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Search results for query: *

  1. TrollBro

    Export Snapshot rpt with VBA problem

    Bubba100 Actially I wasn't using a form (yet) or an input box but just runnung from the module. I think you put me on the right track - I'll give it a shot. Many thanks!
  2. TrollBro

    Export Snapshot rpt with VBA problem

    To be more accurate, I should say I have VBA code (DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputReport, stDocName, acFormatSNP, SaveASstr, True) that has the [select id] parameter in the where clause of the datasource (qry) for the rpt (i.e. stDocName)that prompts the user for the ID. Sorry I was confusing in how I...
  3. TrollBro

    Export Snapshot rpt with VBA problem

    Hi I have a saved report with a saved qry as the datasource with a [select ID] parameter on the ID field in the qry. I have VBA code that prompts for the ID and exports the SNP report to a folder. I do not want to open and read the report, I just want to generate and save it. However, I want...
  4. TrollBro

    Need to find name of field

    Hi, I hope someone can help me with this. I have a table with 26 fields in each record. Is there a way to find the field name in each record that has a specific value? for example, 26 fields named 'a', 'b', ... 'z'. each field has a different numeric value. I want the field name for each...
  5. TrollBro

    DAO rs loop by date sort question

    Hello I want to use DAO to loop through a large file in ascending [date] field sort order, and for each record, evaluate the record's [amount] field. If the [amount] field is null, I want to append the dollar [amount] value from the prior (i.e. most recent prior date) field to the current...
  6. TrollBro

    DLookup problem

    Thanks MajP My example may have been confusing. My tblActivity does not contain a field called desiredRate. DesiredRate would represent the result I am trying to derive, so it would be a filed I create in the qry only. So, Activity table has a [ActivityDate] field and an [EuroAmount] field...
  7. TrollBro

    DLookup problem

    I'm stuck even after looking through other DLookup posts for solutions. I have a table of exchange rates and a table of activity dates. I want to get the exchange rate for each activity date. However, in any given month, not every day will have an exchange rate, and not every day would have...
  8. TrollBro

    How to select table(s) for export in VBA module

    The AcemAn1 and dhookom Thanks for your suggestions. I couldn't quite figure out how to use your replies - it took me a few days, but now that I think of it, I should create a form with this MsysObjects table as the data source and call the form. right? Thanks!
  9. TrollBro

    How to select table(s) for export in VBA module

    Hello I have a module in a A.mdb to auto create a new B.mdb and then export a table from the A,mdb to the B.mbd. It works fine with a hard coded table name. I'm trying to figure out how to have a list, populated with tables names from A.mdb, pop up for the user to select the table(s) that...
  10. TrollBro

    qry with select statement expression problem

    dhookom - Thanks! this was exactly what I was looking for.
  11. TrollBro

    qry with select statement expression problem

    I'm hoping someone can help me. I have a qry with two tables: tblParent (100 records, 5 fields) and tblChild (300 records, 8 fields). I am trying to produce a query that generates a list of the 100 parent records with a 6th parent field that represents the child region value having the highest...
  12. TrollBro

    Is this a union query problem/solution?

    Thanks PHV - this worked perfect right out of the box!
  13. TrollBro

    Is this a union query problem/solution?

    Thanks PHV - I did a direct cut&paste but this generates an error message "syntaxt error in From clause" and I can't figure out what's causing it. any ideas? Thanks
  14. TrollBro

    Is this a union query problem/solution?

    PHV This is the best I could do and seems to give me the correct results. I also used alpha sort (min) player name as a tie breaker (my player values lead with a numeric ranking number - somewhat arbitrary but directionally accurate for my purposes). Not very eloquent, but seems to work so...
  15. TrollBro

    Is this a union query problem/solution?

    Thanks PHV I get an error: enter parameter value b.player Am I missing something? Thanks here is my code: SELECT A.[team], A.[player], A.[Goals], B.[player] AS Captain FROM [testtbl] AS A INNER JOIN ( SELECT [team], Max([Goals]) AS MaxGoals FROM [testtbl] GROUP BY [team] ) AS B ON...
  16. TrollBro

    Is this a union query problem/solution?

    Is there an easy way to do this in a union qry? I am trying to create a qry on a single table to select the Captain from the Team based on Goals, and then associate that result with each record. Below illustration makes the point clearer I hope. Is this doable? Any help would be much...
  17. TrollBro

    expression using prior record attributes

    thanks dhookem It's been a while, but I thought from something I worked on a number of years ago that there was a way to also rank order in an expression as well, and the logic might be similar. I was hoping to avoid creating a DAO routine outside of the qry to loop through all the records to...
  18. TrollBro

    expression using prior record attributes

    Hi I need to create a field expression to evaluate two fields from a prior record but I'm not sure how to do it. I have a table with fields including dollar amounts and dates. I can Desc sort on dollars and then dates, and need a 3rd field that evaluates the preceeding dollar and date against...
  19. TrollBro

    nested loop problem

    MajP The code is as you suspected more complicated. The code I'm building need to evaluate various field values within each record against all comparable fields in all the other records in the file. The hunt is for "duplicate" records, but not neccessarily exact match (two data entry user...
  20. TrollBro

    nested loop problem

    Thanks PHV I remmed and moved the set rs2 statement below and got the results I was looking for. I haven't worked with bookmarks in my code before so thanks for mentioning it - looks like a clean tool I should become familiar with. Thanks! Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("zttbl_Test1"...

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