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Search results for query: *

  1. oddball

    Keystroke Event

    I want every keystroke of typing a numerical value (weeks) into a text field, to immediately change values in two other fields. Have put the script in the onblur__ Action but to trap every keystroke I put it in the Format Custom Keystroke Action. This doesn't seem to work as I had thought ie...
  2. oddball

    Getting the date format from a field

    This seemed to have the right affect: util.printd("d mmmm yyyy", util.scand("d mmmm yyyy", wiz_3d.value))
  3. oddball

    Getting the date format from a field

    Have got a field which has a date format (dd mmmm yyyy). The date is auto formatted when the user types in the date e.g.: 1 jun 2003 -------> 01 June 2003 However, if I then access the value of that field i get the unformatted user input rather than the nicely formatted date shown to you on...
  4. oddball

    Using a text box for a Bulletin board input

    How do i get the input typed in a multiline text box to register carraige returns as <br>'s when displaying as html in the resulting 'thread' datalist. Is there a simple encoding/conversion method or do i have to recognise and replace the carraige returns at say the stored procedure level...
  5. oddball

    Referencing the page Body or Form from Global.asax?

    I need to render the Body or Form tags of every aspx page loaded with a javascript event. This event will open a popup when the main browser is closed. I can add javacript events to objects using: object.Attributes.Add(&quot;onunLoad&quot;, &quot;Logoff.aspx&quot;) So can i reference the...
  6. oddball

    How do i work out time spent on site when logged in

    thanks, good advice :)
  7. oddball

    How do i work out time spent on site when logged in

    Thanks Zarcom, but how would i deal with users that simply close the browser instead of logging out. I would still like to register their Logout Time. Does closing the browser Abandon the Session for that user or does the session persist untill it times out? cheers, si
  8. oddball

    How do i work out time spent on site when logged in

    How can i work out the duration of a Forms Authenticated User on a website so that a monthly total can be kept in the database.
  9. oddball

    How to encode carriage returns into &lt;br&gt;

    DB stores input from a text area (nvarchar 3000) with carriage returns in it, is there an easy way to get it to then display this in a datareader with the carriage returns still in place ie. <br> instead cheers, si
  10. oddball

    Dealing with DBNull results in a Datareader

    Tried it and i now get this error: &quot;'DBNull' is a type and cannot be used as an expression.&quot; what else can i try, cheers, si
  11. oddball

    Dealing with DBNull results in a Datareader

    Always have this problem whenever a DB query returns Null values for certain columns to my Datareader. I don't know how to check if any of the values returned are Null before setting the control Text property or SelectedIndex to it. With the code below i get the following error message...
  12. oddball

    Data Types

    Have the following stored procedure, that crops html content out of the Description Column in my Events Table: =========================================================== ALTER PROCEDURE GetEvents ( @ModuleID int ) AS SELECT ItemID, CreatedByUser, WhereWhen, CreatedDate...
  13. oddball

    Stuff Function &amp; NText

    Have a 'Description' Column in my SQL7 DB which is currently NVarchar (4000). Need to change the data type to allow more characters. NText seemed to be the way to go, but it causes errors saying that its not a valid selection for Argument 1 of the Stuff function (I thought the stuff function...
  14. oddball

    Extracting Day, Month and Year values individualy from a date

    Great, didn't know it was as simple as that, cheers, si
  15. oddball

    Extracting Day, Month and Year values individualy from a date

    How do i get the numerical Day component from a Date variable. ie I have a variable declared, and assigned a value as below: =========================================================== Dim dateofbirth as Date Dim users As New ASPNetPortal.UsersDB() Dim dr_id As SqlDataReader =...
  16. oddball

    Link to external text file

    New to Director, but need to create a Director project that will effectivley be a template that references a series of files on starting, to provide the content. These files will be of the following type: Graphic file (eg .bmp) Text Movie Clip (.mpg) This will allow the end user to change the...
  17. oddball

    Removing sections from strings in rows returned

    Thanks very much Terry, that worked perfectly.
  18. oddball

    Removing sections from strings in rows returned

    Unfortunatley i'm using SQL 7 (shame that looks a lot easier). Would be grateful for the code for that version, cheers, si
  19. oddball

    Removing sections from strings in rows returned

    Help please, am still stuck on how to incorporate While loop into my stored procedure, cheers, si

Part and Inventory Search
