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Search results for query: *

  1. furjaw

    Filtering a DataGridView

    That worked just like I wanted it to! THANKS!!!
  2. furjaw

    Filtering a DataGridView

    Visual Basic.Net: I have a DataGridView in Last Name sequence. Is it possible to when a user types the first letter of a last name that it displays all rows with last names that start with that letter. When he types the second letter, it displays all records whose last name starts with those 2...
  3. furjaw

    Convert a VB.Net app to a web app?

    I wrote a Windows Forms application in Visual Basic 2005. What would be involved in converting it to run as an internet web application?
  4. furjaw

    Adding a column to an SQL database

    OK, I deleted the Patient.mdf in Server Explorer. Then I opened a New Connection and browsed to the .mdf file under the output directory (\bin\debug). Now I can see the new column in Server Explorer. But, how do I get it to appear in Data Sources of Solution Explorer?
  5. furjaw

    I added a column to a table, but, I can't see it.

    >what version sql you are using? I am using SQL Express that came with Visual Studio 2005 Professonal. Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express 9.00.3042.00 Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) 2000.085.1117.00 (xpsp_sp2_rtm.040803-2158) Microsoft MSXML 2.6 3.0 4.0 5.0...
  6. furjaw

    I added a column to a table, but, I can't see it.

    I ran the code below that adds a column to an SQL table. I refreshed Data Sources, but, the new column does not appear. I refreshed Server Explorer and the new column does not appear. I tried running the code again and I got: "Column names in each table must be unique. Column name 'CaseNbr' in...
  7. furjaw

    Adding a column to an SQL database

    How do I do that? Here is how MSDN tells you to do it (I just added these statements to my Form Load routine): Dim columns As DataColumnCollection = Me.PatientDataSet.Patient.Columns If columns.Contains("CaseNbr") Then MsgBox("'CaseNbr' column already exists" ) Else...
  8. furjaw

    Adding a column to an SQL database

    I added the following statement to my program: Me.PatientDataSet.Patient.Columns.Add("CaseNbr", Type.GetType("System.String")) But it did not do anything. I added the statement as the first command in the Form Load routine: Public Class Patient Public Sub Patient_Load(ByVal sender As...
  9. furjaw

    Adding a column to an SQL database

    I have a number of users running this application in remote locations. Of course, they cannot lose their existing data. It was requested that I include a column called "CaseNbr" in the table. The file that I need to add the column to is an SQL table that is being updated via a DataGridView. I...
  10. furjaw

    Adding a column to an existing SQL database table

    Visual Basic 2005 I used DataSet Designer to add a column called "Case#" to an existing SQL table. The table is used by a DataGridView in a VB 2005 program. I got it working on my development computer in debug mode. Then, when I installed it, I got an exception "Case# is an invalid column"...
  11. furjaw

    Adding a column to an SQL database

    OK, I muddled around until I got it working in debug. Then, when I installed it, I got an exception "Case# is an invalid column" and none of my data records appeared.
  12. furjaw

    Adding a column to an SQL database

    Visual Basic 2005 How do I go about adding a column to an SQL database. Everytime I did it in the past it was a disaster and I literally had to start all over again from square one. I would go into Dataset Designer to add the column then I would have all kinds of problems with the form that...
  13. furjaw

    How do I get the prerequisites to install from my Setup1.msi?

    Visual Studio 2005 Profesional: I am using Windows Installer to create a Setup.msi. I want users to be able to download a 30 day free trial of my Windows app from my website. The download worked fine on my development computer. When I tried it from a friend's computer, with my download button...
  14. furjaw

    Getting Security Exceptions While Testing!

    I used ascertia.com to generate a free code signing certificate. I successfully signed my code with Code Signer Pro. Great, I no longer get the "unknown publisher" warning! But, now when I test my program using Visual Studio 2005, I get all kinds of Security Exceptions!
  15. furjaw

    Getting Security Exceptions While Testing!

    I used ascertia.com to generate a free code signing certificate. I successfully signed my code with Code Signer Pro. Great, I no longer get the "unknown publisher" warning! But, now when I test my program using Visual Studio 2005, I get all kinds of Security Exceptions!
  16. furjaw

    Deployment from a website

    I am able to download my app from my website, but, I don't like the way that it works, so I decided to try ClickOnce. here is the error that I got: Error 1 Failed to connect to 'http://ortholabrx.net/' with the following error: Unable to create the Web 'http://ortholabrx.net/'. Server error...
  17. furjaw

    Deployment from a website

    I registered with VeriSign and included the key but I still got the "unknown publisher" warning. I just downloaded TaxAct software and I got the warning message. Everytime I download software from Microsoft, I get the message!
  18. furjaw

    Deployment from a website

    I tried ClockOnce for deploying from CD. I didn't like it because: 1) It buried the app so deep that nobody could ever find it. Windows Installer puts the app in C:\Program Files. 2) I couldn't get rid of the "Unknown Publisher" warning message. Windows Installer never gives that...
  19. furjaw

    Deployment from a website

    Visual Studio 2005 Professional: I wrote a Windows app that I intend to sell via a website. I successfully used a Setup project to deploy the project from a CD. Now, I would like to have customers be able to download it from a website. Do I simply compress it to a zip file and upload that to...
  20. furjaw

    Using PrintDialog(), can I specify "Preview"?

    This will give me a print preview: Dim dlg As New PrintPreviewDialog() dlg.Document = PrintDocument1 dlg.ShowDialog() This will let me select a printer: Dim dlg As New PrintDialog() dlg.Document = PrintDocument1 If dlg.ShowDialog = DialogResult.OK Then PrintDocument1.Print() End If But, how do...

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