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Search results for query: *

  1. WMitchellCPQ

    Modernizing the web development dept - XML, XSLT ??

    -Intro- Hi there Ive recently started work at a small to medium sized web dev company. At College I had the fortune to get to play with XML, XSL, XSLT etc.. My new company however is somewhat a little set in their ways. -/Intro- -Background tech- The company uses a mixture of Java Struts...
  2. WMitchellCPQ

    Regular Expressions - Help me ??

    Hi i need to remove a navigation table (nav table) in a large number of files. How do I construct a reg exp so that the table will be remove this. The contents of the table vary from file to file. <table id="NavTable> Varying text here <some tags> </table> Thanks in advance
  3. WMitchellCPQ

    Counting occurences of a key value

    Thanks guys..
  4. WMitchellCPQ

    Counting occurences of a key value

    I have a table- tblPlantedOn SeedID | field2 | FarmID 12,1,4 12,2,4 1,2,4 1,4,5 I want to figure out which farms have only one type of seed planted on them. The one thing that is causing me problems is that the two entries on farm 4 only count as one seed. This anyway is discounted here as...
  5. WMitchellCPQ

    Multi-row modification is not supported ???

    Im trying the SQL following code.. UPDATE [Order] SET InvoiceTo = RTRIM(InvoiceTo) WHERE (RIGHT(InvoiceTo, 1) = ' ') However im getting a multirow modification error when i try and run it against my order table. Order is a really big table.. I hate working on Holidays :(
  6. WMitchellCPQ

    Search a listbox

    I have a list box which is quite large .. say 16000 records I need to figure out a good way of searching it.. I had a while loop to search the whole list but that is now taking too much time. I ran into this API method: lngindex = SendMessageString(List1.hwnd, LB_FINDSTRINGEXACT, -1, strFind)...
  7. WMitchellCPQ

    Returning an additional row (error) when only 1 row is returned

    I am using a two SQL Querys - one is nested inside the other. I want to have the subquery (Query 2) generate an additional row if only one row is returned. Any ideas Query 1: Select TOP 1 * WHERE asdf = "XX" ORDER BY asdf ASC { Query 2: Select TOP 2 * WHERE bla = "YY" ORDER BY...
  8. WMitchellCPQ

    EASY combobox - setting an index to be selected

    Got it cmbCurrentState.value = cmbCurrentState.ItemData(0)
  9. WMitchellCPQ

    EASY combobox - setting an index to be selected

    I have a combo box which i set its row source at run time. I cant seem to set it so that a particular value eg the first value is selected once populated. This has to be any easy one but i cant seem to get it. Help Cheers W
  10. WMitchellCPQ

    Combining Multiple Exchange Accounts + Web Access

    Hi Folkes, I have no prior knowledge with exchange so this is a long shot any help would be appreciated. Currently my group is using the Office Web Access - however we each have 2 email accounts. 1 for internal exchange and another for external ISP emails.. is there any way of telling Exchange...
  11. WMitchellCPQ

    SQL assigning variable fields variable values

    That code seems to work ok but as such as I change the value for the OrderId to a variable it gives me the following... set @str = 'UPDATE dbo.OrderItems SET'+ @tmpFieldName + '="'+ @tmpFieldValue +'"WHERE OrderID ="'+@OrderID +'"' Server was unable to process request. --->...
  12. WMitchellCPQ

    SQL assigning variable fields variable values

    I need to escape an apostrophe e.g. SET ' + @tmpFieldName +' = "'+ @tmpFieldValue + '" WHERE OrderID = "' + @OrderID + '=9563'
  13. WMitchellCPQ

    SQL assigning variable fields variable values

    How do I escape the ' in T-SQL ?
  14. WMitchellCPQ

    SQL assigning variable fields variable values

    Thanks alot guys for your help :)
  15. WMitchellCPQ

    SQL assigning variable fields variable values

    Hi there folkes :) Ive run into a problem with my update statement. In it I wish to have a variable represting a FieldName and another representing the new value. Here is my code however the update statement wont work as the variable field name takes the value of the value. How do I fix this...
  16. WMitchellCPQ

    Function Viability

    No its tmpFieldName = tmpFieldValue But thanks for reading
  17. WMitchellCPQ

    Function Viability

    Hi Mark or anyone else can you help me debug the following function. The Initial insert works but the UPDATE doesnt seem to work any help appreciated. CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.sp_Orders_InsertProposedOrderItems( @OrderID [int], @ProductID [int], @Quantity [int], @DateRequired [datetime]...
  18. WMitchellCPQ

    Function Viability

    Hi again SQL Coders thanks for you previous help Quick one .. Im just want to know if its possible or not there is no need to show me how any way... Is this possible forgive my t-SQL like pseducode create procedure sp_addproduct var @producttype var @productdata //productdata will be in the...
  19. WMitchellCPQ

    TSQL - Variables -- :( Help me plz

    Thanks Denny :) Now to write those following statements
  20. WMitchellCPQ

    TSQL - Variables -- :( Help me plz

    Hi Helpful SQL coders, Im behind on a deadline and would really appreciate some help. Im soberly new to T-SQL :( I've a webserice calling a stored procedure to insert data. Can someone show me an example on how to use variables in stored procedures. This is as the fields affected by the call...

Part and Inventory Search
