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Search results for query: *

  1. kelani

    Problem showing Logged in Users w/Application/Session?

    Still not working.. Can *anyone* help? The Land of Broken Dreams 9 - http://www.lobd.org/lobd9/ 9.1 million visitors since 1992 Register today, and get sexy.
  2. kelani

    Problem showing Logged in Users w/Application/Session?

    Greetings, I've been working with my variables for some time, trying to develop a nice &quot;who's online&quot; page. I've read tutorials, and even tried examples that will output ONE variable, but anything beyond that.. gets interesting. When a user logs in, these variables are set.. <cfset...
  3. kelani

    Replacing quotes?

    Both examples worked great. Thanks so much for the help, I voted for all of you :) The Land of Broken Dreams 9 - http://www.lobd.org/lobd9/ 9.1 million visitors since 1992 Register today, and get sexy.
  4. kelani

    Replacing quotes?

    Actually, one more thing. How do you replace it if it's inside a query? The Land of Broken Dreams 9 - http://www.lobd.org/lobd9/ 9.1 million visitors since 1992 Register today, and get sexy.
  5. kelani

    Replacing quotes?

    That worked great! Thanks for the help :) Kelani The Land of Broken Dreams 9 - http://www.lobd.org/lobd9/ 9.1 million visitors since 1992 Register today, and get sexy.
  6. kelani

    Replacing quotes?

    Actually, I'm not. Basically, I have CRs and LFs converted (this is a web email box) My problem is I'm getting an invalid buffer error when people include quotes in their messages, so I need to convert them to amp-quote-semicolons Here's my code: without the quote conversion. it's not inside...
  7. kelani

    Replacing quotes?

    Actually I use ampersand - quote - semicolon, but Tek-tips changed it to a quote. argh :) The Land of Broken Dreams 9 - http://www.lobd.org/lobd9/ 9.1 million visitors since 1992 Register today, and get sexy.
  8. kelani

    Replacing quotes?

    I currently have this code in palce to rpelace CRs and LFs and need to replace Quotes: &quot;#chr(13)##chr(10)#&quot;, &quot;<br>&quot;, &quot;all&quot; I tried adding a chr(34) but it doesn't work, and screws up the insert query. Any reason why this wouldn't work...
  9. kelani

    Cfquery weirdness

    Hmm. That would fix the problem. Funny thing, I replaced that form a doxen times, with other *working* forms. So if that's the winner, I'm obviously a loser here. Thanks everyone. I think i'll write a validator especially for this as penance. :) Kelani
  10. kelani

    Cfquery weirdness

    Greetings, I know you don't put single quotes around it, but I've tried it *without* them, and that doesn't work either. Here's the code as you describe it.. <cfquery name=&quot;killmail&quot; datasource=&quot;db26401a&quot; dbtype=&quot;ODBC&quot; username=&quot;us26401a&quot...
  11. kelani

    Cfquery weirdness

    Ok master, here are the results from our experiment.. 1. Changing to IsDefined still gives the error. 2. changing to url.ParameterExists gives the error 3. Hard coding the delete query works fine :( 4. database info is the same as the other 20something queries on the page :) 5. MID is a unique...
  12. kelani

    Cfquery weirdness

    Okay, I have a million queries using update, insert,and delete, but this one is not working, and I don't know why. I've tried copying in a different form/query to see if i had some weird syntax error, but it doesn't work.. Here goes. <cfif ParameterExists (Delete)> <cfoutput> <cfquery...
  13. kelani

    formatting date output

    Not sure, but: #Dateformat(lastvisit, &quot;mm/dd/yy&quot;)# should work? Kelani
  14. kelani

    More Add Photo woes..

    Actually, I fixed it. By removing the Cfabort and cfif, then making the next parameter (save) a cfelseif, it appears to be working properly. Funny, it didn't before. Hmm.. gremlins.
  15. kelani

    More Add Photo woes..

    Simon, Thanks for your time and caring. Send me your email address to kelani@kelani.com and I'll send you a copy of the page. Beats posting it here and taking up bandwidth :) Kelani
  16. kelani

    More Add Photo woes..

    Adding <cfabort></cfabort> before the </cfif> Works perfectly. I thank you all for your most wonderful help in resolving this problem :) Kelani
  17. kelani

    More Add Photo woes..

    Well, I don't know what I did, but it fixed it. Now the only remaining problem, before I shut up is: After it processes the delete, It's not stopping at the end of that statement, it's displaying the stuff after the <cfelse> (add a new photo) I just want it to conirm photo deletion and add a...
  18. kelani

    More Add Photo woes..

    Simon, It works correctly as typed. Quick trivia: I started adding an extra </table> at the end of every page when I was still coding everything in plain HTML and my site grew to 750mb with 59 directories. I'd invariably leave one out for a nested table, and Netscape wouldn't display the page...
  19. kelani

    More Add Photo woes..

    Here's the entire thing, minus the KILL code. -long code block-- <cfif ParameterExists(Save)> <cfquery name=&quot;prepic&quot; db info> select id, photo, cap from users WHERE ID='#form.id#' AND photo<>'' </cfquery> <cfif prepic.recordcount EQ &quot;1&quot;> <cfoutput...
  20. kelani

    More Add Photo woes..

    Grr. Well, I am at a loss. The page works fine, until I add the Delete option, which I renamed &quot;Kill&quot; in case it was conflicting with the cffile-delete elsewhere. <cfif ParameterExists(Kill)> <cfquery name=&quot;kill&quot; db info here> UPDATE users set cap='', photo='' WHERE...

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