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Search results for query: *

  1. travis13

    Post Call Processing Time

    Greetings - I am wondering if anyone can help me figure this out... I am trying to calculate an Average Handle time using the PostCallProcessingTime and the TalkTime components in the AgentByApplicationStat tables. My confusion is around PostCallProcessingTime... does it include time spent in...
  2. travis13

    Reporting Question...

    Greetings - I am trying to build a custom report using Crystal 8.5 and linking directly to the tables through the ICCM_Preview_DSN. I need to report on application performance, and include an Average Handle Time calculation ((Talk Time + PostCallProcessing)/Handled Calls). Has anyone done...
  3. travis13

    Daily Import Help

    The DTS package that I used created the tables and brought over all existing data. I want to only bring over the data from yesterday. I am sure I can do this through DTS, just not quite sure about the SQL piece... I am using the DTS Query Builder to select the data and am having trouble with...
  4. travis13

    Daily Import Help

    Greetings - I need to import yesterday's data from an Informix database every morning. Can someone please suggest the best way to go about setting this up? (I'm a SQL newbie...) I have created the SQL db and copied all existing data using DTS, I just need to keep the data up-to-date with the...
  5. travis13

    Countdown Timer

    Right on.. that worked perfectly. Thank you!
  6. travis13

    Countdown Timer

    Greetings- I have setup a form that is opened during the AutoExec that I would like to display for 10 seconds, then continue with the rest of the AutoExec unless the user cancels. Is there a way to do this?? Thanks for your help!! t
  7. travis13

    Automatic Reporting

    Thanks for your responses! I am looking at a few of the solutions on Ken's site. I have downloaded the trials of cViewManager and CrystalDesk from Recrystallize.com (neither of which have I had success yet...) and am about to download Visual CUT (thanks Ido). I have looked briefly at Crystal...
  8. travis13

    Automatic Reporting

    Greetings - is there a way tol automatically run a report using Crystal Reports 8.5? I want to be able to schedule reports to be run during the early AM so that the resulting PDF files can be made available through an intranet site. Thanks in advance.
  9. travis13

    Formula Question...

    Does anyone know what the difference between these formulas are... =+D4/E4 =D4/E4 What does the "+" do on the first formula?
  10. travis13

    Help with a calculation!

    Greetings - I some help! I am trying to calculate an average that uses some criteria to determine whether or not to include a piece of data. I have cells A1 thru A4 with the following data: 0%, 100%, 75%, 97%. I need to come up with the average - but I want to throw out the lowest and the...
  11. travis13

    CMS Report with assigned skills?

    Does anyone know if there is a report that can be run that shows all agents logins and the skills and skill levels assigned to that login? Thanks
  12. travis13

    Copy Data from Informix DB to SQL

    John - good stuff. I think I am making some progress! One question - will this copy all of the data again, or will it only copy the records since the last import?
  13. travis13

    Copy Data from Informix DB to SQL

    Thanks Warwick. Would this be done through a sql statement, or is there an option somewhere using the DTS wizard?
  14. travis13

    CMS Data Archiving

    It is setup to maintain data for a certain number of days - but 31 days isn't good enough for me. I need to maintain all hourly, daily, weekly, and monthly skill, agent, and vdn data indefinately.
  15. travis13

    Copy Data from Informix DB to SQL

    The Informix DB is attached to our Avaya CMS system, collecting call center data. The CMS system only stores intraday (half-hourly) data for ~30 days, which is insufficient for historical reporting purposes. I want to pull all of the data for the previous day out of Informix and append the SQL...
  16. travis13

    CMS Data Archiving

    Greetings... I want to be able to archive my historical CMS data for historical reporting, etc. I am talking about interval data for splits and VDNs, etc. Has anyone setup a solution to do this? Thanks for your input! t
  17. travis13

    Copy Data from Informix DB to SQL

    Greetings - I need to setup a process to copy data from an Informix database to a SQL database on a daily basis. I have copied the current data using DTS, but need to append the SQL DB with the new data from the Informix DB daily. Thanks in advance!

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