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Search results for query: *

  1. ddbrook

    Aging Buckets in a Query

    I have a query and it has a service date and amt balance... I need to take the service date and put the amt balance into different buckets..0-30, 31-60, 61-90, over 120 days. Example... if the date of service is aged 37 days the amt balance would go into 31-60 days bucket... I need some coding...
  2. ddbrook

    Form Load Needing to Loop to next record....

    It might be a better way but it works!!!! Worked great Darrylle. Thanks again. ddbrook
  3. ddbrook

    Form Load Needing to Loop to next record....

    This is my code to load my form when I open it. Which it works fine, but when I have 2 or more emails to send out for that day... Can someone show me how to loop to next record???? Please... Private Sub Form_Load() On Error GoTo Err_Form_Load DoCmd.Maximize DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acFirst...
  4. ddbrook

    Send Email Automatically when date is reached...

    I need Access 97 to send an email automatically when the current date Date() reaches the date entered field in the form. I have the SendObject code, but now I need the code that gets the date to trigger the sendobject. I hope this makes sense. Thanks, ddbrook
  5. ddbrook


    I have customer numbers that can have multiple account numbers, But I need to show only 5 of each account numbers. I made a query that shows me the customer numbers that has > 5 account numbers: Cust#,CustCount 16180,111 16491,106 25762,49 So I would need to keep <= 5 and delete all the...
  6. ddbrook

    Query question??

    I guess I didn't make myself clear...sorry. I have multiple customers and these accounts with multiple records can be in the middle of my query so TOP 3 is not going to work. I need all customer accounts but only 3 of each one. Thanks and hopefully you can shine some light now. ddbrook
  7. ddbrook

    Query question??

    I have a query that retrieves multiple records in my active accounts but I only want to show the user just 3 records of each active account. Some accounts have about 20 or more if it is apts. Example of data: name,cust#,account# BANY LANDING APTS ,1269,4945800 BANY LANDING APTS ,1269,4945820...
  8. ddbrook

    Leading zeros in a text field???

    I have a text field but outputs numbers... I need the leading 2 zeros taken off. I have tried trim. I have a query and my data outputs like this: Meter #, 0054641 I need it to look like: 54641 Please help... Thanks, ddbrook
  9. ddbrook

    yes or no field in query

    Thank you both very much... It worked perfect. I greatly appreciate your promptness. ddbrook
  10. ddbrook

    yes or no field in query

    I have a query that looks like: Acct#,Name,Loc,Utility Type. 123,Diane,3008 Look up St,W(Water) 456,Juli,4407 Pleasant St, W(Water) 456,Juli,4407 Pleasant St, S(Sewer) From the data above you will see I have one record with Water... I need a yes or no field showing the record does not have...
  11. ddbrook


    I have a report with: Cust#,Name,Final Bal 125,Jack,190.00 I also have a subreport with: Cust#,Active Acct,Deposit Amt. 125,44520,175.00 I group these together by the Cust#. Which is fine. But now I need the Sum of Final Bal to show in Descending order. I loose my group by Cust#. This ties...
  12. ddbrook

    Linking Report?

    Ian, I completed what you recommended. It does do like you said but I do not have Revenue over 40,000. This is the code I used in @Limit: If ({pujhaccd.net} >= 40000 and {pujhaccd.utility_type} = &quot;E&quot; or {pujhaccd.utility_type} = &quot;G&quot; or {pujhaccd.utility_type} =...
  13. ddbrook

    Linking Report?

    I have all the entries for 40,000 for all utility types(E,G,W). Works fine. But...My problem is my tax is less than 40,000. and utility type = &quot;X&quot;. There is only one entry per account over 40,000. Thanks, DDBrook
  14. ddbrook

    Linking Report?

    Thanks. But it still is not showing me anything for the &quot;X&quot; type because it is less than 40,000. I did everthing you recommended. Another suggestion!! Thanks, DDBrook
  15. ddbrook

    Linking Report?

    I have a report..(Accounts > than 40,000). Looks like this. Acct#,Util type,Month,Revenue. 9099, E, 7/01/02, $55,000. Now I need the tax for these same accounts > than 40,000. Util type is equal to &quot;X&quot; which is the Tax code. It is in the same Revenue column...
  16. ddbrook

    Sorting and Grouping

    Great that is completed...thanks. Now I need to get the top 10 accounts. I made a parm(?view) the number the user puts in..and went into Report, Edit Selection, by Group...and put in this code. RecordNumber <= {?View} Now I am getting 10 records by the amount field I need the top 10...
  17. ddbrook

    Sorting and Grouping

    I have a report sorted by Bill_amount(DESC), so I can get the top accounts. I also have the customer_name field(ASC). The Bill_amount works fine but the customer_name field looses the grouping. I need the customer_name field to group with the same customer names. Name,Cust#,Utility...

Part and Inventory Search
