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Search results for query: *

  1. Speckly

    Autonumber duplicates - reseeding

    Thanks for your help. I have already seen the documents that these threads link to. Even in the Microsoft article 884185 the resolution is to reseed the table. I do this (and it fixes the problem) but the problem keeps recurring. I never had to reseed my tables before and now I have to do it...
  2. Speckly

    Autonumber duplicates - reseeding

    Hi there! I recently converted my access database from 97 version to 2000. (I have also converted it back to 97 and forward to 2002 but I still get the same problem) I have the following problem which I can not find a resolution. I have a function that adds a new record to a table. This...
  3. Speckly

    Perl - Display Image from Database

    Hello, I am a newbie on Perl. I am creating a site for our bookshop where the details (ISBN, Title, Cost, Book cover Image) of the books that we are selling can be viewed online. The book records are held in an Access Database. I have managed to display the records for all text fields, but...
  4. Speckly

    MS Access: Printing Order Details on Customer Labels

    Thanks Richard, Traingamer and everyone else. It worked perfectly. Its really exciting when something that has stumped me for a while actually works! Cheers!!
  5. Speckly

    MS Access: Printing Order Details on Customer Labels

    Thanks for your suggestions. Richard your idea I think is great. I've created a sample text box on my label report. This textbox's datasource points to the function GetTitles() that you suggested. But when I preview the report, NUM!! is shown in the text box. I think there's something wrong...
  6. Speckly

    MS Access: Printing Order Details on Customer Labels

    Hi, I have been having difficulty with the following problem for sometime. My boss is asking for some functionality on a MS Access database that I designed but I haven't been able to crack it yet! Please can anybody help?? The database is an ordering system, whereby customer orders (quantities...
  7. Speckly

    US date default on web server

    Okay, here goes.... On the cfform page the two date variables are sent as a string like "01/04/2003". On the action page this is how I format the dates. I've tried to show the bits of the code thats relevant. <cfset setLocale("English (UK)")> <!--- set the coldfusion server to UK setting...
  8. Speckly

    US date default on web server

    Hi Everyone, Here's my problem. I have a coldfusion form which requires the users to selected from list boxes start and end dates. These dates are then used in a query on the database. All works well on my computer,(i.e. all the right files are downloaded) but when I put my site on the web...
  9. Speckly

    Multiple selections from a listbox into a query

    Thanks for your reply ...but this doesn't entirely work because I don't know which fields the user wants in the query until they select them from the list box. I.e. in the list box is an option to view 'all fields' of the database in the records that they want or to select multiple field names...
  10. Speckly

    Multiple selections from a listbox into a query

    Hi all, Am getting stuck on how to code the query using multiple selections from a listbox (named which_fields). Have read various threads and can't get what others say to work. The scenario for this prob is: I want the user to be able to select from a listbox (which contains a list of all...
  11. Speckly

    Using ColumnList variable to populate list box

    Thanks that did the trick!!! Cheers
  12. Speckly

    Using ColumnList variable to populate list box

    I'm sorry for being really basic but the system still doesn't seem to be finding the column name even when I add: #MyColumnName#...i just get a long drop down list with many repeated #MyColumnName#'s. Any advice... or am I being really thick on a Friday afternoon trying to code? My code...
  13. Speckly

    Using ColumnList variable to populate list box

    Hi does anybody know how to populate a list box (named which_fields) with the column names of a table from a query (named database_fields)? I have tried various things and the best I've done is create a list box with no column names in it using this code: <cfFORM name="DateForm"...
  14. Speckly

    US date and UK date in a form

    Hi Ecobb, Yes that's right, for some reason the database needs date variables to be in US format in order to execute a query properly on data held in the database which is format in UK format ( but maybe it's transport in US format??) I must say its mind boggling! The database is as far as I...
  15. Speckly

    convert to ms excel

    Dear readers, This has been a great thread....very useful. But as I can undertstand from it many people seem to have the same problem as me... but I can't see any solutions. The problem is: when I download a recordset, resulting from a query, from ColdFusion to Excel...the default extension...
  16. Speckly

    US date and UK date in a form

    Dear readers, Just to let you know that I fixed the problem by using LSParseDateTime() function. See below for code: <cfset CreateODBCDate(form.startdate)> <cfset CreateODBCDate(form.enddate)> <cfquery name="export_selected_records" datasource="supporting_peopleTESTDB"> SELECT * FROM...
  17. Speckly

    US date and UK date in a form

    Dear NorthStarDA and Ecobb (+ other readers), Thanks for your reply. I tried NorthStarDA's code but no records came out of the query when there should be some. The date that users enter is understood by Access as being American, regardless, it seems, of the format I give the date variable to...
  18. Speckly

    US date and UK date in a form

    Dear reader, I was wondering if you could help me with a problem that I haven't been able to solve despite lots of Web searching. I am desiging a ColdFusion web application and using Microsoft Access 2000. The date problem details: In one form I have created two textboxes that require the...

Part and Inventory Search
