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Search results for query: *

  1. MrEGuest

    setting focus to a text box

    It worked for me, but when the radio button was already selected and I clicked on it again, the click event didn't fire. If you want an to use event that will fire whenever the user clicks on the particular radio, ragardless of its current value, then you should use the MouseUp event. Hope...
  2. MrEGuest

    Problems updating a RecordSet!

    Are you saying that you've tried the movefirst?
  3. MrEGuest


    When you have a control array, the only properties available when you type "object." will be the ones you listed because vb expects you to tell it which control in the array you are talking about. Try typing this and see what properties become available: frmName.DTpicker(0). In the...
  4. MrEGuest

    Problems updating a RecordSet!

    Are you at BOF when you do the update? Haven't verified this but maybe inserting rs.Movefirst in your code before assigning all of the field values would do the trick. Josh
  5. MrEGuest


    You're not going to bind a variable such an integer or string to a recordset field in the sense that you can with controls like text boxes. You can, however, assign the value of a specific field in a specific record the value that's stored in a common variable, depending, of course on the type...
  6. MrEGuest

    Center text in a text box

    The textbox control has a property called alignment which can be set to 0, indicating left alignment, 1, indicating right alignment, or 2, indicating center alignment. Hope this helps! Josh
  7. MrEGuest

    Beginner Class/Module Question

    I think that you're creating 2 separate instances of clsAdd. If I understand you correctly, you have 2 separate form-level clsAdd objects, both called add. Although I didn't see any reference to frmMain in the posted code above (all I noticed was frmAddShop & frmAdd), I think this is what is...
  8. MrEGuest

    Out of process Components

    Have you tried opening the project properties dialog in the activeX exe project and modifying the threading model options? I think that your best bet would be to keep the thread pool option selected and just increase the number of threads available to 3 or 4. Hope this helps! Josh
  9. MrEGuest

    FlexGrid DLL File ?

    The Microsoft FlexGrid Control is contained in a file called msflxgrd.ocx. You can find this information out on your own if you look at the bottom of the References and Components dialogs. The location of all of the registered dlls and ocxs will be specified there. Hope this helps! Josh
  10. MrEGuest

    Adding Numbers

    Vec- Well technically, in your example above the value "$50.00" is numeric. In that, the the following call to the VB function IsNumeric will return a value of true: IsNumeric("$50.00") Your problem is that, although "$50.00" is numeric, it is not a Double...
  11. MrEGuest

    DataEnvironment vs hand coding/ADO

    I also think that hand coding is generally the better choice because it gives the developer more control over all of the objects(Connection, Command, & Recordset). I can manage resources better since I can create and destroy these objects throughout the application as needed. Hope this helps...
  12. MrEGuest

    Avoiding Duplicate Entry in DB

    Why don't you add an actual ID field that is autonumber and can't edited by the user. This is generally what's done.
  13. MrEGuest

    how to find dns available to use

    If you do not have regobj it can be freely downloaded from this site: http://download.microsoft.com/download/vb60pro/Update/6.0/W9X2K/EN-US/RegObji.exe Hope this helps! Josh
  14. MrEGuest

    how to find dns available to use

    The dll is called regobj.dll
  15. MrEGuest

    how to find dns available to use

    Those values are stored in the registry in the following key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ODBC\ODBCINST.INI\ODBC Drivers Now, if you open Project->References and check the checkbox next to Registration Manipulation Classes you'll be able to use the following objects: 'Put this code in the...
  16. MrEGuest

    VB string max size

    According to MSDN... "A variable-length string can contain up to approximately 2 billion (2^31) characters" Hope this helps! Josh
  17. MrEGuest

    MS ACCESS VB to run query

    Would you show some code with the searchfield that that you've tried to use?
  18. MrEGuest


    This is undoubtedly the result of Components and References that you have included in your application. These are essentially links to other files, dlls, ocxs, etc. The machine that you're trying to run your application on will not inherently have all of these files. They must be DEPLOYED with...
  19. MrEGuest

    Recordcount returns -1 even after MoveLast

    TTThio You have to set the CursorLocation property to adUseClient if you want to use the recordcount property for an ADO rs. Hope this helps! Josh
  20. MrEGuest

    Image Control Within a Custom UserContol

    Sorry, I meant the InitProperties event not InitChanged.

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