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Search results for query: *

  • Users: zrzr
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  1. zrzr

    windows API

    Hi all!! Sorry for asking such an esay question ... but what do i have to do to use windows api functions into an VBA access module ? I think I have to include a library, but which one ?? thx in advance
  2. zrzr

    Check for Path Validity

    you can try the Dir function : dim str as string str = Dir(yourPath) If the path doesn't exists, the function will return "" Else ... I don't really remember, it just return something different from ""
  3. zrzr

    Blank Values in Crosstab Query

    Try with Nz([Total],0) Or if you really want to use iif (but Nz is specially do to perform this kind of job) : IIf(IsNull([Total])=True,0,[Total])
  4. zrzr

    Autonumber in text

    did you try this ? SELECT max(CDbl(entityID)) as maxID FROM Entity;
  5. zrzr

    i have a query in access with a con

    I don't know exactly how to use it, but I think you can use the Format() function
  6. zrzr

    Category and Subcategory (combobox)

    One way is to change the rowSource of the Subcategory. You can do it on OnChange function of the Category. It's something like : Private sub Categorie_change() Me.SubCategory.Rowsource = "SELECT * FROM SubCategorie WHERE Cat_ID = " & Me.Categorie.Value End sub Of course the...
  7. zrzr

    Simple select from table

    If you only need one value on one table, you can use DLOOKUP function : dim serverIP as string serverIP=Dlookup("serverIP","tblServerList", _ "serverType = " & currentServer & " and serverName=" currentServerNumber) That's all
  8. zrzr

    not enough memory

    that's right jim, thanks for trying ;o)
  9. zrzr

    not enough memory

    Public Sub connection() If Command <> &quot;&quot; Then DoCmd.Hourglass True DoCmd.OpenForm &quot;Synchronisation&quot; DoEvents synchroniser Command, Importer DoCmd.Close acForm, &quot;Synchronisation&quot; DoCmd.Hourglass False End If End...
  10. zrzr

    Help with update query problems

    did you try the isnumeric function ? iif(isnumeric(pick_location)=True,&quot;BULK&quot;, &quot;CAGE&quot;) It will return BULK if pick_location is numeric, CAGE else. I suppose if pick_location isn't numeric, it is alphanumeric.
  11. zrzr

    not enough memory

    This is the part of the code where I have a problem : Public function connexion() If Command<>&quot;&quot; then ... ... end if End if * This function is called by an Autoexec macro, and it's the first thing the application do. I use it to set some...
  12. zrzr

    using the expression builder to sum

    Instead of using iif and test if the value is null, you can use Nz function, it is exactly done to perform this job, so I think it is a bit faster : Use VBA help to know how it works.
  13. zrzr

    not enough memory

    Thanks for replyind Jim ! No, I load forms one after the other, and when I quit a form, I close it instead of hidding it. Moreover, the message appears at the beggining of the application, before opening the first form. I've done some tests since my last post : When I use the function...
  14. zrzr

    not enough memory

    I'm currently developping a database with access 2002 on windows XP. It works well on my PC, and on any other windows XP PC. Now I need to install the base on a windows 98 PC(196 Mo of RAM), using access 2002. When I run Access, I use an autoexec macro to run VBA code. In windows 98, I get an...
  15. zrzr

    Synchronisation again and again ...

    Yep ! But with this method, I have lost all the work I did yesterday. Next time I'll synchronise every hour !!!
  16. zrzr

    Synchronisation again and again ...

    OK, thanks susanhawk ! I know Replication presents many many problems, but I didn't have the choice ... I did save the database before replicating it ... but It was a month ago, so I don't want to lose one month of work !!! Since the master database doesn't countain any data (I use it to...
  17. zrzr

    Synchronisation again and again ...

    In my database, I use replicatoin to allow some users to have the data on their laptop, without being connected to the serveur. After a whole week to setup replication and synchronisation in the base, i thougt all was fine ... Today, I modified the structure of a table, adding a field named P...
  18. zrzr

    Null after not null value ...

    Yes, I had understood. But in my case, the number is a code : two numbers for the year, and three for the number of the folder. So, ther will be no problem until the 999th folder in year 999 !!! What is much better is to put Nz function on ORDER BY. With this method, the number isn't...
  19. zrzr

    Null after not null value ...

    Much better : Select Number, Description From folder order by Nz([Folder].[Number],99999)
  20. zrzr

    Null after not null value ...

    Good idea, but I need to display the number . But, in the form I can do iif([Number]<>&quot;zzzz&quot;;[Number];&quot;&quot;) and the job is done !!! Thanks a lot John !!

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