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Search results for query: *

  1. cherphas

    Popup menu, Table within a Layer not working.

    Thanks for replying! Well the reason I need the table is so I can have a border around each items so it's easier to view. I don't know if I can do it without tables. Anybody else know how I could acheive this?
  2. cherphas

    Popup menu, Table within a Layer not working.

    Hi, I've built a very cool database driven popup menu on my website using a combination or PHP, javascript(to position the menus) and layers (<div>, CSS). Everything works fine but I would like to have the text layed out better in the layers. I thought putting a table within the <div> tag would...
  3. cherphas

    Popup menu, Table within a Layer not working.

    Hi, I'm not sure if this is javascript related. I've built a very cool database driven popup menu on my website using a combination or PHP, javascript(to position the menus) and layers (<div>, CSS). Everything works fine but I would like to have the text layed out better in the layers. I...
  4. cherphas

    Get image position while the page is loading.

    hmmm, i'm not sure what you mean. I think I should explain myself better: What I want to do is generate a side menu from a database. I want each Link in the menu to have a pop up menu(CSS layer), and the content of this popup menu would be database driven also. To position the popup menu to...
  5. cherphas

    Get image position while the page is loading.

    thanks mwolf00! One more question: How does the function know which image to process? Should I call the &quot;onLoad&quot; in the <img> tag?
  6. cherphas

    Get image position while the page is loading.

    Hello, I've got a script to get the XY coordinates of an images. The problem is it's a function, and it will only execute if the user activates the function, right? I want to get the position of the image while the page loads, so I can add a CSS layer(Popup menu) at that position. Is this...
  7. cherphas

    From Coldfusion to PHP (Newbie)

    Hi all, I have coldfusion service with IIS 5 installed on my machine. This morning, I was trying to install PHP to use with IIS 5, so I downloaded PHP. Then I realised I should use PHP with Apache, so I installed that too. My question is do I have to uninstall the Coldfusion service and IIS...
  8. cherphas

    Read info from DB, display it as table or List items, depending...

    Cool!! Thank you very much Carl and Rudy. Carl, I just got of my holidays so I didn't have the chance to try your idea yet but it seems like the best idea. I'll let you know how it goes :). Thanks again Joël
  9. cherphas

    Read info from DB, display it as table or List items, depending...

    Before I start, thank you very much for your help you guys!! Ok...I'll have to go with Coldfusion. I'm going to explain what I have in mind applying what you guys told me. Keep in mind that I want to use one to three template pages for this. It might be long and hard to explain due to my simple...
  10. cherphas

    Read info from DB, display it as table or List items, depending...

    Yeah your right. I'm thinking of creating a web page where the user will update the database. This way they don't have to work with the database itself. Is that possible though to create a a form in coldfusion to change the structure of a certain block of information like you said?
  11. cherphas

    Read info from DB, display it as table or List items, depending...

    &quot;Though, if you're really looking for a true content management system, where content is oblivious to layout and UI, you'd actually want to separate each component (graphics, bulleted lists, etc) out as it's own entity. Then provide a form field for each entity (&quot;Specify the graphic to...
  12. cherphas

    Read info from DB, display it as table or List items, depending...

    Hello I have to create a database driven web site for a company so they can update the info without having to go through HTML code. They give me the content in a Microsoft word document. All I have to do once I create the database is copy the content in the cells and it's done. But(of course...
  13. cherphas

    Create document file form database?

    Hello everyone, Is there a way that I can get data from a database with Coldfusion and display it/ in a .doc or a Microsoft Word file or even in PDF?
  14. cherphas

    passing variables via links

    Is there a way to pass variables via links? Like: <A href=&quot;page1.cfm?number=#queryName.Number#&quot;>Link 1</a> to pass it is no problem, but how do I retreive it in the next page? #queryName.Number# would be a number taken from a database, when the user clicks on the link, the next page...
  15. cherphas

    Check data in database one row at a time

    Well, one of the reasons I want to display the info one row at a time is because I want to place a bullet(that I created) beside each row of info. another example: I have two columbs in my table database, ID and Title. I want to display each Title as a link with a bullet beside it. This will be...
  16. cherphas

    Check data in database one row at a time

    Well, one of the reasons I want to display the info one row at a time is because I want to place a bullet(that I created) beside each row of info. another example: I have two columbs in my table database, ID and Title. I want to display each Title as a link with a bullet beside it. This will be...
  17. cherphas

    Read .doc files and write in html files?

    Ok, I now have this code: <CFFILE ACTION=&quot;Read&quot; FILE=&quot;C:\CFusionMX\wwwroot\TaskList\textFile.txt&quot; VARIABLE=&quot;Message&quot;> <CFLOOP List=&quot;#message#&quot; Index=&quot;rc&quot; Delimiters=&quot;#Chr(10)#&quot;> <CFOUTPUT> #rc#<BR> </CFOUTPUT> </CFLOOP>...
  18. cherphas

    Read .doc files and write in html files?

    Is there a way to read a .doc file, which has rich text format, and write the content in an html file? I have tried to read a .txt file and wrote the content in html with this code. <CFFILE ACTION=&quot;Read&quot; FILE=&quot;C:\CFusionMX\wwwroot\TaskList\textFile.txt&quot...
  19. cherphas

    Do I need Coldfusion service on servers to use it?

    Hello, I'm building a WEB site for a client of our company. They want a refence manual/help file type site that they can use as a reference when using our software. It will need to be database driven, so I'm using Coldfusion to process info, since that's what my company is giving me. When the...
  20. cherphas

    Check data in database one row at a time

    Hi all, I just did the switched from ASP to Coldfusion and although they are very similar, there are things I don't quite understand. First, in ASP, when you create a RecordSet and want to check or display the info from a database, it gets the data one row at a time with the help of a LOOP and...

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