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Search results for query: *

  1. Kretzer

    Stand Alone Access Application

    Hi, the only way I can think of is using a runtime Version of Access. That means you would have to buy a runtime Development kit which is not quite cheap. I don't know exactly how much it would cost but you can probably try ebay and have a look there. As I understand - compiled as a runtime...
  2. Kretzer

    relating to several axes of an diagram with vba

    Hi, found the answer! Refering to the secondary Y-Axes works like this: Me.DiagramName.axes(2, 2).maximumscale = value Maybe someone else needes this answer aswell ;-) Martin
  3. Kretzer

    relating to several axes of an diagram with vba

    Hi, my problem was nearly solves with this Thread:thread703-538743 Now I know that I can set the maximumsclae of the Y-Aches of an Diagram by using: Me.Ranking_VOFI.axes(2).maximumscale = 10 So what i now need to know is. How to reference a second Y-Axes. The Diagram in my report owns...
  4. Kretzer

    opening an excel sheet from Access

    Hi, i'm trying to open an access workbook and want to jump to an special sheet inside that workbook. rs is a DAO.recordset and delivers the relative path of the xls file. lst_Auswahl is a list box where an id is selecte. This ID is similar to the name of the sheet which shall be opened. I try...
  5. Kretzer

    Controling Notes via VBA?

    Hi, I found the solution it is as that simple... Instead using maildoc.from "emailadress" you simply have to use maildoc.principal "emailadress" That's it. Thank you anyway. Martin
  6. Kretzer

    Controling Notes via VBA?

    Alright, I think I still don't get it right. Once more the situation here: There is an Access DB. Approxiamately 5 people will work with this Database. A Function of this DB is to send emails. What I can do so far is send emails, attach files and so on BUT: the when the receipient ansers...
  7. Kretzer

    Controling Notes via VBA?

    Hi Pascal, thanky for your efforts. Unluckily i do not hav any experiences in programming Notes. My aim is to realise this email thing from Access via VBA. So it would help me a lot more if you would have any kind of code example for me. Yesterday I tried a lot and was quite frustrated. I...
  8. Kretzer

    Controling Notes via VBA?

    Hi, concerning Lotus Notes 5. What is working so far: We can create emails out of MS Access and send them using Lotus Notes, attach attachments and so on. What is not working : We would like to change the email address of the sender. So we want to create an extra email postbox for maybe 5...
  9. Kretzer

    IE6 and popup windows

    Hi, are there any known issues concerning IE6 and popupwindows? The thing is that my onclick event will be processed in a non popup window but won't be processed in a popup window.. The code example: 1) the click event <form action=""> <input name="Update" type="button" id="Update"...
  10. Kretzer

    No Connection to Access

    Hi, solved my own problem. It works fine here like this: strdb = "Data Source=" & server.mappath("user.mdb") set conn =server.CreateObject("Adodb.connection") strconn = "Provider=Microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0;" & strdb conn.open strconn Martin
  11. Kretzer

    No Connection to Access

    Hi, I asume that this will be a mistake quite easy to solve for some of you. My piece of code looks like this: strconn ="Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};Dbq=\\Otdesbwelhttp\clc-mod\cop\cop-test\user.mdb;Uid=Admin;Pwd=;" set conn = server.createobject("adodb.connection") conn.open...
  12. Kretzer

    design questions concerning a manual cross table

    Hi, i have to do a manual cross table. I understood the logic behind it. My question now is belonging to the design. I do have several groups. The details are switched off and the only thing you see are the summary fields of the group. Thats how I get my numbers. The thing is that sometimes 2...
  13. Kretzer

    implode.dll - missing

    After installin CR again everything works fine. But to answer your questions: I did not find the file on my hard disk ans there was absolutely nobody I knew with CR installed. So I think this was a quick solution... Thank you nevertheless.. Martin
  14. Kretzer

    implode.dll - missing

    Hi, after starting my computer again - Crystal Reports 8.5 is missing the &quot;implode.dll&quot; and can't open the view which is needed for the report. Do I have to install CR again? Martin
  15. Kretzer

    Access data refresh error

    Hi cord, in the database menu there is a point called &quot;check database everytime&quot; or soomething like that (I do not have Crystal installed here so I can't look it up for you). The thing is that if this point is checked. Crystal really checks the database everytime you repaint the...
  16. Kretzer

    how to calculate with group fields?

    Hi, so far I did a manual cross table based on groups and it looks like this Januar Februar March ...... row1 val1.1. val1.2 val1.3 row2 val2.1 val2.2 val2.3 row3 and so on............... The values are of course group sum fields als all detail fields are invisible...
  17. Kretzer

    Access data refresh error

    hi, I'm doing a report based on an Access97 DB. I'm using the access file as datasource. After creating a rough preview of the report I had to import some new data into the database. the report cointained 15 groups. After the new data was put in there are 16 groups. Unfortunately the new group...
  18. Kretzer

    exportin values into access via odbc is not working

    hi I want to export some values into an Access 97 mdb via ODBC. I installed the ODBC driver (Windows NT) and it seems to work fine. But the table created does not contain any values - it's totally empty. Does anyone have experiences with the data transfer from CR 8.5 to Access 97? ODBC would...
  19. Kretzer

    finding the smallest value within several groups

    Hi, I do have 3 groups. first one ist the geographical region secons one is the year third one is the 5 different values which are from interest my question is how can I find the smallest/highest value for each of those 5 data for all groups? so that I can finally say. Allright data1 is...
  20. Kretzer

    combining a crystal dictionary with a mdb

    Hi, my primary data source is a crystal dictionary consisting of 2 tables. all data (except one) is included in this dictionary. So now I also have to include the last missing data which is coming from an Access .mdb file. Could you please give me a short description of how many different ways...

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