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Search results for query: *

  1. twooly

    WScript.Shell Run

    That worked tsuji. Thanks Mrmovie...fcinfo doesn't work for all hbas. Sansurfer is much much better and gives much more information.
  2. twooly

    WScript.Shell Run

    Going to a path without white space it works as expected. I also tried putting quotes around the entire entry and that didn't work. Strange. Thanks for the help.
  3. twooly

    WScript.Shell Run

    Going to a different path without the spaces. Thanks
  4. twooly

    WScript.Shell Run

    Not sure why I can't get this to work. Running the output from the wscript.echo line on the command prompt works fine and outputs the text file. But doesn't within the script (doesn't create the text file). I'm pretty sure it has to do with the spaces in the path but since it works with copy...
  5. twooly

    AD Object Modified By

    Any one knwo if an AD object has a modified by attribute? I see whenChanged, whenCreated attributes but would also like an attribute showing who last modified it or created it. Does that exist? Thanks in advance.
  6. twooly

    Emuerate All User Properties

    Thanks guys got it going.
  7. twooly

    Emuerate All User Properties

    Can some help me one how I can enumerate all user properties in AD instead of having to specify what I want like below? I'm looking for a specific value but also want to know the attributeName that is hold it. Thanks in advance. objCommand.CommandText = "<" & strADsPath &...
  8. twooly

    Date Time Formating Help

    I'm having a terrible time trying to format date/time from the installed software registry key (uninstall key) due to many formats being used. Some example dates: Fri Nov 02 19:20:55 CST 2007 9/18/2006 4-26-2004 Does anyone have ideas on how I can best do this? I need to format to a mysql...
  9. twooly

    Not Enough Server Storage

    Got a strange one that I can't get figured out. The script works great on several other machines but for some reason won't on one machine where I need to run it. I get the "Not enough server storage to process that command" Thanks in advance. The line it errors on is highlighted in red...
  10. twooly


    Sorry should have said I need to figure out what it is remotely.
  11. twooly


    Can someone help me on how to get the systemdrive variable on a win2k box? I know how to do it on win2k3 using the win32_operatingsystem just can't get it figured out for a win2k box.
  12. twooly

    Get System Time Remotely

    I just love all the ways things can be done. Here's what I did Function GetTime(vServer) On Error Resume Next Const OpenAsDefault = -2 Const FailIfNotExist = 0 Const ForReading = 1 Set oShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") Set oFSO =...
  13. twooly

    Get System Time Remotely

    Anyone have ideas on how to get the system time of servers remotely? I'm think I may use the net time \\server and parse that out.
  14. twooly

    For Loop Question

    I went a different route to get my answer so you can ignore this.
  15. twooly

    For Loop Question

    I have a for loop question on how to move to the next item if a condition is meant (Not Exit the for just move to the next item) For i to Ubount(array) if something = something Then <----- Go to the next item in the for -----> End if Do other stuff here if...
  16. twooly

    Kill process problem

    Works for processes my id owns but not processes other users own.
  17. twooly

    Kill process problem

    Nope same exact thing. Its really weird. It works if the process is opened by the same user I am trying to kill it with but not if another user opened it. strComputer = "server" set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=Impersonate,(debug)}!\\" & strComputer &...
  18. twooly

    Kill process problem

    Same thing Could not kill process. Error code: 2
  19. twooly

    Kill process problem

    Ok I figured out why but brings up another question with it. I had the process up and running under a different account than from the one I am kill from. So how can I kill the process even though its running as a different user? (I am an Administrator on the box)
  20. twooly

    Kill process problem

    Opps forgot to set that back. Back to the Error code 2. I tried both the PID and Name both gave the Error Code 2.

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