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Search results for query: *

  1. rgatrell

    Extract string from between brackets

    Absolutely perfect, thanks!
  2. rgatrell

    Extract string from between brackets

    Hi, I need to extract a value from a dynamically changing string but only the bit between a set of brackets, e.g. var exampleString1 = "some text (I need this bit)" var exampleString2 = "some more text (value to store)" Output: exampleString1 = I need this bit exampleString2 = value to store...
  3. rgatrell

    Assign NULL to all parameters containing empty string

    Hi George, I've tried what you said and that seemed to do the job. To be honest there are only 5 or so parameters that may need to be checked and that's quite a neat solution to my problem. Thanks!
  4. rgatrell

    Assign NULL to all parameters containing empty string

    I'd like to create a function (or perhaps it should be a stored procedure?) that I can call from any stored procedure. It needs to loop through the values of all parameters, checking to see if any of them contain an empty string and if so, assign NULL to each. I'm aware that you can assign...
  5. rgatrell

    One-To-One relationship design issue

    Hi Olaf Have a look at http://www.tek-tips.com/viewthread.cfm?qid=860190 (the first post by "willir") for where I took inspiration for my design. A single Asset can be either a Computer or a Monitor but not both. The foreign key AssetID (present in all three tables) is set to not allow...
  6. rgatrell

    One-To-One relationship design issue

    > If you are managing assets, you may want to know some other things: I've already got similar fields in the main table, I didn't list all my columns in my original post for clarity reasons. Thanks for the suggestion though. > I don't see a need to link a Computer to a Monitor as lone as you...
  7. rgatrell

    One-To-One relationship design issue

    > No, it isn't. There are two one-to-[zero or one] relationships, one from assets to computers, and another from assets to monitors. There is NO one-to-one relationship. Thanks for the info, that is a much clearer way of describing things. I've not been into DB design for very long and it's...
  8. rgatrell

    One-To-One relationship design issue

    Just to clear up possible confusion, the relationship between computers and monitors is one-to-many (we also use multiple displays at work). The one-to-one relationships are between the "master" assets table and the computers/monitors tables.
  9. rgatrell

    One-To-One relationship design issue

    Monitors whilst in stock are not currently attached to a computer, however as per your advice I've managed to set it up successfully - thanks for your help!
  10. rgatrell

    One-To-One relationship design issue

    Thanks for the reply obadare. I'll need to allow nulls as some computers e.g. servers, won't have monitors attached. My concern was that as the relationships are one-to-one, won't that mean that they are essentially referencing themselves?
  11. rgatrell

    One-To-One relationship design issue

    I’m creating an Asset Inventory (using MS Access for now) and have settled on the following design (please note there are other tables and fields involved but I’ve omitted them for readability): Assets Table: ------------ AssetID (PK) AssetType Tag Make Model Serial etc. Computers Table...
  12. rgatrell

    Startup welcome form ontop of form

    Have a look at the sample Northwind DB that comes with Access
  13. rgatrell

    code / query to update field in second table

    I hope this makes sense: 2 tables - "tblVehicles", "tblJobs" The table "tblJobs" has a field named "JobIsMOT" (yes/no field) and a field named "JobDateCompleted" (date field) The table "tblVehicles" a field named "VehicleMOT" (date field) The idea is to have the jobs form (which is bound to...
  14. rgatrell

    Textbox entry history

    Hi, Does anyone know if it's possible to store the last 5 items you typed into a textbox - similar to the search history in Windows XP etc. I have a textbox that users input a word to search for, and I would like to have some sort of search history. Thanks

Part and Inventory Search
