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Search results for query: *

  1. AnNguyen

    How to create Datasource /dataset from XML file.

    Hello I'm new to this Reporting services, and I wonder if RS can retrieve data from a pre-determined XML file.But first let me explain my problem. I get the XML file from a third party which i can not modify, is it posible that i can create a datasource/dataset to this file an retrieve data...
  2. AnNguyen

    How to calculate running total with Xslt

    Thank you. it solves my problem. by the way, would you suggest a good XSL book for me to buy.
  3. AnNguyen

    How to calculate running total with Xslt

    Hello and please help. I'm new to XSL and how can i calculate the running total and display it within the for loop. part of my XML <Expenses> <expense> <id>1</id><amount>10</amount></expense> <expense> <id>1</id><amount>20</amount></expense> <expense>...
  4. AnNguyen

    OL2000 VBA How to copy attachment to local drive

    Hi all. I use OL2000 sp3. I have a form to scan the inbox for certain meassage. my questionis how i copy the attachment of these message to local drive (i.e C:\) What did i do wrong. can some one help or point me to the right path. Thank you and below is my code. sub Function Item_Open() '...
  5. AnNguyen

    outlook form how to change the textbox value before and after a long p

    Hello All How can i change the textbox value before and after a long process routine? here is my code and the Textbox is preset to blank Sub cmdShow_ click() DescriptionMsg.Value = "Scanning in progress... " showMessages 'long process atleast half a minute DescriptionMsg.Value =...
  6. AnNguyen

    how to access sesion object from subweb.

    Hi all. I need your help and my question is that can a web page in a subweb access sesion value created from parent web side? Let say I have web site A that has subweb B. In A i have and 2 ASP files, Set.asp and get.asp. i also have the get.asp in subweb B. 'Set.asp <%@Language=VBScript> <%...
  7. AnNguyen

    How to make Activex Control hosted in IE works from intranet.

    Please help anyone. I create a C# activex dll that run in IE. it works fine one my machine (XP SP2, IE6, net framework 1.1 sp1). When i run http://localhost/mysite/myapp.html the control show up correctly. I create a virtual dir mysite on my intranet (Window 2003 server, IIS6 Net framewrok 1.1...
  8. AnNguyen

    How to access cookies value from Javascript.

    Is there way for ASP.NET to read cookies value that were set with Javascript in PHP page? Thank in advance. //Setting cookies with javascript in a PHP page. It is // written from a third party that i can not changed. <script LANGUAGE="JavaScript" > function setCookie(cookieName,cookieValue) {...
  9. AnNguyen

    Web statistic tools for IIS6 on win2k3

    Hello all Is there any web stat tools ( free one ) for IIS6 so that i can use, Something similar to MS site server express provided in the option pack 4 for IIS4? Any help on where to get and how to install operate these tools woulb be very appreciated. Thanks
  10. AnNguyen

    How to insert directly listbox valuemember and displaymember

    Thankyou all I found a way to solve my problem thanks to obislavu from this link http://www.tek-tips.com/viewthread.cfm?qid=858914 and here my code if any body need it string SSQL= "SELECT ID, Fname,LName,Init From tblEmp"; sqlDA = new SqlDataAdapter(sSQL,sqlconn); DS =...
  11. AnNguyen

    How to insert directly listbox valuemember and displaymember

    Hello I try to bind both displaymember and value member of a listbox to a dtataset data, but this time the displaymember witth multiple field value as follow. .... string SSQL= "SELECT ID, Fname,LName,Init From tblEmp"; sqlDA = new SqlDataAdapter(sSQL,sqlconn); DS =...
  12. AnNguyen

    UserControl hosted in browser problem.

    I found a solution ( at least for me) and here what i did 1. go to Controlpanel/admintools/ 2. Open ms.net framework config 3. expand Machine/codegroup/all_codes/ 4. right click LocalIntranet_Zone then click properties. 5. in membership condition Tab set the first combobox to URL and type...
  13. AnNguyen

    UserControl hosted in browser problem.

    Thank you chmohan , unfortunately it didnt work. Here my code private void btnlaunchIE(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { try { System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("IExplorer.exe","www.yahoo.com"); } catch (Exception e1) { txtRemarks.Text = e1.ToString(); } }...
  14. AnNguyen

    UserControl hosted in browser problem.

    Hello everyone. I created 2 windows control library UC1, UC2. They are both hosted in browser (IE). It's Ok to run each of them separately by typing http//localhost/UC1.html or http//localhost/UC2.html. I wonder is it posible to launch UC2 from UC1, let say i put a button on the control UC1 and...
  15. AnNguyen

    Howto specify numbers of display items in the dropdownlisbox

    Thanks unfortunately it does not work, I tried your statements and get the compile error "System.Web.UI.AttributeCollection' does not contain a definition for 'Items'" Dropdownlist1.Attributes.Add("Size","10") the dropdownlist turn into a listbox (which is not what i want )...
  16. AnNguyen

    Howto specify numbers of display items in the dropdownlisbox

    Hello. I have a dropdownlist that are populated with data from a table, there will be around 200 items in the list. When i click at the list arrow, it shows 28 items, and i can scroll up and down, Is there way to make the dropdownlist to show 10 items. I try the...
  17. AnNguyen

    Howto refresh datagrid after update database

    Hello everyone how can i refresh datagrid after updating database. First of all i'll describe my problem. I have a webform with a datagrid and a save button. The datagrid consist of row of fields: ID, Name Price, Price is a editable textbox. User can edit as many of the price Textbox as...
  18. AnNguyen

    Listbox entry with spacing

    Thank you I found the solution, and here it is: char nbsp = (char) 0xA0; for (int i = 0; i < DS.Tables[0]Rows.Count; i++) { ListItem lI = new ListItem(); lI.Text = DS.Tables[0].Rows[i][1].ToString(); int l = lI.Text.Length; for (int n=lI.Text.Length; n < 30; n++) lI.Text +=...
  19. AnNguyen

    Listbox entry with spacing

    Thank you It did not work either. The listbox show &nbsp as it is, may be there some set up from my machine to cause this ??? An
  20. AnNguyen

    Listbox entry with spacing

    I need help with the listbox entry that has spacing. I can add entry alright, but the list box only keep the first space between words and omit the other no matter what for example Input the following 1: This is the first Item (with space) will show you 1: This is the first Item...

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