    I managed to get around this problem using the solution from the following address. http://www.experts-exchange.com/Databases/MS_Access/Q_20787707.html
  19. dmassey

    Problem: ActiveX Control in Header of Continuous form

    Hi I am using a microsoft time and date picker control in the header of an access97 continous form to filter the data in the form. This works fine except when all data is filtered out and there is no current record. Changing the value of the time&date picker gives the following error...
  20. dmassey

    Excel 97 hyperlink opens with different application than explorer uses

    Excel 97 opens hyperlink using different application than windows explorer uses. I have created a hyperlink in Excel 97 to a file on my local hard drive. I have both the application and its viewer installed on my machine, but I want to always open files using the viewer not the application...

Part and Inventory Search
