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  1. MDEdwards

    BSOD on WinXP w/ Apache 2

    just incase anyone was wondering, the problem was indeed with the firewall, Kerio PF 4. it had updated itself to a beta release, which apparently had some issues, the latest final runs everything just fine.
  2. MDEdwards

    BSOD on WinXP w/ Apache 2

    thanks for your help!
  3. MDEdwards

    BSOD on WinXP w/ Apache 2

    edit again.. lol FWDRV.SYS apparently has to do with my firewall, I am looking into it now.
  4. MDEdwards

    BSOD on WinXP w/ Apache 2

    err... edit The bugcheck was: 0x0000008e (0xc0000005, 0xb6fb2d8e, 0xb6729c70, 0x00000000).
  5. MDEdwards

    BSOD on WinXP w/ Apache 2

    hmm, good to know. Here is everything, dunno its pertinence: STOP: 0X0000008E (0XC0000005, 0XB6FB6F132D8E, 0XB6729C703, 0X00000000) FWDRV.SYS Address BGFB2D8E BASE AT B6FA0000, DATESTAMP 40177C67
  6. MDEdwards

    BSOD on WinXP w/ Apache 2

    its a physical memory dump, damn thing is gone too fast to even see what its saying
  7. MDEdwards

    BSOD on WinXP w/ Apache 2

    For some reason, Apache 2 and my computer stopped getting along together. I did the following: upgraded my firewall, upgraded java, and the latest windows update (I believe it was an IE6 update), and upon reboot, once the apache 2 service loads, I get a BSOD. I tried uninstalling and...
  8. MDEdwards

    IE Maximize problems

    for some reason, whenever I try to maximize internet explorer, there is a 16 pixle gap at the top of the screen. This ONLY happens with IE, nothing else. As far as I can tell, it shifts the window down 16, because the Status bar is somewhat visible under the start menu. check it out here...
  9. MDEdwards

    directory list styling

    is there a way to change the directory listing style(like set a different font, or background, hyperlink colors, etc...) ?
  10. MDEdwards

    Hide files in Apache2?

    I was wondering if there was a way to hide hidden (as per windows xp's hidden files), in a directory listing? or, to be able to flat out hide any file thats named, for instance... "thumbs.db"? ;)
  11. MDEdwards

    CD Drive Problems

    both my CD drives have just randomly stopped showing the media title. One is stuck on Vice City, the other, Audio CD. No matter what I put in there, they only say that. any ideas?
  12. MDEdwards

    Formatting and Registry Backups

    I want them because of the 160gb of software I have installed on my other partitions which I do not feel like reinstalling
  13. MDEdwards

    Formatting and Registry Backups

    I am planning to format the partition with windows xp on it,and doing a fresh install... if I wanted to backup my registry (because all the software I want to keep is on a seperate partition), and then merged that registry with my new windows xp install, will that work?
  14. MDEdwards


    Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt: \WINNT\system32\l_intl.nls You can attempt to repair this file by starting windows setip using the original Setup CD-ROM. I dont know what happened, but anyone know how to fix the error? When I boot winxp setup, it loads...
  15. MDEdwards

    microsoft and me

    I have a new 80gb Maxtor drive, which I have been using. I was only using 50% of it and left the rest unpartitioned. I wanted to format and install 98 and xp. So, I backed everything up, and went into fdisk, and deleted all the partitions, and rebooted. But now, when I go into FDISK, it doesnt...
  16. MDEdwards

    dual booting with xp

    I know Im able to install 98 to a partition other than C, but my problem is at present, my confusion over the issue of does C need to be Fat32, for windows98 install to run, so I can then install it to F?
  17. MDEdwards

    dual booting with xp

    I have an 80gb hdd which I plan to dual boot with XP and 98. I also plan to add additional partitions. Please tell me if the setup I have laid out here will work. 1gb NTFS C: - Windows XP 39gb NTFS D: - Program Files 35gb NTFS E: - Program Files & Miscellaneous 5gb FAT32 F: - Windows 98 /...
  18. MDEdwards

    Registry Backups

    I am planning to install Windows XP to a small C partition, and install all my program files and data to another (this way, if I have to format, I dont lose all my installed programs). I know that in Windows 2000, if you backup your registry, and after you format, then try to merge the registry...
  19. MDEdwards

    dual boot

    I have windows 2000 pro installed on my current hdd, and wish to install windows 98 on a second, however, I have seen that it is unwise to install 98 after 2000, as it will not allow you to dual boot. Anyone know a way to dual boot, safely?
  20. MDEdwards

    aliased folders

    aye, thankyou, I had tried that right after I posted the previous post, but then my internet went down (darn company!), so I was unable to post my fix! Thank you anyways!

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