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Search results for query: *

  • Users: T8JGT
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  1. T8JGT

    Selecting a Toolbar Item Using a Button on a Form

    Hi How can i get a button on a form to select a item on the access toolbar (Compact & Repair Database). Thanks
  2. T8JGT

    Attachment Hell

    The reason is it is company policy to send in this format as it is copied into my differend documents.
  3. T8JGT

    Attachment Hell

    i have a piece of code which develops an email in outlook, it worls great. BUT i need the attachment to be in the body of the email. Any Suggestions (code below). Private Sub cmdSend_Click() Dim strEmail, HTML As String Dim objOutlook As Object Dim objEmail As Object Set objOutlook =...
  4. T8JGT

    Bullet Points in a Memo field

    Does anyone know how i can make a memo field insert a bullet point after each new line?
  5. T8JGT

    Add an If then else to this code

    Many thanks All working fine.
  6. T8JGT

    Add an If then else to this code

    Hi I am a bit new to all this, so bare with me. I have this piece of VBA which sends and email in HTML format. What i want to is if ITSQFList has text then add the statement "with the following points to note" after ITSQFQualityGate. If it is empty then there is no statement. Any suggestions...
  7. T8JGT

    Hyperlink Properties

    I have a browse button which uses the following code: Private Sub Label44_Click() Dim strFilter As String Dim lngFlags As Long strFilter = ahtAddFilterItem(strFilter, "Word Files (*.doc)", "*.DOC") strFilter = ahtAddFilterItem(strFilter, "Excel Files (*.xls)", "*.XLS")...
  8. T8JGT

    Hyperlink text box problems

    I have a browse button which uses the following code: Private Sub Label44_Click() Dim strFilter As String Dim lngFlags As Long strFilter = ahtAddFilterItem(strFilter, "Word Files (*.doc)", "*.DOC") strFilter = ahtAddFilterItem(strFilter, "Excel Files (*.xls)", "*.XLS")...
  9. T8JGT

    Outlook Warning Message

    I have a form automatically send an email (which it does very well), though i always get the Outlook warning message: "A program is automatically trying to send an email on your behalf. Do you want to allow this?" Is there anyway i can bypass it?
  10. T8JGT

    Formating Font in Automated Email

    Hi I have some VBA which generates an email, i need it to be in a particular fond and certain words made bold. What do i need to do to acheive this (code given below) Private Sub Command18_Click() Dim strEmail, strBody As String Dim objOutlook As Object Dim objEmail As Object Set objOutlook...
  11. T8JGT

    Send to Word Template

    Hi I have some code which i am trying to get to work. i is used to transfer data from a query to a word template. Any suggestions (i am not very good at VBA as you can probabily tell by my code): Private Sub cmdPrintReport_Click() Dim appWord As Word.Application Dim doc As Word.Document Dim...
  12. T8JGT

    Automated email - Please Help

    Hi I have a query (qryITSQFSubmission) which contiains inforamtion used to write a weekly meeting agenda. Each record must be individually must submitted by email as the body text and then removed from the query e.g. setting a status field to "submitted". The submission must be in a particular...
  13. T8JGT

    Sending an email from access in a specific format

    Hi How can i send an email that has the information from a particular record in the following format: «ITSQFDocumentName» received from «ProjectServiceDesigner»: ‘«ProjectName»’ - PAR «ProjectPAR» Go Live - «ProjectLiveDate» «ProjectSummary» «ITSQFServRecommendation»«ITSQFQualityGate»...
  14. T8JGT

    Removing entry once Mail Merge is Merged

    Hi I have a word document which Mail Merges with an Access Database, I am using it for submitting items for a meeting's agenda. Is it possible to clear the document automatically once it has been merged? So that the same item isn't submitted twice. Any Ideas James
  15. T8JGT


    Is it possible to add a "browse" function to a file path field (text box). Any Ideas
  16. T8JGT

    Combo Box Vailidation - URGENT HELP NEEDED

    Hi This is rather complicated to explain, but here goes: I have a form with 3 combo boxes on it: - ITSQFDocumentName - cboServRec - QualityGate What i want is in a simple sence If ITSQFDocumentName = ORQ only allow selection from QualityGate else allow selection from cboServRec. Can...
  17. T8JGT

    Displaying the newest record based on date modified

    Hi I am currently trying to write a query which will display only the latest record for a project e.g. Project 1 - 01/02/05 <--- Will filter out this record Project 1 - 02/02/05 <--- Will only display this record Here is the SQL so far: SELECT qryProjectDetails.ProjectBusinessArea...

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