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  • Users: jockm
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  1. jockm

    Drop down list

    On my framed web site at http://www.kalikalos.org, I have a frame used as a navbar (navbar.htm). I locate various links on the navbar. I dont want to add any more links as it will start to look messy, and as this navbar doesnt scroll some monitors would lose the last few links if I did that...
  2. jockm

    dropdown menu on mouseover on an image

    I was following this thread hoping for an answer, but I dont seem to find one. I should like to do what the writer has requested, using javascript, and when the mouse passes over either an image or a text anchor, a drop down menu appears. Thanks for some help with this.
  3. jockm

    Break out of my frames

    On my three-frames website at <http://www.kalikalos.org> I want to break out of the frameset from a link in the top.html frame to my alternative site for people with small monitors who cannot see all the items on my framed navbar. I dont want my alternative site to be in my frameset, and I...
  4. jockm

    Close control panel window

    Jeff Thanks for the encouragement. I'm glad to hear you had to do it by trial and error as well. And yes, please DO post the exercises where you learned something from each one. I will go there the instant you do it to start working through them. And I reckon I won't be alone! You'll get quite...
  5. jockm

    Close control panel window

    Jeff, Thanks for your help with figuring this out. I havent tried your last version, as I will stay, for the moment, what is now working. I also very much appreciated your explanation of how to access the frames. I have a non-frames version of the side as well, as I was able to get the code...
  6. jockm

    Close control panel window

    Jeff, fine. We're in business. <A HREF=&quot;#&quot; onclick=&quot;opener.parent.main.location.href = 'http://order.kagi.com/?B7Z';self.close();&quot;>Make a new booking</A> Works perfectly as I was wanting. I still feel quite frustrated, tho, because I can't seem to really master the...
  7. jockm

    Close control panel window

    Thanks Jeff, I'll go and try it and let you know. But first I have a basic question: if I close the window of a document, and I write some more code after that window.close() statement, will that code ever get executed? Or, the moment the window closes, that finishes that document's ability to...
  8. jockm

    Close control panel window

    Thanks Jeff. Now what happens is this: 1) the control panel window closes. 2) it opens up in Target=&quot;main&quot; (one of the three frames in my frameset) 2) Then the href opens in another of my frames, the navbar frame (which was in fact the opener of the control panel). I tried moving...
  9. jockm

    Close control panel window

    Jemminger hi Strangely enough your code failed. It closes the control panel window, yes. But instead of opening up the new href in the target=main, it re-opens the control panel in the main frame. Maybe I didnt understand what you meant by href=&quot;#&quot;. Is # a placeholder that I need to...
  10. jockm

    Close control panel window

    I have a line of code on my navbar that opens a control panel in a small newWindow. <a href=&quot;javascript: newWindow('booking.html')&quot;>Control Panel</a> In the control panel window I have a few links, a sample one of which is <A HREF=&quot;http://order.kagi.com/?B7Z&quot...
  11. jockm

    hover text not working

    I took GUJUmOdel's suggestion and went to the CSS syntax page he recommended. That in turn referred me to a CSS tutorial. On the 4th lesson about classes they show the following code to illustrate how you can get three different colors of text using Classes: <head> <style...
  12. jockm

    Function call from external js file

    Raxg, Thank you very much. Substituting top.main.location=loc; in the external scripts.js file makes it work just fine. But why? I wish I could fathom why. How could it work as it was before when it was in the body of the html document and not in the external scripts.js file? I thought...
  13. jockm

    hover text not working

    I thank both the above two replies, because they both were integral to the solution of my problem. I repaired the background:color, and then I took out the <font> and <b> tags and put ID=&quot;bluegreen&quot; in with the <a> tag. It worked as it should! Then I wondered what would happen if...
  14. jockm

    hover text not working

    Good day I am still trying to get hover text to work on this password protected link: <SPAN ID=&quot;bluegreen&quot;> <a href=&quot;javascript:gateKeeper()&quot; onMouseover=&quot;window.status='Remember your password is required!'; return true; &quot; onMouseOut=&quot;window.status=''; return...
  15. jockm

    Function call from external js file

    Okay, here's the code in the <HEAD> section of top.html, and its also repeated in the scripts.js file, (along with a few other functions.): <script language=&quot;javascript&quot; src=&quot;scripts.js&quot;> </script> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE=JAVASCRIPT TYPE=&quot;TEXT/JAVASCRIPT&quot;> <!-- Hide...
  16. jockm

    Function call from external js file

    Good day I have been cleaning up my web pages and moving all the various bits of javascript that I have dotted around on various pages to one single external javascript file: http://www.kalikalos.org/scripts.js. On one of my pages (http://www.kalikalos.org/top.htm) I have a js function called...
  17. jockm

    Controlling link colors on hover

    Hi Gelgaard thanks for taking time to indicate how you have been using classes to do something similar. I definted CLASS=&quot;menu&quot; as you did above, but when I applied it to my <DIV> tag, nothing happened. I couldnt even get it to eliminate the underlining. So I went back to my...
  18. jockm

    Controlling link colors on hover

    Good day, I have a blue left side vertical navbar on my site at http://www.kalikalos.org/navbar.htm. I have various links down the side there that are all in white text with textdecoration : none. All well and good. The last link there (&quot;facilitators only&quot;), however, is called from...
  19. jockm

    Controlling Link text color on hover

    TenTonJim You wrote: >>>>>> 1) drop the font tag with the color <font color=&quot;#00FF00&quot;><b>(Facilitators only)</b></font> >>>>>> Tried that. All that happens is that &quot;Facilitators only&quot; is now white. But hover still doesnt work. Anyway, I want it green! Maybe with an ID...
  20. jockm

    Controlling Link text color on hover

    to TenTonJim Thanks for catching the misplaced quotes mark in my <BODY> declaration. That didnt bring back hover to FACILITATORS ONLY, but it did solve another problem which had been puzzling me: why Netscape had not been making the navbar.htm type smaller! So thanks very much, and I give you a...

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