There is any way to find out the files or part of files belong to hdisk. I have a logical volumen into five hdisk , and I need to know waht file belong in each hdisk.
I have a 43p with AIX 4.3.2. This machine had connection with another machine and had mounted nfs fs but now I doesn´t have connection. I dismounted nfs fs but I didn´t delete NFS entries in /etc/filesystems and I have rebooted the machine but it can not restart because the machine wants to...
My problem is Oracle say to me that it´s not supported Oracle DB on cluster with 32 bits machine and 64 bits machine. In fact, I have Oracle DB with on those kinds of machines and I never had any problem.
Thanks again
Is AIX 4.3.2 on 64 bits and on 32 bits different?
I need know for problems with Oracle DB installation on cluster HACMP with 64 bits machine and 32 bits machine.
Thank in advance
Thanks you aixqueen,
the documentation explain it better than man utility,but I have a couple of questions more. How can I know the real memory free? If I use the information of vmstat report I don´t get matching (avm * 4K) + (free * 4K) <> real ram memory.
When we run iostat...
We have 1GB RAM and we don´t understand vmstat report. For instance, vmstat report says to us that we have 110.000 active virtual page and 150 free, but this information doesn´t match with 1GB RAM. What is meaning of free? Our system hangeg and I don´t know why.
Thaks in advance.
I set up the alarm for Oracle DB and there are any alarms that I don´t know why plugin get. For instance, DBSPI-0035 and DBSPI-0083 say to me that threshold was exceed but I have compare them with database statistics and ít´s not true.
Do anyone know how I can get the query that dbspicao...
I am going to explain me better. I have created users on AIX , they have their own home directory and I don´t wanna anonymous user. Now, When user tries connect ftp server ,( there are many ftp clients that their first action is pwd command execution) ftp server reject the connection...
Thank you aixqueen but I think I don´t explain you very well or you don´t understand me.
Pwd command retrieves the path name of the working directory and I think you are talking about passwd command. Am I right?
When any user connect with our ftp server and user tries execute pwd command the...
we are trying to install a FTP server on AIX 4.3.2. We have just created the users that they can connect but we have a problem. There are many clients ftp when they connects their first action is execute pwd command but the response of AIX is " Cannot access parent directories"...
I wanna to migrate pv from one disk to ther disk and I have Oracle BD on this pv, Can I use the command migratepv with Bd started ?
Thaks in advance
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