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  • Users: kmcculler
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  1. kmcculler

    IIS 5.0 custom errors

    No I have them set to all redirect to the same html page. I just found an asp.net solution but unfortunately it doesn't work in asp 2.0 http://forums.aspfree.com/showpost.php?p=100206&postcount=5 I think I can build on it, I would still like to know why IIS doesn't handle this as an error...
  2. kmcculler

    IIS 5.0 custom errors

    Hello all, I've been wrestling with an issue around redirecting errors to a custom page via IIS 5.0 that I was hoping someone here could help me with. I'm trying to setup a page that uses asp to do windows authentication. If the authentication fails, I'd like to redirect the page to a custom...
  3. kmcculler

    Selection in disabled JList

    Ooops, I'm working with an extension of JList that was written by another programmer. After your comment I took another good look into the code of that extension. Apparently he's used a custom cell renderer that I managed not to noticed the first time though. When I dug into this code I found...
  4. kmcculler

    Selection in disabled JList

    Hi, I've got a lil prob with a JList can somebody help? Setup: My JList displays a list of items and allows multiple selections. Some, none, or all of the items (data dependent) are shown to be selected when the list is created. The user can change the selected items and save... this all...
  5. kmcculler

    Orientational Problems

    Ok, finnally got it to work and I did manage to find a simpler way to do it... a one liner infact. jsp.getViewport().setViewPosition(new Point(jsp.getMaximumSize().width,0)); Kris McCuller
  6. kmcculler

    Orientational Problems

    Haven't been able to make this work yet, but I'm still hackin on it. Seems there should be an easier way to set the viewable portion of a scrollpane though, force it to show the upper right of the screen.... Kris McCuller
  7. kmcculler

    Orientational Problems

    well, I was finally able to solve my JFrame problem by adding the following to my example: setUndecorated(true); getRootPane().setWindowDecorationStyle(JRootPane.FRAME); it picked up the look and feel from the pane and then oriented correclty... apparently JFrame doesn't play by the same...
  8. kmcculler

    Orientational Problems

    I don't think your understanding my problem. My issue isn't with layout of components, I'm having problems with the titlebar of the JFrame and the default postion of the horizontal scrollbar on the JScrollPane not being correctly oriented to display my app in Hebrew. Hebrew is read...
  9. kmcculler

    Orientational Problems

    no way I stumped everybody? come on guys! Kris McCuller
  10. kmcculler

    Orientational Problems

    Hey guys, I'm having some problems with getting my app to display correctly with RTL (RIGHT_TO_LEFT) orienation. The two components giving me the biggest headache are JScrollPane and JFrame. Im using java 1.4 and setting applyComponentOrientation(ComponentOrienation.RIGHT_TO_LEFT) on all the...
  11. kmcculler

    JFormattedTextField and nulls

    Subclassing the abstractformatter seemed to do the trick. Thanks. I can hardly belive I overlooked such a simple fix to my prob, but then again 0I haven't worked with the formatters or JFormattedTextField before either. Kris McCuller
  12. kmcculler

    JFormattedTextField and nulls

    Subclassing the abstractformatter seemed to do the trick. Thanks. I can hardly belive I overlooked such a simple fix to my prob, but then again I haven't worked with the formatters or JFormattedTextField before either. Kris McCuller
  13. kmcculler

    JFormattedTextField and nulls

    Hey, anybody know how to get a JFormattedTextField to accept null as a valid value? I'm using the default DateFormatter as my format and I want either a valid date or null to be accepted, but nothing else.... Kris McCuller
  14. kmcculler

    selecting higest of multiple values

    Thanks.. That seems to have gotten the job done! Kris McCuller
  15. kmcculler

    selecting higest of multiple values

    That didn't seem to do anything to the original output but change the ordering. The date is there only for sorting purposes, what Im after is to get all the records in the highest sales stage that the company has so far reached. (1,2,3,4,or Lost). Kris McCuller
  16. kmcculler

    selecting higest of multiple values

    My fault, wasn't specific enough. The stage are a grouping of notes that are indeed ordered (inside the group) by a date, however there can be multiple entries per stage (something I forgot to include in my example) and I want all of those entries so a corrected example looks more like this...
  17. kmcculler

    selecting higest of multiple values

    Hello, I'm having some trouble figuring out how to do the following in an access query. I'm working on a sales prospect type db and I have various companies listed in a querey with entries for each sales stage(We need to keep info on previous stages to track when potenital clients were lost)...
  18. kmcculler

    toolbar won't let focus go

    Thanks for trying but I'm afraid that didn't solve the problem. I need to select the first focusable JComponent in the InternalFrame, not just the frame itself as the above code does. Selecting the frame itself has never been a problem, it opens and activates as it should coming to the...
  19. kmcculler

    toolbar won't let focus go

    Hello all, I've got a prob with an app I'm building. I've got a JToolbar that has a JButton on it that when pressed calls a extension of PAction. This action creates a new JInternalFrame and gives the user some additional info on the item selected allowing for editing of that info, ect...
  20. kmcculler

    rounding errors with BigDecimal

    Hi, I'm having some issues with BigDecimal. I wrote a custom document that accepts only numbers and some symbols as user input for a textfield. In this document I have a method that gets the input number as a BigDecimal (there are some other methods in the application that take BD as input)...

Part and Inventory Search
