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Search results for query: *

  1. JBlair

    One-to-many query problem

    What you gave me didn't work exactly as needed, but you definitely paved the path for me to figure it out. Thank you ever so much! Here was my final result: SELECT Immunizations.FullName, Min(Immunizations.DateDue) AS NextDate FROM Immunizations WHERE ((((Immunizations.ImmName) Like "*Hep*" Or...
  2. JBlair

    One-to-many query problem

    I have 2 tables, Profiles and Immunizations. Profiles stores data on a group of personnel; Immunizations stores the imm data for those people. In the Profiles table, FullName is that primary key and it is the foreign key in the Immunizations table. The immunizations table can have multiple...
  3. JBlair

    Monitoring UDP data

    Checking it out, thanks for the path-finding :)
  4. JBlair

    Monitoring UDP data

    I'm wanting to create a small program to help me inspect inbound UDP packets from a game in the hopes that I can put the data to use in a database or collection for future tools that provide info on that game. I've searched around and pieced together a port sniffer that echoes to a tree list...
  5. JBlair

    (De)Serializing multiple objects from single file.

    Is it possible to do as the subject suggests? Here's what I'm trying to do: I'm using an XML file to keep track of connection info for a client program. As the user saves connection data, I want to be able to save each connection to the same file, and later reload each connection from that...
  6. JBlair

    web service auto update proxy

    This is a theoretical possibility, having never actually attempted this myself... Set up the server so that only one client at a time can open the data in question for editing. This will help prevent accidental overwriting and other problems. Also, the server should broadcast changes to the...
  7. JBlair

    Creating a skinnable interface

    This isn't an urgent request by any means, but could anyone direct me in how/where to get started with designing an application with a skinnable interface? I've googled and found nothing, and if anyone has any knowledge of this type of programming, please share!
  8. JBlair

    Conditioning the generation of an html table

    hehe, not meant to swing this too far off topic, but thank you. Boy, first child, 9 lbs. 1 oz., 21.5 inches.
  9. JBlair

    Conditioning the generation of an html table

    Thanks for picking this up Vacunita, I had to duck out un-announced due to my wife going into labor.
  10. JBlair

    ftp_put problems

    You would have to have the file submitted via form data, I do believe. Give that a try if you haven't already. My apologies on the slow reply, my wife went into labor while I was responding to many of these topics :)
  11. JBlair

    ftp_put problems

    I checked the PHP Manual for this topic, and it seems there are conflicting user comments, and the documentation doesn't explicitly define which goes where, but try swapping around your $fileName and $source variables in the ftp_put() function.
  12. JBlair

    Select tag in php help

    The SELECT statement you have commented out should read \'parent\' instead of ''parent''. Or you could inverse it. echo "<select name='SeasonSelect' onchange='MM_jumpMenu(\"parent\", this, 0)'>";
  13. JBlair

    Conditioning the generation of an html table

    whoops, forgot to add this line after that last $output .= "</table>"; echo $output; }
  14. JBlair

    Conditioning the generation of an html table

    I've done things similar to what you seem to be attempting. Its a personal taste for me, but I typically do something like this: if($query_rows <= 0){ echo "Query returned nothing."; } else { $output = "<table>"; for($i=0; $i<$query_rows; $i++){ $output .= "<tr><td>Row...
  15. JBlair

    ftp_put problems

    Two potential problems: $fileName and $filename are different variables. $fileName may also need the path. As in, $fileName = "home/public/user_uploads/Image0001.txt";
  16. JBlair

    Conditioning the generation of an html table

    A further note: You would of course have to format the table data before the echo or print. Also, the empty while() would be leaving you open to infinite loop.
  17. JBlair

    Conditioning the generation of an html table

    At first glance I see no problem with what you are trying to do, but it would be hard to follow if buried in more code. My first instinct would be to encase the html in a string and echo the string. Avoiding the confusing breaks in php. if($rows_query <= 0) { echo "Query rows are empty."...
  18. JBlair

    Problem with if statement

    Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe you can use ini_set() to change the options for both display_errors and error_reporting which *should* override the php.ini during the execution of the script. I have not testing this myself though, because my server allows errors, and my...
  19. JBlair

    Problem with if statement

    Even if you are uploading to a webserver and testing it, you should get the errors unless your php.ini has the option turned off (which is probably the case for security). If you change the option to true, you'll probably see the errors he's talking about. If you can't modify php.ini yourself...
  20. JBlair

    PHP Variable Inside MySQL Query

    One more note, because you are using double-quotes (") You shouldn't even need to concatenate. A variable inside double-quotes is automatically rendered at run-time. For example: $a = 'cat'; $b = "dog: $a :dog"; $c = 'dog: '.$a.' :dog'; echo $b; // Should display "dog: cat :dog" echo $c; //...

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