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Search results for query: *

  1. Christiana

    How to upload files to pda

    This isn`t exactly what I want. I already create the pages. The problem is how to send all these pages to the pda, without synch
  2. Christiana

    How to upload files to pda

    I have developed a mobile portal and I need to have an "offline mode". To be more specific, I want to create all the pages for a user and upload it as a whole package to the pda, so that the user can browse the pages without being connected. Can anyone tell me how I can achieve this...
  3. Christiana

    Problem with fonts displayed on webpage

    zefir This seems to work!!! I can´t thank you enough :-V But I hope you won´t might me asking, I have a page that the users input data in the database is there a way to encode their input in this way. Thank you Christiana
  4. Christiana

    Problem with fonts displayed on webpage

    I'm using Access 2000 to store my data and asp to display its contents to the web. My data are written in greek. When I display it on the web though they are replaced with questionmarks (?) and some latin characters. I don't have problem with the words I wrote directly on the page. Does anyone...
  5. Christiana

    Problem with fonts displayed on webpage

    I'm using Access 2000 to store my data and asp to display its contents to the web. My data are written in greek. When I display it on the web though they are replaced with questionmarks (?) and some latin characters. I don't have problem with the words I wrote directly on the page. Does anyone...
  6. Christiana

    Problem with fonts displayed on webpage

    I'm using Access 2000 to store my data and asp to display its contents to the web. My data are written in greek. When I display it on the web though they are replaced with questionmarks (?) and some latin characters. I don't have problem with the words I wrote directly on the page. Does anyone...
  7. Christiana

    JScript NOT working with Netscape!!??

    Hi you all! I'm using this way to call a JScript function which validates the form. <form action=&quot;add.asp&quot; method=&quot;post&quot; name=&quot;Add&quot; onsubmit=&quot;return Form_Validator(this)&quot;> and here's the function <script Language=&quot;JavaScript&quot;><!-- function...
  8. Christiana

    Javascript NOT working with Netscape!!?

    Hi you all! I'm using this way to call a JScript function which validates the form. <form action=&quot;add.asp&quot; method=&quot;post&quot; name=&quot;Add&quot; onsubmit=&quot;return Form_Validator(this)&quot;> and here's the function <script Language=&quot;JavaScript&quot;><!-- function...
  9. Christiana

    Passing Radio buttons value between 2 asp files

    You must put the radio button inside a form in file1. Then other using &quot;get&quot; or &quot;post&quot; you can submit the form to the next file. <form action=&quot;File2.asp&quot; method=&quot;post&quot; name=&quot;Form1&quot;> You can access it from File2 using...
  10. Christiana

    query with parameter in Access

    Try using something like this mySQL=&quot;PARAMETERS currCatID IEEEDouble; SELECT email FROM experts WHERE ID in (SELECT expertID FROM catExp WHERE CategoryID=&quot; & currCatID) & &quot;;&quot; if you want the variable treated as a string you should use...
  11. Christiana

    AddNew isn't really adding

    I'm not increasing the autonumber. I just mentioned that the number I get returned is the one that it should be. If I have 200 records in my table then it returns 201. Then if I try to manually add to the DB the autonumber is 202. I tried using...
  12. Christiana

    AddNew isn't really adding

    Just wanted to add that the autonumber of WatermillID is increased as it is supposed to on the Webpage and in the Database too!! What's going on? PLS HELP
  13. Christiana

    AddNew isn't really adding

    This is the DSN I'm using: myDSN=&quot;Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;&quot; myDSN= myDSN & &quot;Data Source=&quot;&server.mappath(&quot;Copy of watermill.mdb&quot;)&&quot;;&quot; I tried using rs.AddNew...
  14. Christiana

    AddNew isn't really adding

    I have the following code. Each time it returns the next number expected but it doesn't really add. Does anyone what the problem could be? I'm using MS Access. dim conntemp set conntemp=server.CreateObject(&quot;adodb.connection&quot;) conntemp.Open myDSN Dim rs set...
  15. Christiana

    Checkboxes-BIG TROUBLE!!

    I have 2 recordsets. The one gets all the possible values for an item(TypeOfItem)-rs and the other gets the actual value (ItemValue)-rs2. I present all the possible values of this item in a checkbox like this: <%rs.MoveFirst while (NOT rs.EOF)%> <input type=&quot;Checkbox&quot...
  16. Christiana

    Updating records problem

    I am using this command to update the records rs.AddNew but I get this msg ADODB.Recordset error '800a0cb3' The operation requested by the application is not supported by the provider. When I run the command if rs.Supports(adAddNew) then%> TRUE <%else%>FALSE <%end if%> I always get...
  17. Christiana

    parameter passing from web to db

    Thanks 4 u r help. I finally found the mistake. And since [Dimos/Koinotita] was all greek to you ... Guess what, it is actually greek with latin characters !
  18. Christiana

    parameter passing from web to db

    I have the following code in my ASP file mySQL=&quot;PARAMETERS agwgos TEXT,ktisma TEXT,ydatopyrgos TEXT,fterwti TEXT,mylopetra TEXT,eparxiaid NUMBER,idioktisia TEXT;&quot; mySQL =&quot;SELECT WATERMILL.WatermillID,[Dimos/Koinotita],[TOPOGRAFIKESPLIROFORIES].Toponymio &quot; mySQL =mySQL &...
  19. Christiana

    Uploading images&amp;video

    srikanth can I find info for this from somewhere?
  20. Christiana

    Uploading images&amp;video

    How can users upload images and video to my website? I'm pretty new at this so I don't know if I have to provide permissions to the server etc. I am using ASP to interact with the DB and VBScript. Pls help.

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